Stop using google
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There's nothing wrong with Google or Alphabet for that matter. It's super convenient to have everything connected with Gmail and Chrome on the computer to android and gapps on the mobile. Only a autist would stop using googles services because of some conspiracy theory.
Yes, exactly go- guy.
>that post
OK jamal, whatever you say
>no pedophile
we still have ways to go.
the second image is a little misleading because DDG is actually powered by yahoo
now theyre pretending they do it for every person/group but they really just used to do it to protect their own until they got called out on it over and over
now do trump,
nice trips btw
Get a real job, Shareblue.
At least google has something right.
wtf I love Google now
ddg is fucking savage
>donald trump is a savage
I think they meant "donald trump is savage"
Probably part of why I use it. I doesn't sugar coat anything.
>fucking sweden
duckduckgo is my default browser now.
i mean search engine
You realize the top results on search engines are based on what people search most? So basically people who use Duck Duck Go are really irrational and paranoid conspiracy theorists, which is probably why it's the default search engine on the Tor browser. Sing along in the age of paranoia, folks.
t. Eric Schmidt
>Be American, doesn't use American Companies
Apple, Google, Microsoft and Intel have everything you need for enjoying your time spent on the PC.
Why don't you want to support your own companies?
>So basically people who use Duck Duck Go are really irrational and paranoid conspiracy theorists
Fine by me.
DDG is American too.
>I know how search engines work
>proceeds to describe outdated and nonexistent features
>donald trump is a bore
Did an aristocratic Brit write this?
Google seems alright
Nice digits. Don't give that faggot anymore (you)s please.
I'm not paranoid. I use DDG as a fuck you to Google and to promote competition in the search engine business.
>is a wanted man dead or alive
W-what's his bounty?
yeah I'm sure most peopel search "george soros is awesome" on google
Just because you say something doesn't exist doesn't make it true. Words don't alter reality. They just make it stupider.
stop being a cuck
overpriced shit, not needed
use it very rarely, all useful links can be located in social networks etc, not needed
Use linux
Ok, this one is needed, but it in decade or so it will fall
You're from Argentina. You guys have lots of paranoids hanging around. You could be one of them. I personally think George Soros is a nice guy who has done many great things all around the world. Not all billionaires are jerks.
Did you essentially just say you get your news on Facebook and Twitter?
Well I just looked it up and can confirm you are incorrect. It really is sad that so much of Sup Forums is technologically illiterate because people like you can spout bullshit and some may believe you.
>Ok, this one is needed, but it in decade or so it will fall
And what will replace it? AMD? They already had their chance and blew it.
Post a link to what you "looked up" then. I shouldn't have to tell you to do that, fool.
>he doesn't think the content on search engines I'd curated
>he believes Google hasn't completely abandoned the don't be evil philosophy
Either retard or CTR. Everyone has an agenda, those with billions on the line more so
Who in the fucking world googles phrases of this format?
>"X is Y"
I'm sick of google's shit.
WHat is the best alternative? Is it that duck one?
Protip: AMD is also American, so is NVIDIA.
You literally can't escape the big American cock when it comes to technology.
No, we use vk.com in Russia. There's no censorship.
People looking for an echo chamber.
Unless your Chinese. :^)
1. Laying in bed on my phone, that's mOre work than you are worth
2. You made the initial claim without any evidence whatsoever beside "you knowing what you are talking about". I'm not going to present facts and evidence to a shill who won't do the same. There's no point.
>he doesnt know the 1800x is under 500 dollars
what does intel charge for a 6950x?
Long been debunked on snopes, you people are fucking mouth breathers, but in fact I'm surprised you even remember how to breathe.
x86 is extremely retarded CPU architecture. Intel engineers works hard to overcome its limitations with advanced microarchitecture features, but there is no much success (some inside here). I'll vote for ARM
>he also doesn't know the 480 is $200
reddit go home
>tries to piece together some sort of vague goalpost-moving "point"
>decides the perfect coup de gras would be Green Day lyrics
The stereotype writes itself.
Dude, I was seriously just about to out him as a Correct the Record conspiracy theorist but decided it would be prudent to not make such assumptions. You just outed yourself though. LOL. It's like the Socratic method except you apply it to yourselves by yourselves because you are so un-self aware.
I use Bing
However I still use Youtube
>I can't come up with a counter argument so I'll pretend snopes is in on some jewish conspiracy.
that's what I got
>you will never be smothered to the brink of death by this
Says the dude who is shilling for Google being our friend
>checks posts by this ID
Don't talk shit on Green Day, faggot. American Idiot is one of the most consistent and listenable pop punk albums ever recorded. It was also their last good album, because 21st Century Breakdown essentially was exactly what the title says. Poor Billy Joe, he had so much going for him.
now do it with your credit card number
post results
It's a well established fact that Snopes is biased and doesn't even check shit. Maybe if you were part of Sup Forums culture and not a shill you would know that.
ARM is also an architecture and Intel (American) also fabricates ARM chips. If you want an American-less computing machine then the best you can do is a Chinkpad made in China that consists of:
CPU: Loongson (Chink)
Graphics: SiliconMotion (Taiwan)
OS: Linux
>paranoid conspiracy theorists
Sum 41's all killer, no filler blows American idiot out of the water
>pop punk
Thanks for the chuckle
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
Next you're going to tell me pedos put razor blades in Halloween candy and drug dealers distribute LSD to school children on lick and stick tattoos.
How many Google community evangelists are ITT right now? Infographic a frighten the shills.
We need a compilation of the good ones to spread around, the hillary one that caught some attention was great.
Nope, as I have no reason to believe that.
I also have no reason to continue engaging with you beside to point out that your opinions are invalid and likely paid for.
>checks posts by this ID
You are entitled to your opinion, even though you are closed-minded and/or have dysfunctional auditory senses. I don't want to make any assumptions, but let me ask you, do you hate hip-hop too?
I've never listened to Sum 41. Doesn't change the fact that American Idiot is like the Abbey Road of pop punk.
None. If you say all this because of stuff Snowden leaked your wrong and he is a Russian spy, which makes him a traitor that shouldn't be trusted.
>I'd just like to interject for a moment
Why doesn't it get stale? It's like "pardon my interruption, my vision is augmented". I always smile at this pasta.
No pedophile, molester?
I'm a little amazed at how heavy the shilling is right now.
it's super convenient you be replaced by shitskins
>he insulted my music tastes
>better call him an autist
>checks posts by this ID
You gave up your chance to be agreed with on anything by shilling so fucking hard earlier in the thread.
Duck duck is pretty good. I have it as default search on my phone.
it's been great watching this guy crash and burn, but seriously, we can't let him get the nuclear codes
You are missing an "a". Add it and have your mind blown
This is good
i actually see no problem with this
>another episode of Sup Forums not understanding jewgles suggestion algorithm
Surprise surprise. Suggestions use location and previous searches to attempt to guess what your next search topic will be. For example:
>What is gumbo
>gumbo recipe
Now the most common thing searched after searching for a gumbo recipe is typically:
>How to make a roux
So jewgle will auto fill after "how" because that fits the trend.
Their suggestion algorithms are too complicated for the Jews to manipulate them without it being not only obvious, but it will also break the suggestion mechanism completely.
Now if you really want to see the google Juden in action, all you have to do is pay attention to the doodles or whatever the fuck they call it. That is where they do the virtue signalling.
Also I think jewgle recently started pushing suggestions based on common searches from your social circle, which is determined by Facebook data quite easily. This is where you get the mind reading jewgle suggestions. Now these can get creepy.