Nice try, Drumpf!
>Full employement
Sure, where it's recorded to be about 10% in some investigations
>Stock market
You know the stock market is about investing in shit the president has no control in.
>No major wars
Just bombing the shit out of the middle east
Lmao. There's delusional blindness, then there's this.
because its fake news beaner
We are still in Iraq and Afghanistan
I thought Clinton started the hosing market collapse
>tfw to intelligent to have voted for Drumpf
>tfw to smart to think that Blumpf would've changed anything
>tfw two intelligent to think a racist like Crumpf cares about people
>something like 11 million empty homes
That's a real thriving housing market.
It still angers me, that trump was right about the fake news.
how can they still blame bush after 8 years of obama?
Its like anything good bush did its was obama all along and anything bad obama did it was bush. Just how delusional are these people?
Dr*mpf is done for. This is the end of his campaign.
and amore debt from one nigger Presidents than from all the previous presidents ,combined
poo in loo
>full employment
What? Only by neoliberal standards.
>full employment
fuck off retard US labour force participation hasn't been this low since the FUCKING 1970's
>stock market
completely severed from actual economy
>recovered housing market
AHHAhahahahha ahahhahahahahahhah ahah
oh wow
>thriving car industry
sure, whatever :D
>no active major wars
hello! whats happening in syria an iraq?
>full employment
well, you know... except for the millions of unemployed/underemployed
>stock market at record highs
i believe the record high was recorded on trump's watch
>thriving us car industry
if existing and thriving mean the same thing, sure
>no active major wars
there are still no active major wars, just the same old proxy wars that always exist
kys poo in loo shitter
1) Unemploymet is high, there are alot of folksout of work myself included
2) Stock market, Is eassily manipulatable, and also, Fuck that piece of shit stock market anyway bunch of faggots
3)We are definitly in a few proxy wars, hands down
Get that trash as infograph off my board
>no active major wars
ah the old
>the president before me did this, did that
you niggers need monarchy, ASAP
>Sure, where it's recorded to be about 10% in some investigations
You are not American. You don't know what you're talking about. Go away please.
>fuck off retard US labour force participation hasn't been this low since the FUCKING 1970's
>Why can't Obama keep people from retiring waaah
Once again. You're not American stfu you don't understand our politics.
>Unemployment is high, there are alot of folksout of work myself included
Just because you're out of work doesn't mean other people are. Retard
Stock market highs are probably due to what they are calling the "Trump effect". Businesses are confident about making a profit in the future as Donald Trump has pledged to deregulate.
The US car industry is thriving but the benefits are not being reaped by the American people (until President Donald sorts it), factories moving overseas and profits going straight up.
Obama literally caused the migrant crisis, when I say literally I mean it literally.
labour force participation rate DOES NOT include retirees you god damn gigafaggot
He means a literal mess. Obama and his family left chicken bones all over the floor.
>a thriving US car industry
... by outsourcing jobs to Mexico to make a bigger profit. I thought the left was for "workers" and stuff. Just not American ones I guess.
I love you Pedro! the wall will fight your drug lords.
>Unemploymet is high, there are alot of folksout of work myself included
Unemployment is not high, you're just unemployed. Get off Sup Forums and get on LinkedIn you fucking bum.
go find a job rural retard
- Full employment is a lie when most of the jobs were temp jobs that are now being axed due to the $15 an hour thing.
- Its funny, the stock market rises and falls like the sun. I still have to pay $3-$4 for gas, or milk, or eggs and I pay far more for shit now that I ever have before. The stock market can do whatever it wants, but the value of the dollar is more important which that value has plummeted while everything else has become more expensive. Also, jobs are still a problem so people are still in need of them.
- "Thriving" US car industry. The American car industry does not thrive as it does not innovate. It was bailed out by the government and it sat on the money. External car manufacturers are making more money because of it.
- We may not be in an active war, but we are in a proxy war with Russia over Syria and then there is ISIS, something the US helped to create (thanks Obama). Tensions in Iran are high. Fixing that mess will take time but we have war hawks in both Republicans and Democrats, so whose to say we won't be going to war yet again over something retarded?
Nice try shill. Poo in Loo Pajeet. Saged and hidden.
Really? You have a source for that friend?
How fucking retarded can you get?
>The participation rate is a measure of the active portion of an economy's labor force. It refers to the number of people who are either employed or are actively looking for work.
wow india I didn't know you were like this thought we were best friends and bros but not anymore
we are no longer friends
>No active major wars
No even a leftist could be serious about this. The Obama administration was some of the violentest motherfuckers ever.
A little bit of unemployment is healthy. It's actually a problem when everyone has a job, since that means the economy is stagnating. You want enough dynamism in the economy to where people feel confident they can quit their current job and find a better one.
If you're paying more for a gallon of milk and a gallon of gas than you used to, that's called inflation and it's natural and healthy for an economy. If prices stay the same, that means the economy is stagnating.
The stock market doesn't "rise and fall like the sun". Historically, it does nothing but rise, but if you're too poor to invest, you needn't bother yourself with how it works.
Unemployment is a problem in the flyover states because they are caught in a vicious cycle right now: companies are leaving because people are leaving because companies are leaving. What remains is low-income service sector or warehousing jobs, not the good middle-class jobs they used to have. Those middle-class jobs they had were union jobs, though, and there's the root of the problem: the unions' greed forced the companies' hand.
>It refers to the number of people who are either employed or are actively looking for work.
Retirees are not employed or actively looking for work too
You right wing retards don't understand shit do you?
You should inform the bureau of labor statistics that they don't understand their own metrics
>In 2014, 87.4 million people 16 years and older neither worked nor looked for work at any time during the year. (See table 1.) Of this group, 38.5 million people reported retirement
Obama didn't fix a single thing he promised
Even weed is a federal crime and gitmo is still running
lazy nigger literally did nothing at all
What fucking bullshit is this link?
ctrl+f -> "participation rate" literally 0 matches
Full Employment.
Thanks for the laugh, Sanjay.
Do you fags really believe Trump inherited a mess?
The state of the U.S. and the world was far better in 2017 than in early 2009 when the world economy was falling off a cliff.
Its like... OP totally forgot about this -
like he didnt even try to put these ongoing engagements into perspective
thanks for reminding us user
Correct. The shills dont understand. No point in trying to convince them.
furthermore, OECD defines labour force participation rate to include only working age people
>all the drumpfkins conveniently forget that Obama has the highest consecutive job growth of any US president
obama first president without a year of +4% economic growth
median wage crashed on his watch
the "new jobs" aren't paying enough for people to live on
>literally Delet This
>he didnt say "grumpf"
Thats how I know this is a troll post leaf
Reminder that the market started soaring immediately after Trump won the election.