Insult the country above you

Insult the country above you

Micheal Jordan is the only Jordan that people actually know and care about.

betrayed palestine for the jews

Needs to kill more in the middle east.

you made us do it goyim

brexit for faggots

Needs to brexit already

Fuck California

hey greatest country on earth, how are you doing?

Both are true.
Russians need to make more Vodka.
Americans need to sell more guns.

British "empire" went from the largest ever to just your small island kingdom in less than a hundred years

Brutally sad!

It's a fucking shithole, m8. Full of pakis.

>not being America

you fucking idiots controlled practically the entire world and somehow managed to throw it all away in the span of a few hundred years, now you've got nothing left but a shitty cold island.

Toast sandwich.

cheap toothpaste

Hey you fucks made us give it up and give it to you.

We are so proud of you.

You faggots get all your news from shit-tier leftist clickbait and most of the productivity in science and technology is coming from gooks and poos you bring over for cheap labor.

Your country is a paki infested shit-hole with ugly women and horrible cuisine. Glad I don't live there.

America Lite

First time I heard about this country, kek

You can't be 2 countries at once

saint shits and butkiss

Literally who?

It's like we are the same country if you think about it...

At least he brushes his teeth

Destroyer of europe

wait isnt nevis like a big ship or something ?

At least we know the EU is shit.

>naming your country after some irrelevant fucking saint nobody else has ever heard of


destroyer of europe

the only country that's more cucked than us...


Marmite fucker

He's probably Welsh.


ruined my summer with that refugee shit
absolutely 0 whites in gotenburg

very gay but very rich with ahmeds and roaches its awful



fourth reich when?

Deutschland fur Deutschbags.

Land of cucks


soon, but it'll be a caliphate


Somali cum dumpster

Isn't the EU the Fourth Reich?

Somali Swedistan

I don't need to say anything to insult you, everything wrong with you is painfully obvious.

Refugee ball drainer


that's literally the biggest insult ever

literally never had democracy fucked eastern europe for 200 years but the people are great

fake Kuwait

newfag pls leave, also, take achmed's cock out of your mouth for two seconds and lets stick these wires to your head real quick.

and thats a bad thing ? you fantasies about sucking big refugee cock and drinking arab semen all day

you want this arab cock but you wont get it fat pig skinned neet

you are the Belgium of the Middle East

fake chyna

Turkish Gyspy fuckers

>Namefags on /pol
Worst VP yet.

Oh whaddup Saddam's old whipping boy?

انتم ابناء الماعز

your pretzels are only mid range quality

This post summaries the new Europe.

>ohh geee look at this flag
How's the queen fellow Muslim cuck?

Destroyer of Europe

How's the falklands?

Anyone can do it, just put MikePence in the name field and it will automatically generate a nickname for you.

lol we have one of the strongest armies


you elected a president who will make every future president look terrible

Not actually white and we stole your Falklands.

very badly translated arabic that says "You are sons of goats"

You're women won't fuck you and you aren't white


israel belongs to israel goy

burns well

Your country's name will forever be synonymous with nigger shoes.

Right back at you fag.


fuck off

You weren't a good dad to us. Hence why we left home

There are more brown people in your capital than in Argentina.


Maybe if you didn't suck France's dick, we would be more proud of you.

Your country always has, and always will be shit with horrendous wealth disparities and crime.

Literally your entire country is a joke

Right back at ya

there hasn't been a relevant Hungarian since Atilla



Your country is filled with zika-infected favelas
Who the hell is Saint Kitts?

I heard you are all Gypsies that don't take showers like Bulgarians

Hahaha I'm gonna miss Brit bantz once they all fall victims to Muslim cock
How's the "being a big fat cuck to Israel & Saudi Arabia" going for you mike?

litteraly who.

60% white

What have I to say, Argentina itself it is an insult to humanity.

The disappointment son.

Wanna RP? *blushes* :3

The falkland islands are great this time of the year. But you wouldn't know, would you?