I'm a christian but I'm really losing hope in the West. Degeneracy is rampant and I feel like Islam will solve all our problems.
Should we just convert and put an end to all this?
I'm a christian but I'm really losing hope in the West. Degeneracy is rampant and I feel like Islam will solve all our problems.
Should we just convert and put an end to all this?
Sure Mahmud. Alhamdulah posting.
Wahed wahed points.
Shill is a shill
I would joint Pepe.
ye goym
Kill yourself.
Better than kikestianity. Worse than paganism.
Become atheist master race already.
I fee the same. I'm catholic but I've been considering Islam. The west is fucked up right now. Islam might be the answer
>needing religion to structure your life
weak willed crutch needing faggots believing in desert cult bullshit
>inb4 Pascal's wager
God's divine plan included me to be a 2deep4u edgelord and there's fuck all I can to do change it because God wants me to burn in Hell for all eternity for shits and giggles
>Atheism comes from communism, communism comes for a Jew, that Jew was indoctrinated with Judaism.
>Atheism comes from communism
National Socialism will save you. Race over Religion.
I was an atheist my whole life before becoming Christian, but it's not like it was. People have lost their way.
>Beliefs in modern beliefs, comes from Judaism or Pagan beliefs.
get educated
>Don't know any traditional catholic theology.
>Needs that redpill
>Atheism's a side effect (side belief) of Communism
Converting to Islam doesn't mean you're supportive of unrestricted migration or you're aligning yourself with Arabs. Islam represents the mentality that the West needs to adopt if it's going to attack the ideological disease of progressive liberalism and survive. If you truly place race above religion, then you will not be against changing your religion to save your race.
Embrace Islam.
Convert to Traditional Catholicism.
>Atheism's a side effect (side belief) of Communism
>Don't know any traditional catholic theology.
Wew lad. Just how insecure are you
He wants to UNcuck the west
Ni se te ocurra, Paco. All semitics religions are cancer.
This guy knows.
>no argument
>Goes off topic with Feelings
wew lad
The west Cucked themselves under Jewish rule/beliefs, when they left Traditional Catholicism behind.
Your Pope is converting to Islam buddy.
The pope's obviously a heretic, But pope is still pope, Don't worry gods gonna whip modernist Rome into shape soon.
the right wing should taqqiya the muslims and feign conversion, kill the commies together with achmed and then turn around and wipe them out. Insta 1000 year Riech.
>worshiping the Creator(Pussy) of mankind disguised as monotheistic abrahamic religion
>not degenerate
why people never read the contract ?
>12. No one takes the place of Christ or of Peter unless he follows him in character, since no other succession is more important, and not otherwise does he receive from God the procuratorial power, because for that office of vicar are required both conformity in character and the authority of Him who institutes it.
>13. The pope is not the true and manifest successor of Peter, the first of the apostles, if he lives in a manner contrary to Peter; and if he be avaricious, then he is the vicar of Judas Iscariot. And with like evidence the cardinals are not the true and manifest successors of the college of the other apostles of Christ, unless they live in the manner of the apostles, keeping the commandments and counsels of our Lord Jesus Christ.
>20. If the Pope is wicked and especially if he is foreknown, then as Judas, the Apostle, he is of the devil, a thief, and a son of perdition, and he is not the head of the holy militant Church, since he is not a member of it.
Really showing your fidelity to Christ, OP
No. Christianity is the faith of God. We will prevail also pic related.
I am still with him, but I don't know if he still loves us.
No. Embrace the philosophies that made the West great and make Western Civilization great again.
wow wow wow...
So you are telling me women dont piss from the vagina and they have a hole i never found for piss?
>all of us convert to Islam
>left now accepts us
>explain how we support Trump
>left supports Trump
>organize protest to overturn ruling that president can only serve 2 terms
>left agrees because tolerance
>elect Trump lifetime supreme leader
>left accepts
>Trump now supreme leader
>reveal our true selves
>left still accepts us for being who we think we are
Nooooo! Then how will western women be able to use Tinder and enjoy 3 BBCs per day?!! Secularism is better goy. Don't become interested in religion.
