How to invade Sweden

What would it take to completely overthrow the Swedish government?

I've heard that the 3rd world migrants are too much for the Swedish police to handle.

What would happen if 10,000 Russians, Americans, and other mercenaries came from the north through the south to take over Stockholm? I don't think the citizens would even fight back.

Would the Swedes join the Russians and other mercenaries to sack their government? Pick is related.

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Fun fact: Sweden has the most Uranium in the whole world.

Means fuck all if you're not going to pull the trigger.

Swedes wouldn't attack Russia if it's just a group of mercenaries.

But it's a nice thing to have after the country is taken over. Could be used to nuke Berlin and Paris.

This. A filibuster to liberate the Swede would be the happening I'd sign up for.

I think weapons would be easy to get, or at least bring in. No question we could invade this cuck country easily. We need to sack Stockholm first, hit the immigrant areas and hang the traitors (feminists, Somalis, etc.). Then forced conversion to Christianity for everyone.

yeah please invade us and get rid of these goat fuckers.

1.) Let the Wahhabists open mosques everywhere
2.) Smuggle weapons through said mosques
3.) Clean up the mess

>Would the Swedes join the Russians and other mercenaries to sack their government?
No, they'd fight them. They can't attack Muhammad because that's racist, fascist, nazi, islamophobic, xenofobic and bigoted.

I think that is just people going with what is accepted. Once it's accepted to destroy the invaders, we won't have a problem.

Now the question is anybody have a big boat we can use to bring weapons into Sweden? I figure one of the Estonian bros can let us borrow one, we can sail out as fisherman and bring them in to Sweden.

Let Mussolini show you how it's done.

It wouldn't be hard at all to take over government in Sweden. You would need about 5,000 devout nationalists to march on the capital.

>Most Uranium in the World

>Decides not to build 1 (one) nuke


Let's think realistically here.

First of all, any government-sanctioned invasion of Sweden is immediately going to have all of the EU and most of the world denounce it. If it's a mercenary operation, completely independent from a government (at least on the books), then NATO or neighboring EU country will jump in and repel the invaders.

But let's assume the invasion force is successful, and no world government wants to touch it or they are turning a blind eye. Now they will have to fight the Swedish state. Soldiers will be asked to defend their country and neutralize the threat. A very small minority will desert and join the opposing side, but let's not kid ourselves; no foreign invasion looks good on paper, and Swedes will rather have their own country instead of giving it to some invaders. I'm talking actual invaders armed with guns and threatening to overthrow the government, not Syrian migrants. Those are "soft" invaders.

Well let's say that the invasion is successful, and the force holds on to Stockholm and other Swedish cities. You'll have a guerilla movement on your hands. It will be funny actually, seeing feminists and ANTIFA learn bomb-making techniqes from the local Syrians. They will definitely cooperate in resisting foreign rule.

No, the best thing we can do is agitate a civil war in Sweden. Maybe send some foreign volunteers. But a direct invasion won't work. There aren't enough people in Russia or America willing to die for Sweden no matter how white they are.

Fun fact: Sweden has the most cucks in the world.

Fixed it for ya

1. ask politely in the name of allah
2. sweden is yours

Finnish-Swedish land border could be a feasible option, but getting to urban centres from there could take a while unless somebody somehow acquired airplanes.

Also this, the suicide-instinct is strong.

So mercenaries will make some profit.

How about the Swedish far-right win party got funded and assisted by foreign powers to "retake Sweden from the sandniggers and femminists"?
An small army could just start a coup and then purge all of the leftists, whit out the EU's involvement or any local resistance, because they would be the new government.

No invasion of Sweden until Swedish cucks are a dying minority.
We don't want to save the Swedes, just take the country back from the New Swedes and settle it with Finns, Norwegians and Danes.

Swedish faggot DNA causes degeneracy and doesn't belong in a gene pool of the fascist future.

If the Allies hadn't destroyed Norway's heavy water production, Hitler would've developed the atomic bomb long before American & won the war.

with no (((outside intervention))) you could take sweden with 10,000 equipped men, 20 tanks and 40 aircraft easily

t. Muhammad's basement slave

That's what I was thinking, just strengthen the far right enough to make a paramilitary.

But other countries will definitely get involved to oppose them. Sweden won't stay proxy-status like Syria. Russia and America would have to team up and enforce no participation in Sweden, maybe through a no-fly zone or something. And I doubt that's realistic.

