They're not communist, 100x less expansionist than we are, and not a huge economic competitor like China is. Also, with (((Mutually Assured Destruction))) they're never going to invade Europe. So why all the crippling sanctions? Someone please explain this to me
Why are we supposed to hate the Russians?
Who hates Russia? Most people hate Putin except for Trump
And why doesn't Russia just join NATO?
We're not supposed to hate them, that's absurd. Only echoed by left-wing radicals.
But forgive me for not wanting to be their besties, either. They rather prefer a destabilized US than a competitive one. I see them the same as China.
They are one of the only somewhat relevant country not afraid to call out the US for its shit.
I say hate because of the sanctions and troop build ups on their border
Because muh sphere of influence basically
*North Atlantic* Treaty Organization
that's why you fucking twat
Because they are harboring Snowden (a spy and a traitor).
Because they were caught meddling in our affairs.
Because they want to ruin us so they can take our spot.
The better and more realistic question is; why does Sup Forums not hate Russia?
You're wrong, America is a warmongering nation but not expansionist. Russia is expansionist, they have actually annexed several pieces of land in the last 15 years.
Do Slavs have the best military uniforms?
Neo-Cons hate them because
>muh freedoms, muh democracy
Ignoring the fact "freedom" was essentially used to brainwash the youth into a bunch of Commies.
The US and the west always needs a geopolitical opponent/enemy. This is for financial reasons among others. Russia fits the bill the best, since China currently produces everyone's shit and nobody wants to piss them off too much.
Also at any given point in time in the recent century Russia has held opposing political beliefs from the west. First they had commies and west had capitalism/liberty/whatever.
Now it has kinda reversed. The western leftists have become the new communists, while Russia went full religious and shit.
They tried in the 90s, you didn't let them.
Explain Poland
Can't blame them in Ukraine though, most in Eastern Ukraine are basically Russian
Possibly due to their cold weather, their jackets look comfy
Then why the fuck are Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia members, you fucking inbred cunt?
Oh look it's another thread made by a Russian proxying an American flag sucking up to Russia.
Can you ruskies stop the proxy fagging? No one gives a shit about your inferiority complex. Stop trying to make it seem like everyone loves your poor shitty country with an economy half the size of California. The average American doesn't give a fuck about Russia, only democrats hate you. Your country isn't "based" it's full of muslims and taking in more every day. It's illegal to deny the holocaust. Your shitty culture is obsessed with cheating on absolutely everything since you lack intelligence and skill. Stop proxying on Sup Forums to create an illusion people love you.
Because they are white and christian and do not tolerate faggotry, niggerdom and the plague of islam
Putin asked about it again during Bush administration.
Globalist fear consolidated white nations.
I see. My best guess would be the military industrial complex needs a never ending grocery list
>why does Sup Forums not hate Russia?
maybe because Sup Forums is not /burger/?
kys shill-faggot
RIDF pls
when is the last time the US expanded its boarders? When is the last time Russia did? Fuckin moron.
Look it's another poor Russian squatting slav nigger proxying an American flag. No one gives a shit about your country. Everyone on this board knows you guys proxy flags to make it seem like everyone wants to deep throat Russian cock. It's fucking pathetic, stop it.
>that hunting camo
Nobody hates the Russians.
I hate rRussian foreign policy, that's all.
I despise what yanks did from the gulf war onward, too, but I don't hate american people for that.
>Why are we supposed to hate the Russians?
Because they want the US market share of the international weapons market
fuck off putin bot
If we don't care about them, and we don't care about China and we don't care about India then why is their border where by far the most NATO military bases are?
The liberal media and political institutions need a fake enemy to distract the plebs away from the real problems, like mass immigration and terrorism.
is there a youtube video for this?
This Comarade gets it. Dude, statistics show that 45% of people on /pol are Russian
Why are you so buttmad?
>The average American doesn't give a fuck about Russia
You give enough fucks to write that buttblasted post.
Basically, Russia broke the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances. They signed a treaty and they didn't respect it.
*blocks your path*
>Because they want to ruin us so they can take our spot.
Sorry, you can keep your spot. Too much shart.
Russia seems OK to me, they're the scapegoat of the left to blame anything and everything on. Liberals also expect us to risk nuclear armageddon for faggot rights in Russia and to protect the babymen of Ukraine.
The US is not expansionist nigger. We've not annexed another countries territory since the 19th century.
Russia literally did this a few years ago. Stop with the alternative facts. It makes you look stupid.
