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Am I supposed to feel sorry for babymurdering rapists?
Fuck the anerican army
Yeah fuck those guys Americans are cool
This is so monumentally stupid I could believe it was drawn by an officer.
It's not a secret that the american army is red army tier rapists and degenerates
eh kills children and doesn't afraid of anything
Wait, aren't we the people who defend your shit country? Oh yeah, so shut the fuck up
"Your" army can fuck off in all honesty
There is this nice middle line between being a communist and getting send to a war with no actual purpose to die. You can be a normal man, working a normal job with a normal family and social life and you'd still be a man.
Mattis made our FOBs safe spaces for us AND civilians.
I remember being able to walk around without a fucking vest in the "War zones" these cunts keep talking about because we treated people with respect.
Cool, enjoy getting buttfucked by migrants
That was pretty much how it was after the Gulf War. Somalia was the last time that I was able to find any true fighters when I was Active Duty. I had to go Active SF to find those guys kind of guys, again.
>muh split personality for shekels
What a shitty strawman argument, the border is manned by hungarian guards. If you honestly believe that the americans in foreign countries aren't occupation forces then you're literally retarded.
You might like your autistic propaganda about americans being the good guys but the rest of the world sees them as they are. Rapist murderers who sit around in case a country says no to the king nigger you niggers elect.
Why do you abandon ship and start a new thread anytime someone tells the truth, OP?
It's like you are not even trying to pretend that you are interested in information.
^ the method of distraction and disinformation
^ the selling out of those who trusted them
Bill Cooper predicted 9/11 first and paid for it with his life on November 5 2001. Cointelpro Alex Jones gets to live and deceive you.
Fritz Springmeier - again, lost his life to the regime. Worth listening.
We aren't the occupying force yet... once civil war breaks out in Europe, Russia and the United States will pull off a Germany-Soviet Nonaggression Pact
>hurrhurr soldiers aren't occupying dey be waitin to occupy xDD
And you wonder why the rest of the world hates your hypocrite ass.
CTR before it was CTR, disinformation shill.
fuck off
I don't see the hypocrisy in my statements. You are weak, we are strong. That's simply how it is. Sorry?
Proxy faggot
>we be defendin' u from urself xDDD
Oh how virtuous. Surely isn't literally the same as the soviets.
We aren't defending you from yourselves once civil war starts. We'll just reap your resources and leave you to rot. Sorry!
What's a Hungary? the only Hungary that matters is the one before before eating a satisfying burger. Are you near Turkey?
>being this fucking butthurt because his country his shit.
Classic mongrels. When you get called out on your hypocrite bullshit you just start shitposting. Enjoy your marxist country though.
At least I'm not a nigger.
Fuck off
>Pronouns they/them.
>Norse pagan.
What am I reading right here?
If you find yourself in a foreign land, with a gun in your hand, surrounded by people
trying to kill you, then, I got news for you. You dun goofed at life, son.
I don't think you know what that word means, but I shouldn't expect much from a subhuman. I'm sure you can barely speak your own language!
>81% match
You tried.
>most important place in his country is california
>literally marxists and subhumans
Funny how you guys make fun of leftists for being delusional hypocrites. When sharts in general are just delusional hypocrites.
Thank god there are still actual men in your country who were bred to fight. Editing documents in Starbucks isn't a career, son.
>was in afghanistan
>had to deal with shit that would make liberals question their beliefs
>Muzzies fucking goats
>come back home after deployment
>want to get Masters degree in engineering
>some communist shitters and womyn keep yelling at me "baby killer"
>talk to my dad about this craziness
>"Welcome to Vitenam son"
get in the bag, leaf.
California is in billions of dollars in debt. I wouldn't call them the "most important place" in the United States. And I still don't think you know what that word means
You are getting judged by the acts of a few. Did infants get killed? Yes, because it's a warzone. That's the thing liberals don't understand, that being in a war is different than talking about an issue for hours and hours.
>muh redpill
>but america isn't marxist
I hope you at least know the words "hypocrite" and "idiot".