>he's never fucked the peehole
The fruit of the Holy Spirit is longsuffering. You better beg for it. Or change your life. Like me, I'm going to forsake all I have and live in community with other brothers very soon. You'll say "thats crazy!" But that just shows you don't have the faith that God desires. Jesus said God would take care of our needs if we believed he would. So you can quit your job and still live.
I'm thinking about this because it does give us a chance to cheat the left, radical liberals and kikes by forcing their hand faster than they want it to go so they lose control. Same way they lost control of the West and allowed this populist revolt to happen. If we keep an environment of chaos, they can't plan against us properly and we have the advantage.
There's so many moves we can play if we convert for the time being that we can't by retaining our current position of clinging onto a fatally weak and easily subverted Christian church, identity and culture. For starters we can use Canadian style 'anti-Islamophobia' legislation to cover our backs when we attack the left and hijack Islam to destroy social liberalism, feminism and re-write our constitutions and 'human rights' to punish liberals and enslave women.
But then we can also use it to preserve our race, nothing in Islamic scripture clashes with white nationalism, supremacism or seperatism, it only requires that we be Muslims and follow the Qu'ran. Look at the Arab Peninsular nations shutting 'refugees' out, nothing says we can't do the same to non-white migrants. Not to mention the potential to use Islam to go after non-white, non-Muslims. Who's going to care about us genociding non-Muslim niggers or spics when the instutions and laws all favour Islam and destroying the infidel?
Once we've done with this we can always turn on them as well by playing divide and conquer. What's to say Europe doesn't develop it's own native sect or convert to Shia Islam and use it to wage war on the Sunni world as a way of reducing the overall population of them?
There's so much flexibility, while I wouldn't act now, if populism and Trump fails I'd consider what we could do with this someday.
>Traditional Catholicism
>It's Either Him or benedict.
We respect the position of Authority given to him by god.
God is testing you/us, stay strong brother. Do not follow the easy path and deny the divinity of Christ.
Ive been saying this for a while, our culture is totally fucked cant defend its self, Christianity is 100% fucked and cant defend itself.
With the way demographics and birth rates work, unless we have white kids, and somehow purge degeneracy Islam will rule the world just based on birthrates if anything.
>Promotes homosexuality and Ecumenism, ect.
Nope, not traditional.
you can fuck the peehole?
>I'm a christian
>should we just convert and put and end to all this?
Hey Pope Francis, whatcha doin?
If we convert there is no going back. We would hand over spiritual authority to the imams. We would literally be selling our souls to rid us of modernism, and it might not even work...but I'm scared for the future and I don't know what else we have to work with now.
>it's been five minutes since my post and he STILL hasn't fucked the peehole
Just wait till the Chastisements buddy.
yes you can.
Excuse me, it's called a jihad, and it is a part of Islam's rich heritage which you white folk will never understand because you are racist and you have no culture. Don't insult them, calling it suicide like that.
Anybody else notice in eastern culture you can get by your entire life by being a dead beat? Literally cruise by being the son of a goat farmer. No aspirations to own your own shit or achieve your own goals, just sit until you're forced to do something which is generally selling off the females in your family for better economic position
>I know you're only 12 but if we marry you to 56 year old Muhammad the merchant we can get better prices on all our shit
Western culture has welfare to try and distract from personal growth but there seems to be no desire for betterment outside of the west
We couldn't go back, but we turn into the skid by breaking ranks once our numbers large and united enough and we have no enemies within as we have now. Either by changing sect or creating and entirely new European one that preserves as much of our compatible culture and languages and what not as possible.
Thing that intrigues me most is that tribal conflict can still exist so prominently, even in the same sect. If they're still divided by internal castes and tribes, what's to say we can't preserve our own ethnic group within that. Not to mention that whites would likely rank higher than all non-Arab castes and give us an advantage to drive out non-Arab Middle Eastern, Asian and African migrants.
Unironically kill yourself
>OP converts to islam
>Gets instantly thrown of a roof because of his faggotry
Mohammed was a pedophile
Shut up Mehmet, Islam is a degenerate religion. Too bad your ancestors were blacked by the Moores, otherwise you'd realize this.
Why don't you convert to corpsianity?
That way you don't have to watch when we purge all of your death cult brothers.