>need a fake enemy to distract the plebs away from the real problems, like mass immigration and terrorism.
Maybe the real problems the US faces are a crumbling infrastructure a broken food supply system and an out of control local government system.
Just a thought here
Because all the Russian proxy fagging is annoying. Can you faggots just accept you're poor without having an inferiority complex? No other nation feels so inferior they have to proxy flags and make threads and posts talking about how great they are. Russians are the only one proxy fagging pro Russian threads and posts. Completely pathetic.
Solid argument you got there buddy.
>the plague of Islam
They have a literal fuckton more Muslims than the US.
Oops! Was I not supposed to say that?
Then their opinion doesn't fucking matter.
It's not just the left. Your whole establishment hates Russia, including the neo cons
With good reason. NATO's viability is in its ability not to give Russia a contrarian veto over everything like they do in the Security council.
That's a picture of a finnish conscript, you fucking retarded amerimutt.
How many of you comrades have even been to Russia. Try flying from the LAX to VKO
You'll see the difference
What a deluded retard
Is it still a legit treaty when Ukraine doesn't exist as a country anymore and instead was replaced by a coup government?
*starts war every 3 years*
My dad hates them but he's a baby boomer and was raised to hate them. Dont blame him. I have nothing against russia and believe they could make for a great ally
You are not supposed to hate a competitor, but you are supposed to fight him (I'm not talking about military action)
Because we are historic enemies. We don't hate them, we just know that their desires are not in line with ours.
it's from the movie War Dogs actually
Also this. Any time you see a US flag fellating Putin, saying Ukraine is rightful Russia clay, asking well sure, "No proofs Russia did that, also, USA did X", or my personal favorite, vehemently dissing a US ally, then odds are good its a Proxy Ivan.
Only the Jews want us to hate Russia.
It's just a backward snow country trying to get its shit together with a bunch of Jewish evil at the top.
Russia my friend
so is your president a proxy Ivan?
Coups don't remove the State itself. States in the international system are indivisible. The Government running it can be illegitimate, but the territorial integrity of the State itself is separate from the governments legitimacy.
>you're a proxy Russian if you don't support the neocons
McCain pls go you are senile
>believe they could make for a great ally
>constantly spying on the US and attempting to subvert everything
>boy they'd sure make a great ally!
Listen to your father. You clearly have autism.
Ukraine still existed after the coup. The form of government of Ukraine is not up to the Russians. If they wanted to have Crimea, they shouldn't have signed the Budapest Memorandum.
other side of the same coin, russia is the same multiculti utopia on steroids as usa just poorer with no freedom of speech and no guns
Yeah Ivan, but you really are not in any position to judge. You've not gone 3 years without a good war either. Cechnya (twice!) Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan etc etc etc.
The different though is that every time the USA starts a war, our goal is not expanding our clay. It might be regime change, it might be punitive, but its not "expansionist".
while this thread is up can someone justify why it's wrong to invade Ukraine? Or why Even Ukraine exists
Or in fact why do the baltic states even exist?
How is it fair that Ukraine and the baltics are able to steal billions of dollars worth of infrastructure and soviet technology and then secede and call themselves an independent country
Even now 20 years later they continue to use the same soviet oil planets and live in the same soviet houses and primarily only trade with Russia yet they exist as their own separate country
Why is it unjustified for Russia to invade Ukraine and the Baltic States?
Why do so many politicians and world leaders get upset by this?
Why are the sanctions put in place when Ukraine is the instigator?
This is the stupidest shit I've ever read on Sup Forums, Americans talk shit about our allies all the time and no one but weepy liberals gives a fuck about Ukraine.
have to admit it would be pretty damn funny to see an army outfitted with this
"On 4 March 2014, Russian president replied to a question on violation of Budapest Memorandum, describing current Ukrainian situation as a revolution, when "a new state arises, but with this state and in respect to this state, we have not signed any obligatory documents".[12] Russia stated it had never been under obligation to "force any part of Ukraine's civilian population to stay in Ukraine against its will." Russia suggested that the US was in violation of the Budapest Memorandum, describing the Euromaidan as a US-instigated coup"
>less expansionist
Kek, this white trash shithole isn't giving up on any of former USSR countries and is controlling left wing parties among several eastern european countries so they can gain influence in those countries (a good example is how they are trying to gain influence in my country through PSD).