That's it?

Damn, that's really not that many people. I think I can do this with a few thousand people. I have a really good shot with a .308, just need some Russian planes to give me cover.

Hey Swedes, how many far right nationalists are there that are around military age? I have to imagine in the countryside there are a lot of non-cucked Swedes.

One group of 5,000 in Malmo and Stockholm each will do the trick

I would not resist, we have no army, just walk in and you won...

Like good old napoleon just walk on shore and get welcomed with open arms

You don't even need that many.

Mussolini took over Italy with 10'000

Sweden is just a fraction of the Italian population.

If the USA stays neutral than there is nothing that could stop a coup. The EU currently is just a loose federation. Norway, Denmark and Finland wouldn't get involved because of their small armies. If the coup was completed quickly than no other government would get involved. Of course (((they))) wouldn't like it, but nothing can be done whit coming across as invading a sovereign country.

We could easily take out the migrant areas. Easy to put in a food blockade by setting up a couple hundred troops by each main road going in and out of each, plus dumping concrete blocks in the way. Another easy way is to basically cut the power in the ghettos.

This is too easy.

>#1 uranium in the world
> Caliphate in less than 50 years

I'm spooked guys

Norway & Finland would help them like they did in the Nordfront march.

Lot's of Norwegians came to Sweden to help with the demonstration march.

well skåne and the northern part would be the easiest to take as both feel like they are ignored by stockholm. russia will then invade eastern part and western swedes will be attracted to the wealth of norway and join them

Would they come to help the far-right or the official government?

We'll just split the remaining parts of Sweden up between Finland, Norway, and Russia.

Look on the bright side. Feminism might end

What would we fight back with? Pots and pans?

Get it right, citizens are in practice 100% disarmed. Sweden having guns is a complete myth.

Try to build a nuke and get insta-invaded and glassed? Nice Danish tactics.

Daily reminder that Sweden have never been conquered

And not fake "never been conquered" like the Brits use

> Canada

Nordfront is a far-right movement.

I would support Sweden becoming Islamic if it ended up like the UAE. Unfortunately it is more likely to end up like Somalia.

I think I would be doing humanity a service if I invaded Sweden with 10,000 right wing Christians. Even other Muslims don't like Somalis.

I was talking about how Norway, Denmark and Finland wouldn't send their armies to help the libtard government in Sweden. Maybe after the coup Scandinavia could be formed, to help the other Nordic countries.

>tfw getting whites to chimpout on islam was (((their))) plan all along

Yes, far-right people from Norway would come to Sweden to help with the coup. And the Norwegian government wouldn't get involved at all.


*clanks mercenarily*

And that would probably trigger a coup in Norway as well down the road, unless our government heeds the will of the far rights.

Ok I'm declaring that we would ally with Norway if we take over. Finns need to be decucked next.

There is no saving Swedenistan anymore. They're genetically programmed to be cucks.

not really, they just allowed themselves get royally cucked by (((them)))

If they allowed themselves to get cucked then they deserve it.

Am I destined to be the Casimir Pulaski of Sweden?

>Sweden has never been conquered

Are you sure about that?

scandinavians are dickheads

Nuclear power is a deterrent you utter swede

this is inevitable, let them weaken themselves from within, then we take over

I have been to Stockholm 5 times over a 10-year-period, last time I was at Stockholm was few months ago, and in the tourist region, I saw significantly more whites than muslims.

Where do you even get this meme that Sweden is on the brink of a civil war?

They will have another solid 20 years or so before shitskins will really pose a national threat. I think if they wake up before 2037 or so, they could still revert the situation.

I agree though, they need something bretty fashy, a mere Trump-Farage-LePen-Freuke-tier candidate will not be enough.

subversion is all-encompassing throughout the western world, even ex-commie bloc has been heavily exposed to it - mostly by western entities both governmental and NGOs
however, if I were to point my finger to a single entity, it would undubitably be UN and its cancerous international treaties which consider all people equal, having equal rights and so on
as realists we know this is not the case so the logical solution would be to step down from such treaties and engage full nationalist mode while retaining established economic cooperation

>Norway & Finland would help them like they did in the Nordfront march.
Anyone larping about a coup in Sweden are completely retarded. Swedes have never revolted. They are incapable of revolt. It's not just about brainwashing, but probably genetics. So much for the nordic superman

>however, if I were to point my finger to a single entity, it would undubitably be UN and its cancerous international treaties which consider all people equal, having equal rights and so on
>as realists we know this is not the case so the logical solution would be to step down from such treaties and engage full nationalist mode while retaining established economic cooperation
And it has to be done from the top. This is Trump's role if he survives....