I hear rope is pretty cheap...
People thought the same thing before the Battle of Tours and the Siege of Vienna. Don't be discouraged, in Christianity's darkest hours, God has always raised a hero to save it.
there's a reason the nazis collaborated with muslims, the core principles are not so different
that said, each man to his land and all will be well between us
But those times they didn't have such a large and prominent enemy within. In the past we've been able to resist them, but each time it's only been because Europe was united and had no enemy within. I can't see this changing any time soon, I think it's time we think about swapping sides.
Islam is great
I recently converted myself
These guys are out there in europe fucking all the women talking on iphones and doing nothing while pathetic christian cucks work for it all
Muslims are the manliest
Matthew 16:18 "And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
I agree that things look grim, but there have been dark times before and there will be dark times in the future. All that we can do is be faithful now.
You should kys. This will be a net gain for the world
The societal antidote to the venom of degeneracy has always been religion. Only by emphasizing the moral and spiritual world over hedonism and materialism can values be returned.
Religions benefit greatly from the credibility of age, so you can't just come up with something like Scientology and hope it spreads, no matter how red-pilled your version might be. In the end, we have a limited catalogue of potential religions to choose as a tonic for our societal ills.
So which to choose? Christianity has proven itself to be far too "tolerant" with it's emphasis on Christ, who was a healer more than a warrior, and by the standards of his age, every bit of an SJW. Judaism has proven itself to be an agent for social subversion and a catalyst for intra-racial conflict.
Only Islam offers a potent and masculine alternative and the best part is that it has the most potential to convert curious progressives and slowly change their views. Islam is the only meme that can realistically save the West.
As I said to OP: Matthew 16:18 "And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
To swap sides is to bow to your oppressors and accept eternal damnation. I will not and cannot do this.
Ignoring the fact that it's idiotic to divorce ourselves even further from our native religions and cultures and adopt Arab culture and religion (Which is exactly what Islam is), you're forgetting one, crucial detail:
WE wouldn't be the ones leading the way. It'd just be subverted by existing Mudskin Muslims. Keep in mind they're the ones with the billions of dollars. And what the fuck are you going to do once someone catches wind of this scheme and "That's not real Islam!" rears its ugly head?
You're assuming the Left will play by the rules. It won't. It never will. Rationalization is their game, and the Left will rationalize whatever their funding tells them to.
Try building on that rock when the enemy is already within your church and trying to destroy you from within while the enemy from outside attacks it at the same time.
You can't win against those odds.
Fuck off shill
I'm British, probably whiter than you.
You should kill yourself and as many of your mudshit mates as you can you piece of shit.
If you're sick of getting haircuts you should just undergo chemotherapy
It's solves a problem you had in a life so easy that getting haircuts was a problem, but it was only a good idea because you didn't think of all the problems it would solve
You've spent your life living in the safety and abundance of a progressive secular western nation. One of the products of easy living is degeneracy, but to solve that by allowing yourself to be conquered by theocratic fascism is like solving tinnitus by rupturing your own eardrums
>Maybe Islam is the answer
>British flag
You make good points about the current inability of Christianity to control degeneracy in the European population. However, Islam introduces its own degeneracy when a society adopts it wholesale. Saudi Arabia, for all of their wahabbist (a radical fundamentalist interpretation of Islam) rhetoric, is one of the largest Scotch importers in the world, despite the Islamic ban on alcoholic beverages. There are areas in Pakistan and Afghanistan where pedophilia (with little boys especially) is openly practiced and socially acceptable. Sodomy, while not socially acceptable is practiced across the Islamic world.
Not to mention the fact that you would be willingly bowing to the religion of your enemies and the enemies of your ancestors going back to the 8th century. You can't retain your culture by accepting another's ways.
If you convert you're no fucking countryman of mine. You'd better fucking stay in Al-Andalus traitorous scum.
Ignoring the fact that Christianity and Judaism, as with Islam, all originated with Levantine Semitic Arabs, you're forgetting one crucial detail:
Is it any better when it's an Argentinian cuck elected by progressive Italians that's leading the way? Americans have far more money than shitskins do, so if enough convert to Islam, then there will be an American brand of Islam. Fuck subversion, in a couple of generations, you could overtly declare the House of Saud to be illegitimate heretics and improper custodians of Mecca and occupy Mecca.
