>Milo rides the BBC
>Sam Hyde fucked a tranny and has AIDS
>Gavin McInnes is a druggie hipster who shoves foreign objects up his ass
>Andrew Anglin travels to foreign countries to have sex with children
Why are Sup Forums's guys such degenerates?
Milo rides the BBC
Other urls found in this thread:
Because the alt-right is not a legitimate movement but instead a collection of fringe teenagers who think that saying they're nazis is edgy.
Only 50% of Sup Forums is heterosexual and probably less than 50% white
>implying pol doesn't know controlled opposition when pol sees it
Lurk moar shill
>Sam Hyde has AIDS
There should be an "Alt-White" for shitskins on Sup Forums who like LARPing as a different race
It's almost like reactionary losers accuse everyone of the same degenerate acts they partake in!
>Why are Sup Forums's guys such degenerates?
Why are you assuming everyone who posts here has the same ideals?
None of these fags are "my guys".
The "Is X ourguy" shit is likely social engineering.
>Sup Forums's guys
Real oldfag Sup Forums users are monarchists.
The right should distance themselves from Milo. He's too easy a target and will self-implode soon.
I do like that he's offensive and charming in that British way.
He doesn't. It's just some meme having to do with a mexican tranny camwhore from /lgbt/.
Sup Forums elected the first openly gay vice-president
maybe this board is just more progressive than you thought, limey.
Because they aren't our guys, they are TRS's guys
>I do like that he's offensive and charming in that British way.
Milo and PJW are proof that Americans will believe anyone with a British accent is smart.
>Having ""guys""
I've never liked any of these people. The only person that I have checked back and watched every once in awhile is Jim/IA.
>charming in that British way
Have you ever seen a decent British comedian before?
Milo goes for the whole "clever british person to market to fatburgers" shtick but it only makes the most offensive thing about him how unfunny he is.
That British shit only seems to work on underaged/half-retarded Americans, although I guess you can still make some bank like that.
Truth Bombs making neets cry. None of these little fags here have credibility in the real world.
none of those people are Sup Forums
>Milo rides the BBC
Probably a meme
>Sam Hyde fucked a tranny and has AIDS
Didn't happen
>Gavin McInnes is a druggie hipster who shoves foreign objects up his ass
>Andrew Anglin travels to foreign countries to have sex with children
Why are Sup Forums's guys such degenerates?
>None of these little fags here have credibility in the real world
>got a celebrity billionaire elected president of the united states
Having a British accent in America immediately makes everything you say 100000000x more credible. I can be racist as fuck with liberal Americans and they still nod along.
It's true... all of it.
>Andrew Anglin travels to foreign countries to have sex with children
Proof or you're a (((smear artist)))
>Sam Hyde fucked a tranny and has aids
You got some sauce on that?
5 seconds on Google Images will prove it's true. Plus anyone who mentions it on the mde subreddit gets instabanned.
It's the opposite most of the time in my experience. Most people I know get annoyed as fuck when someone with a foreign accent tries to talk US politics.
sam hyde fucked a tranny jesus christ Sup Forums can not get any fucking better
you fucks better get trump reelected
false flag!
>lists off a number of contr op fags
>urrr wy iz Sup Forums suck degenerats?
go eat a dick opie
Because they're not Sup Forums's guys, they're media constructs (((they))) would like to be perceived as Sup Forums's guys.
>Because they're not Sup Forums's guys, they're media constructs (((they))) would like to be perceived as Sup Forums's guys.
If they're all media constructs who does that leave?
This meme is really old. You can LARP all you want about Sup Forums "winning trump the election" but you did as much to help Trump as CTR did to help Hillary.
Sup Forums isn't a cohesive group you fucking retard, it's a discussion space where anyone can come and shovel their shitty opinions at everyone else.