How sexist are you?
How is knowing that the gender pay gap is a myth sexist?
because reality is sexist
I'm the sexiest!
You Got: 49% sexist!
Careful – you're in real danger of sexism! Think before you speak! And think before you think. Just think more. 'Cause sexism is bad.
The phrasing of these questions leaves no middle ground, your either an sjw or a card carrying mysoginist.
That being said my wife stays at home and does as she is told, and gets spanked when she fucks up. So i am not the best example...
75% questions are cancer af m8
Why do you think there are so few women in politics?
>Because men are more naturally suited to leadership and politics.
>Because women have babies in their 30s.
>Because voters are sexist, women aren't supported in government, and face so much harassment.
>Because they just don't want to be.
Should be
>There's too many women in politics
Seriously, it has to be 50/50 by this point. I see the cunts everywhere.
I'm the opposite of sexist.
I think if women want to suffer just as much as men, they should be allowed to.
But, you need to understand that equality doesn't mean equity.
What % sexist are you?
You Got: 96% sexist!
Yiiiikes ok! This is a thing you can work on – it's not too late for you to become less of a sexist. Come join us in 2017, because the only good thing about the 1950s was the hair.
>the current year
>95% sexist
>Answer every single question as if I was anti-male
>3% sexist
Misandry doesn't exist to buzzfeed, I see.
According to this fuckstick I can believe women should be the breadwinner, men should do house work, that men don't belong in any position of power, and that's okay because reverse sexism (Again, defined as misandry) doesn't exist.
>literally pointing out the year
Shouldn't have expected better from buzzfeed
Got an 84%; mad respect bruv
>90% sexist
good, time go go drink beer and eat a sammich
>having this weak a grasp of sexual duality
You're on a level 1 redpill; gotta go deeper
I am the sexiest.
I am 100% Sexists and my wife loves it.
Didnt even notice the current year haha
I understand the full depth of situation.
If they want equality, that means by definition, equal suffering.
That means waking up at 5am to slave for a company that doesn't give a fuck about you, for a family that takes it for granted.
The word equality has been conflated with equity.
>pic the old man in a lab coat in front of blackboard instead of the smug woman clutching a bag as a professor
>That makes me a sexist
I'm 66% sexist and I got the same message lol ... wtf ...
some of these questions were so fucking biased, holy shit. There was no middle ground, just yes or no
yeah you are
Praise kek
You Got: 93% sexist!
Yiiiikes ok! This is a thing you can work on – it's not too late for you to become less of a sexist. Come join us in 2017, because the only good thing about the 1950s was the hair.
I passed the test!
>Choose the white woman as the nurse
>Choose the bearded man as the professor
i got 84%
fuck, ill try for a higher score next time.
picking the blonde girl makes you sexist? ayyy
The funny thing is most women I know would want the female nurse, male boss and male doctor. Women more than men don't like to be told what to do by other women
seriously, why would you pick any other professor
Blonde white girl, the choices were a white woman, a nu-male, and a black woman with a "aw hell naw" hair-cut
I wish that I could go back to the 1950's.
>100,000% smug
You Got: 98% sexist!
Yiiiikes ok! This is a thing you can work on – it's not too late for you to become less of a sexist. Come join us in 2017, because the only good thing about the 1950s was the hair.
>Careful – you're in real danger of sexism! Think before you speak! And think before you think. Just think more. 'Cause sexism is bad.
> 'Cause sexism is bad
I'm sort of tired of being told things are bad just because they think it is
>Not picking Jebediah "unload my nine into the feminist line" Schmidt
>Think before you speak! And think before you think. Just think more. 'Cause sexism is bad.
Serious question: How do we destroy buzzfeed?
You Got: 96% sexist!Yiiiikes ok! This is a thing you can work on – it's not too late for you to become less of a sexist. Come join us in 2017, because the only good thing about the 1950s was the hair.
>picking the guy that probably teaches humanities/sociology
You just let it destroy itself.
New generations aren't buying into their shit.
>You Got: 72% sexist!
the way they worded these questions was awful
>You Got: 91% sexist!
>Yiiiikes ok! This is a thing you can work on – it's not too late for you to become less of a sexist. Come join us in 2017, because the only good thing about the 1950s was the hair.
What the fuck I went out of my way to be as sexist as possible. Can 100% even be possible?