Let's return to Odin, his vikings raped all of our ancestors anyways.
I won't convert, I'm trying to provoke an important discussion that needs to be had.
It's satire user, just satire.
Did you miss the second half of the verse? "and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Christ himself has guaranteed the ultimate victory of Christianity. It doesn't matter that the enemy is undermining the church from within while an army of heathens rallies at the door.
It's not my job to win against those odds. Christ has declared that he will prevail, and God does not disappoint.
Puto moro de mierda
Democracy and Christianity are both good ideas, too bad no one has ever tried them.
There is a large portion of the human population that are violent and self serving. So we need government, police, military.
Now, about your question OP...
Don't be a dumb fuck. Information is the answer, not religion. Fear of consequences is the answer, else Christians or Muslims will steal and kill. Evil exists because good people stand by and do nothing. Good people have taken action and now we have Trump, Brexit, pizzagate mentioned by MSM, and public awareness of "fake news".
So you ask "which religion will save us?" That's irritating.
uh, please stop. Have you seen muslim countries? They have a lot of problems. Islam doesn't solve anything. The only muslim countries relatively stable are those with despotic monarchies or asian......
Much better.
"Which religion will save us"
I think you're under the impression that an American or Canadian converting to Islam suddenly makes them gay, pedophile Pakis. Sin is practiced across the world, but there are differences in degree. As someone who has traveled much through Islamic North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia, I can tell you that with the exception of Central Asia, alcohol consumption is noticeably reduced compared to Western countries. Public displays of homosexuality are effectively non-existent. Pedophilia is not particularly common, despite Aisha, and even with child marriages, the child typically lives with their birth family until they reach reproductive age. Honestly, the Catholic Church probably has a higher rate of pedophilia.
The Koran provides textual justification for the traditional roles of women, for violence in the name of God, and for punishment of sins and degeneracy in a way that the New Testament never could.
>You can't retain your culture by accepting another's ways.
Our culture is not being retained either way. This modern manifestation of Western "culture" is a moral bastard begotten by abundance and spinelessness and as such is not a legitimate heir to the European culture that propelled the West to primacy. It has already thoroughly invaded Judaism and Christianity, which were both once the religious enemies of a pagan Europe. A return to Islam would be a return to an Abrahamic religion that still advocates for traditional values.
Embrace Islam.
There is nothing to be discussed. Islam is cancer.
Why has Islam been so successful? Because they're evil fucks. The first thing you learn in Evil Fuck School - pick a religion to be your banner for you evil fuckery.
Boko Haram – mind control through sexual abuse and indoctrination
“many people assumed the other kidnapped women would be warmly welcomed back. Instead, they are shunned”
The answer is music
>Our culture is being destroyed!
>Let's just destroy it then
Embrace the sweet release of death
Convert to Mormonism.
Not sure if there are many Mormons in Spain, but here in California they're good.
Since your Spanish you're probably Catholic and I can she why Christianity looks like it's failing thanks to the heretic Pope. I suggest joining another church, either orthodox or one of the non-cultish protestant ones, preferable ones that have lots of young people.
Currently our culture and our race are being destroyed. Western culture is permitting the destruction of the white race, through an emphasis on tolerance and spinelessness in the face of degeneracy and exploitation. It is clear that to save the race, we must change the culture, and it must be changed to one which can both provide the spiritual and moral tonics to a hedonistic society, and one in which militant devotion and intolerance of "alternative" lifestyles is not viewed as misguided, but rather as admirable.
Is there a better solution than Islam?
allah is a false idol, and mohammad (death be upon him) is a false prophet, and a pedophile. Nothing good has ever come from islam, and nothing ever will.
>The Koran provides textual justification for the traditional roles of women
1 Peter 3:1-4 "Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives. Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight."
>for violence in the name of God
Christianity does not rely on fire and the sword to maintain itself.
>and for punishment of sins and degeneracy in a way that the New Testament never could.
God will bring final justice to the world. It is not man's place to name himself the final arbitrator of what is right and wrong.
>Embrace Islam
I would rather die.