>invade a foreign country
>kill babies and rape women because some kike told you so
>why don't people like me :(((
Be an hero mate
I am pretty certain that no grown soldier from the western world pointed his gun at a toddler and shot it.
You guys would know a lot about killings eh? Is this your way of purging yourself?
>tyrone triggered
>what are bombs
Are you autistic?
That's funny because I'm from Canada and my flag is a leaf and you put leaves in bags. I worked with some of your countrymen in Kandahar. They were good men.
Wipe the cum off your lip and try to emulate them. It's in your best interest.
>Safe spaces were designed so minority demographics like homosexuals could be somewhere where they wouldn't have to hear the same old rhetoric of how they're degenerate or wrong or whatever (because if Sup Forums has shown me anything it's that social progress does not eliminate bias), regardless of society's progress for these groups
>Hard righters get mad and take it out of context, saying they should be allowed to spew hate speech and 'millenials' should just not be so offended by it
Literally fucking retards
maybe they should stop being degenerates
>says Hungary
how can you live next to fucking austria and still be such a nigger untermensch
Success breeds jealously and you are green as fuck.
Stop being a faggot. There are literal colouring book stations to assist snowflakes in coping with triggering right wing university speakers.
Being obtuse isn't an excuse.
>Are you autistic?
You are making it out to be the fault of individual people, single soldiers commiting crimes against humanity. Of course there are casualties in a war, giving the blame to every single soldier and treating them like lower beings because of it is cruel and wrong.
Oh yeah austria which wanted us to let all the refugees through. What a bunch of great guys. Fuck them.
So that's why Trump talks about China all the time?
Eat shit hans, don't go to a foreign country, kill innocents and rape women then try to claim the moral high ground. They're fucking monsters and don't deserve better treatment.
Hate speech is the new world for unpopular truth, isn't it?
I've been the Hungary and I'd honestly rather be a nigger. Food is shit, history is riddled with embarrassing defeats, people are absolutely dreadful to be around, and your culture is bland. Its pretty though I'll give you that. People there were not friendly to Americans even when treated with kindness and this Hungarian believe WE are the ones being fed propaganda lmfao
For someone who criticizes others for namecalling, you sure do a lot of namecalling. If going to other nations to wage wars serves a reason, you should do so.
>stamina to last for hours
he looks like he gets winded tying his shoes
Look at goulash over here trying to act smart.
You guys have been in lybia too. We all know how well that ended up. So do a favor and stay in your commie nigger shithole.
My namecalling is at least consistent. Not "be grateful that we defend you xD" "actually you're a little shit and we'll take over you xd". Hypocrite buttmongering.
Like serving your kike overlords? Yeah have fun with that idiot, you're literally no different from the red army.
Look at "if you kill your enemies they win" trying to act smart.
>Like serving your kike overlords? Yeah have fun with that idiot, you're literally no different from the red army.
What are you even talking about? I'm no soldier, I don't serve any overlords.
Muslim larvae, you mean?
Then the hell are you shilling for? Are you some teenager larping the army fan? Just grow up.
Digits confirm goulash. Sorry kiddo.
>more shitposting
As expected. You can change into sarcasm mode now but the fact still is that the american soldiers have a horrible reputation and no one wants them in their country.
Huh. My mother and other relatives work with veterans and are veterans themselves, and they understand safe spaces perfectly well.
Not saying it's the same as needing complete sheltering, but safe spaces are a real thing for people with PTSD and Anxiety disorders, like a lot of former combatants. Same with trigger warnings, which can help that soldier who saw his friend shot through the eye not freak out when some actor 'shoots' someone one stage.
We've voted for something else now, you must realize that we've been essentially held hostage since at least 2000.
There's nothing wrong with electing a black president but just because you keep mentioning it Id like to inform you we don't have one anymore. I didn't agree with most things Obama did including that cherry picked Lybia picture but find it retarded that you would believe that each individual American soldier is a monster because some shitty buildings are blown up in a propaganda meme.