Russian Baltic Fleet would be able to break Sweden and then occupy it. Sweden has barely any army

Weren't you dumb fucks shutting down your nuclear powerstations on 2020? Who is going to export electricity to Finland as our energy politics are going to shit due to De Gröna?

You literally don't have to do anything. Blow a fart in our direction and the entire house of cards will collapse. But do enjoy the rampaging welfare-less niggers and sandmonkey riots after the checks stop coming.

it used to be stronk, like very stronk but with its budget decimated and personnel slashed it's become a joke

the citizens would fight back since the armys you mention would consist mostly of white people. The reason why they aren't doing shit against immigrants is because they are mostly blacks,arabs or muslims. And those are "muhh protectworthy minorrrritiees!!!!"

but I still believe they could contain Sweden and force it to surrender, they could just bombard Stockholm

I'll tell you how but only if you let us behead their royal family, polticians, generals, high ranking businessmen and others in the elite (namely the Bonnier family).

One man did it.

>Swedes have never revolted.

>Gustav Vasa

>I don't know anything about swedish history
Educate yourself, broder

Shit, can we just hack into the welfare system and shut it down? My guess is the Swedes are such cucks that they would invite the Somalis into their homes to eat their food.

Honestly the west needs to fight back

I meant sweden, russia can still hold its own

the Danes will behead your governement and elite once again, and Jimmy will be the one to unite the land and hand it over to us in his gratitude

Guess again.
>Everyone wants the axe to swing, but nobody wants to hold it - Gustav Vasa
Meaning that everyone who whines about taking refugees into their homes are just wanting everyone else to do it. Nobody's gonna host any refugee in their house and the very few who do deserve everything bad that will happen to them.
Swedish cuckery is a Sup Forums meme, we're just lazy and retarded. This was usually fixed through governmental sterilization programs that were around before den evige juden sank their degenerate hooks into swedish culture

I'm in favor of Stockholms blodbad 2.0
But we're not gonna hand it to you, you can impose a transitional government until we've retaken control of the media, education and culture again

i would come over there and fight for sweden at a moments notice desu

even the nazis wouldn't touch sweden

>den evige juden sank their degenerate hooks into swedish culture
you're welcome btw


Do we get to rape the qt swedish girls and pillage, then kill all the muslim and swedish male prisoners?

the fuck is that


Mass all your troops in finland and then strategically plant kfc buckets and grape soda along the Norwegian border.

No, because it's all in the mountains.

Very funny you faggot, but why make it into a hand?

>and no nuclearbombs
why? the only thing that could make other countries fuck off, and we don't use it.

Does Sweden enjoy sucking off the most powerful countries all the time?

I don't think you realize how cold it gets here, Americans would die within 30 minutes from landing if it wasn't in the most Southern part.

cos thats what it looks like

You think it doesn't get cold in America or something?

can't imagine that the Swedish army would shell their own cities

they aren't Ukraine after al

Why do you tanks and aircraft?

First they should take Gotland and use it as a military base (just don't send People in wheelchairs to that island)
The Gotland army attacks South East sweden
the Copenhagen army takes Malmo and South west Sweden
The Åland army invades Stockholm
The Halden army starts marching towards Gothenburg

We could probably rally enough people on here to take over Sweden. Most white Europeans hate their governments. It's all just virtue signaling.

Swedes will be based once we remove the Kebab and feminists. We should just turn it into a Christian version of Saudi Arabia. No Muslims allowed!

is that a modified volvo articulated hauler? looks like a badass SPG

Do other Scandinavian people hate the Swedish government too? Would you ally with our Christian Holy Country?

Of course not, you dense idiot. Strict discipline is to be enforced by summary executions.

It's actually gets pretty fucking cold in America too, specifically the East coast and around the great lakes.

>Do other Scandinavian people hate the Swedish government too

Dunno, but literally everyone has bad history with Sweden.
>Denmark and Sweden are ancient enemies
>Finland is a former colony that got treated real bad
>Norway is partly a former colony and Swedes literally let Nazis through to take Norway during WW2

its the archer artillery system pretty shitty compare to the pzh2000