Thank you. I was born in 1988, and I have NO REASONABLE motive for treating Russia as a threat. Obama himself said "Russia's economy is trash. All the produce is gas and weapons..." Furthermore, I fucking love every Russian I have ever met; meanwhile, I watched the US BLOW any chance to restart relations w Russia when we enlarged NATO, bombed Belgrade, offered Georgia and Ukraine NATO Membership Action Plans, ad infinitum
Oh hay brock
Nobody gives a fuck about Romania user
I doubt even Russia would want you back
I think you have something of mine Bluecoat
The only thing in Ukraine that forbids secession to semi autonomous region like crimea is its legal system, there are countries that allow secession like that. Once it's clear the new guys in power don't respect constitution, no, there's really nothing to bar the secession of a region that predominantly doesn't approve of the coup
>one is defending orthodox, russian speaking minorities or fighting terrorism invited by the lawful government
>the others go full "THEY HAVE WMD TRUST ME" and destroy stable governments leaving terrorist shitholes after them
yeah, totally the same, you globalist cuck
We fought you over it
Right on Conquest
Who did Ukraine fight?
They just stole shit and cried wolf
Something about them being a free people whose government back-stabbed them or what not. I personally don't care if Russia were to take all the baltic states, they are rightful Russian clay anyhow, and Russia needs all the arable land they can get. It'd be different if Russia were trying to claim France.
So you dislike anyone who thinks for themselves. So much for western values of appreciating free thought. And maybe they wouldn't veto against in UN if they knew that those propositions weren't created to act against them, like propositions about Syria?
thanks, dad
The Baltic States are legitimate ethnicities with a long history of self determination. Lithuania as an example, was once one of the most powerful countries in Eastern Europe before they got gang banged by Russia, Prussia, Sweden and Austria. Estonia is the source of the "Russians are Vikings" memes, also ethnically and culturally distinct from Russia. All of the baltics lost their independence to varying degrees in the 17th century, like most of the smaller European nations. And like many of them, they regained their independence after WW1 and the collapse of the Medieval empires that war brought about.
archaic globalism
>Regarding the landmass of Eurasia as the center of global power, Brzezinski sets out to formulate a Eurasian geostrategy for the United States. In particular, he writes, it is imperative that no Eurasian challenger should emerge capable of dominating Eurasia and thus also of challenging America's global pre-eminence.
>The Grand Chessboard in .pdf form
Does not matter. We try and shape the world by force, and Russia does too. You are in no position of moral superiority. The only difference between the USA and Russia in this respect is we are better at it then you are.
Posted this as a reply to
>"Because they were caught meddling in our affairs."
You reap what you sow, shart.
I'm with you. Countries with bigger armies should be able to redraw their borders and spread their ideology throughout the population. Israel would rule the middle-east. America could have Mexico and Canada if it wants them. Europe and Russia could fight it out over the baltic states. I mean, we could probably eliminate Russia altogether actually.
Its not a question of "thinking for themselves". What Russia thinks and wants is fundamentally at odds with what the USA wants. There was no benefit to be had giving them a seat at the dinner table.
Again Right of Conquest
Imagine if you spend billions of dollars on infrastructure for california because you know it's part of the united states and then suddenly world war 2 happens and you don't have as much power and seeing that disadvantage they secede and take all the infrastructure with them
Now image you can't do anything against California because suddenly China says that if you do anything they'll bomb you
Does that seem fair?
What is the point of international law if it isn't enforced
>Or in fact why do the baltic states even exist?
We were independent before USSR
>How is it fair that Ukraine and the baltics are able to steal billions of dollars worth of infrastructure and soviet technology and then secede and call themselves an independent country
We built it Russians exiled us to Siberia to build their shitty infrastructure while giving us Bydlo leeches.
>Even now 20 years later they continue to use the same soviet oil planets and live in the same soviet houses and primarily only trade with Russia yet they exist as their own separate country
In 10 years those houses will go down.We don't use the same oil plants we renowned them USSR technology was behind 20 years of progress.
>Why is it unjustified for Russia to invade Ukraine and the Baltic States?
We are independent
>Why do so many politicians and world leaders get upset by this?
Bufferzone between them and Russia.
>Why are the sanctions put in place when Ukraine is the instigator?
Not Ukro.
no, the difference is that you are forceing globalism and multi-culti while Russia fights it
That's not Lithuania though, that's rjech pospolitaya, and most of its heritage belongs to Belarus.
Chechnya was an internal affair against mudslimes, Obama. Sorry that your precious jihadist pets got roasted.
Pooty-Poot made them
Sovereign. We are The Beast.