99% BTFO
Don't lie, this strong black woman would make the best boss. She would never judge you based on being white or a man. She would never talk way to loud on personal phone calls and take two hour lunches. I've never met a black person who wasn't professional or hard working
what a bullshit quiz. is buzzfeed that vapid and void of coherent thought?
the other guy had a blackboard with writing and shit
Those fucking plebs sure don't know about good music, good cars and good clothing from the 50's.
Also I got 94% because I chose a woman for the nurse.
>sorry user, since we are in a deficit of diversity, we'll have to let you go
>we want a diverse staff so we only hire black women
of course it's bullshit, they think that pointing out the flaws in the "gender pay gap" theory is sexist, even if pointing out those flaws will help equalize the pay between genders
they need to make a test with simple questions with definite answers, and the more you get right, at the end it accuses you of varying levels of mental handicap intolerance, and conversely praises people who do poorly and get that circulating
intentionally being wrong and stupid should be part of the left's liberal agenda so lets make being smart a form of intolerance
I'm really not sexist at all so this is pretty ridiculous. Picking between the doctors and shit is really unfair and the wording is garbage. Can't believe people writing at this level actually are paid and considered "professional."
I love how picking mostly balanced answers and an even spread of those awful "choose the photo of the person who you think I'd X" means I'm 71%.
It's redundant as hell, but fuck buzzfeed. Can't wait for the day they're buzzard feed.
Eat shit
Short stock (most effective). Destroy leadership by accusing them of pedophilia and other high crimes. Multiple and elaborate campaign to destroy credibility of the site and reduce it to tabloid status. Get their (((reporters))) to engage in some kind of treasonous act (national security kind of thing) so the feds would do the job for Sup Forums of shutting it down.
That would take too long. The longer they're around, the more damage the can do by promoting degeneracy and such.
You Got: 22% sexist
Surprisingly, those questions were adequate
>good cars
This. Have you ever been in one?
Pure fucking aesthetics right down to the godly rumble of it's mighty engine. Civilization peaked in this period.
Nah, I chose a woman as a nurse and got 99%
loaded questions. report buzzfeed
>Short stock (most effective).
buzzfeed is a private company fuckhead
Why are you retards actively providing buzzfeed with ad revenue?
this guy
>Today we're going to discuss why the holocaust was so bad
other guy
>Today we're doing to learn quantum physics. Stop fucking talking about politics and pay attention.
>those "pick a person to be x"
>well dressed dude vs woman with wild hair and a sleeveless shirt
>male doctor with team or black woman who looks like it's her first day on the job
>creepy male nurse vs black chick who looks like she got out of bed vs semi cute blonde
>professor with class vs awesome bearded dude with math behind him vs lady slacking in office
Shit's stacked against you so you come off as sexist.
Who IS this Urethral Umpire?
>Hannah (((Jew)))ell
Uh, Like yikes! This is systemically problematic.
It's literally 2017 and I'm still this sexist.
>84% Sexist.
Seems about right. Even if I'm usually quiet about it.
This test is BS though.
Stop going to buzzfeed.
>Have you ever described a girl as "slutty"?
Acknowledging that a girl is slutty is sexism?
>Have you judged a woman's intelligence because of the way she speaks?
Judging someone by the way that person speaks is sexism?
>Do you think sexism still exists?
Not thinking there is sexism is sexist?
its called freedom you fascist pig
It's the current year!!
I love how they're aware, at least to some degree, of the fact that women are generally about as funny as a corpse.
Because I actually like buzzfeed. They have interesting "did you know" or "top 10" articles and their recipe section is top notch.
>the only good thing about the 1950s was the hair
I would also add violence against minorities
How will I be able to recognize and dismantle my privilege then?
>not using an ad blocker
I got 100% despite choosing the black nurse.
Because the other guy with the thicker beard looks based as fuck.
There is no proof that sexism against women is bad.
Yeah, there was some car contest and some guy gave everyone a quick ride across the street with his convertible. It's kinda sad that cars lack this godliness these days.
I voted as a female supremacist now.
Always picked the women, except the nurse, where I picked the male nurse.
I got 4% sexist.
The dude on the right looks like one of the Gallagher brothers from Oasis
Adblock + Umatrix
Not really giving them anything.
Why is this sexism test testing my racism?
>implying niggers should be in charge of anything.
Really empires my dust.
>ad revenue
Are you a disabled man using firefox and no adblocker?
>old white man vs. young black women
Shilled every single answer to get a 0%
>You Got: 0% sexist!
It was physically discomforting to go through, and I feel a bit disgusted with myself now.
Aren't both answers racist and sexist anyway?
>no one got 100% yet
feels good to be superior
You filthy, filthy whore