Happened to me once for eight years. It was the best eight years of my life. Killing hajjis, the smell of gun powder, and gun oil. Nothing else in life will ever compare.
>ey bby wanna come live with me in the woods and live off berries and roadkill?
>btw i have tons of disgusting fetishes
That guy must get so much action.
That's the first application I've heard of those things. Completely different context from their regular use though.
Then you of all people should understand the difference between the safe spaces we're talking about and legit atmospheres to accommodate combat inflicted ptsd.
The shit posting on this board is getting silly.
t. country protected by America's army
Lets see.... First you were Nazi wannabes, then you were comufuck wannabes and now your just fuck'n wannabes. There's not a single person outside of your 3rd world country who gives a fuck about you or what ya think.
Please die immediately
Wait, is the US military at our disposal to protect us from migrants? I thought the Hungarians were looking after that shit on their own.
Anyway, could you send a few subs down to the Med? My government is forcing our navy to save drowning niggers off the coast of north Africa and bring them back to Italy. Will you please sink any of our ships that you see?
I just see at as unjust to vilify men that went out to do the thing they saw as right and harmed nobody who did not deserve it.
People died, children and women died. It's a tragedy. But judging every single soldier by the wrongdoings of a few is wrong, let alone treating them like lesser beings for doing nothing wrong.
>not my fault i didn't vote for him!
>There's nothing wrong with electing a black president
t. nigger
And you do realise that americans were bombing this place when I was a kid? I don't need propaganda videos to understand how fucked niggers the americans are.
>being sent to fight wars for people who dont care about you, in places your country has no business being in
Just fuck off then, and shut your yapping nigger mouth about defending us from whatever.
How hard is it to understand?
I guess it is pretty hard for subhumans like you.
I think their next door to panjees. They poo on the ground just like them
A leaf ladies and gentlemen. Enough said.
good joke, too bad everyone missed it
I bet you are one of those fuckers who feel the need to "help" in the syrian civil war, right?
After reading all your posts, all I see is:
>Whining, anti-American with little to no reasoning or foundation other than spoon-fed propaganda.
I hope you and yours all die painful deaths. I hope you're the collateral damage of a drone strike.
You are inconsequential, just like your nation. Have fun spouting garbage from the gutter, where your zero-value, zero-contribution ass belongs, has been your entire life, and will always be.
Jesus, just fucking kill yourself already degenerate faggot.
Just because he was in the army doesn't automatically make him a fucking 'baby killer'.
You're just like those pussy millenials who shit talk the army. If you actually went in the army you'd shit yourself and cry for mommy every night.
We should free everyone in syria. Of their mortal coil.
It's lame. Sorry.
What? Why would I? Fucking sandniggers kill each other all the time. Just let them sort their shit out.
I hope your mother gets raped by a nigger. Oh wait it already happened. Oh well.
Nah you kill yourself marxist niggerlover. Stay in your garbage multiculti shithole.
omg... coming from a racist, fascist country like HUNGARY!??? wtf... u guys sentenced so many poor innocent refugee children to death by not accepting them..... stupid bullies.
Oh fuck off Gunter. Your fucking government helped the "moderate" rebels in Syria, because you faggots can't get an erection without Mehmet and Tyrone breeding your wife, so you needed millions to boost the population that you Soviet rapebabies can't manage to do yourself.
Not to mention making them work for €1 per hour in your manufacturing industry, giving big companies an inexhaustible supply of cheap labour that replaces the formerly "expensive" young, native employees that worked for the princely sum of €8.50 per hour.
I unironically support turning the US military into the modern day Wehrmacht, with Einsatzgruppen like units that just execute Islamic Untermensch en masse to pave the way for American colonization of Syria.
We need lebensraum and oil independence. Fuck Assad and his sandnegro lackeys.
pro life faggots are the worst.
>Not an argument
>inb4 "harharhar turdough n shiet"
>implying Shitgary wasn't under commieshit rule for years
>Shitgary is literally the mexico of europe
Off yourself mongoloid.
Still better than cucknada