Where can you find a nice, moderately red pilled, loyal woman Sup Forums?
Between work and college, I can't seem to come across any. The only ones in my classes/work are uggos and degenerates.
Where can you find a nice, moderately red pilled, loyal woman Sup Forums?
Between work and college, I can't seem to come across any. The only ones in my classes/work are uggos and degenerates.
inb4 asianmasculinity chink poster reveals pic related fucks a chink
Try your local mosque
You won't find any of them in America
Women are only nice and loyal when it is enforced by the law
the church
of scientology
None around here, just mormon temples, but mormons tend to stay within the pack
you will never fuck
Go to church.
Dunno but once you do.
Cummy in her cunty
While men are loyal voluntarily? Bitch, they made it illegal to have sex before marriage because males would ditch pregnant woman after fucking them, leaving them to raise a kid alone
Have you tried Argentina?
There are two carbonated Jews and at least one electronic Jew in that picture. The girl is obviously not redpilled. And what's with "moderately redpilled," user? You want to be moderately cucked or something, Goy?
All those anti feminist women are attention whores. Like gamer girls.
Christian churchs and middle Aamerica (red states)
If you live on the coasts or a blue state then you will have a tough time
>While men are loyal voluntarily?
Yes, men are loyal voluntarily because women will dump them otherwise.
>Where can you find a nice, moderately red pilled, loyal woman Sup Forums?
Where can I find a nice Southern conservative girl like this?
Try communist Russia
>because women will dump them otherwise
Beta detected
Rural areas.
You're not going to find decent women in the cities
Same girl as above here
They're made, not found.
pick two
You don't look for a woman. You look for her parents. If the family isn't stable, the kids sure as fuck won't be.
I'm srsly considering joining the LDS church and moving to Utah.
I've been hit on by 3 married Mormon women. They're just as depraved as the rest - just put a nicer face on it.
this makes too much sense!!
Any woman can be made red pilled. My wife goes with me to the gym thrice a week, makes sure our meals are cooked and the house is clean. She always gives me a bj when the day has been rough and she always initiates. She has her days when she's troublesome, creates drama and basically needs attention, but that comes with the territory. Just establish yourself as the man in the relationship and she's fall in line.
What kind of a loyal woman isn't redpilled?
Talat knows what's up
High school
You can only expect a woman to conform to your desires if you teach her to. If you're legitimately too old to swing a high school girl then find the most moderate woman you can and make do with her. If you're nice to her and slowly drop the pills she'll vote the way you want in every election.
great,thanks to constant blacked memes and cuckposting I cant get the idea of every blonde white girl ive seen getting fucked by niggers,thanks Sup Forums you've cucked me more than any girl or the MSM or the jews.
I didn't know bj's were legal in Pakistan
Choose one faggot
im asian with a hot af blue eyed british gal : ^ )
Only from a male to male friend
This, where the fuck are they at?
Literally all I see are ugly fat bitches everywhere
You're going to need a time machine bro.
ok male on male oral
what happens to you if you get caught
they receive the full benefits of the religion of peace.
Just say you got stung on the tongue by a jellyfish
Only between cousins.
Welcome to the real world.
I wanna smell that
Already have, but thanks
You donĀ“t find a good girl. You make one.
but would you children pass as white...the loss of the blue eyes is a shame,But white skin + white brains= white race.
>inb4 cuck
ideally this guy should be lynched.
I just said if you got CAUGHT
no excuses, you're caught being a faggot
what do??
Go to jail, do not pass go
like i give a fuck. I only care about Danish girls. Everyone else are foreigners
Same girl as the OP
luckily asian cuckposting is rare,and white grill male asian offspring is bangeable and 99%white.
is that StPeach?
do you get whipped? what gets you beheaded in pakistan? or a victim of mob justice?
I bet her pussy doesn't smell that bad at all. What a charming lass, I hope she doesn't burn coal
I like fucking Danish girls because they sound the same whether my dick is in their mouth or not
My gf started off liberal as fuck but I'm slowly redpilling her. Just the other day she said she thinks her feminist friends need to stop whining constantly about Trump.
Women need a strong man, user. Even feminists will pick a redpilled guy that lifts over a pencil-necked liberal. Just be /fit/ and women won't care about your politics as long as you don't start going full DEUS VULT (that comes after they're redpilled)
That's because your language is so feminine
Don't forget to plow the sidewalks
That's not the joke you dumb shart, Danish is like Swedish but with a cock shoved down your throat
I hope she doesnt either
>Caught by family
Most probably shunned. Father could become severely depressed and might even suicide.
Ostracised unless they're liberal and trying to push the Jewish agenda
>Random stranger
Likely to be beaten up and lynched if a mob forms
Slapped around and down a few hundred dollars in bribe
Trump rallies
>go to the motherland (worst Korea)
>get a white virgin gf while there
>feel kinda bad for racemixing, but going to work at locking her down anyway
Is the tide finally in the favor of bananas?
haha, so men don't cheat
cmon. i didnt know "being redpilled" essentially meant "pretending away facts I dont like"
Go prep your bull
wow that's nothing they need to be punished..
what gets you beheaded no matter what in Pakistan
look closely behind her on the balcony here
What do you think an asshole like that smells like?
Yeah, I know what the joke is. And it only sounds like that to you because your dialect is so feminine while the Danes speak from the bottom of their throat. Swedes are just feminist faggots so everything you do is feminine.
Nothing. You'll get hanged but never beheaded, this isn't Afghanistan. Maybe if you walk into a mosque with elements from al-qaeda and take a dump on the Quran.
Dollar store/discount food markets like Aldis cashiers, waitresses at country style resturants, church, stuff like that. Im dating a modest girl thats only had two cocks in her wet pussy hole, and she is adorbs. i touched her butt the other night. Im gonna get in there and ruin her forever with my 8 incher.
20/10 wouldn't pull out
user pretty much nailed it here. Also note, parentS with an S. if a woman was raised by a single mother, she will be a worthless whore 100% of the time
how brown are you on a scale 1-10?
What do you think of her form?
oh my bad. no disrespect..
have you ever met someone who was killed later?
whats her snapchat holi fuck
The past.
arm day :DDDDDD
3. I'm from Kashmir so we're relatively fair. My sister, mother and both grandmothers look like they're from Europe
she knows what she's doing with those little shorts on
on a scale 1-10 for whiteness im like a 7-10
dirty italian genes, ruining everything
If anyone wanted sauce
wew this thetan is operating on all 8 dynamics
wait, isn't she a trannie?