im muslim ask me anything
Im muslim ask me anything
do you le like to le blow up and fuck le goat xd?
how many times do you have to pray daily?
Why is a Turkish nationalist symbol the symbol of your religion now?
Do you all still crave the Big Ottoman Cock?
How many children have you raped today
5 everday
i dont know honestly
What does raw goat pussy feel like on your dick?
one more question: how long does one prayer last?
>ottoman cock
if anything the great bombards were compensating for, it's the Mehmets' teenie weenies desu familia senpai chan
I'm a catholic curry muncher but have never convinced by Catholicism. Should I convert?
calming , soft , cool , wet , amazing
you should stop making fun of it and try it
not a specific amount of time
depends on the number of rak'at and the verses you read
shut the fuck up
If then but after are the not like the same as ?
It's pretty nasty when your goat isn't very hygenic. Also their vaginal orifice, which is why they require superior kebab sausage. One of the worst case scenarios is to have a bunch of maggots crawling into your dickhole and laying eggs inside your glans. Other than that, shit is pretty cash M'hammed.
We're they little qt Christian lads?
Or clit-less girls?
>their vaginal orifice is larger*
how long does one rak'at last?
have you impregnated your sister yet?
This. And is she hot?
Why shouldn't I kill you?
fucking your fucking OP image is not fucking right
I can see the transparent texture
you nigged it up and saved it with the transparent texture visible
if it was properly transparent it would match the boards background (theme) color
fucking redo your image or find a proper transparent image
it is your duty as an anonymous imageboard poster to uphold a certain quality level
why do the Sunnis want to destroy based Assad's regime in Syria? The Saudis, Turks, Gulf States, Israelis, everybody wants to take him down when he is the only secular leader in the Middle East
Do you support removing Assad and replacing him with ISIS jihadis?
whatever you say goyim
are you fucking serious ? thats the best part you fucking idiot
the maggots feel so amazing on the tip of my dick
i dont want them inside me though
no they were 4 12yo schoolgirls , 1 14yo fag that was kinda handsome
and another random girl probably about 9 i kidnapped from the street
We have to wait for Pope Francesca to get assassinated, then a real one will step in and declare an 8th(9th?) Crusade effectively nullifying all war crimes committed against muslims for the next 7 years.
>t. Cletus Dixon Johnson Jr.
We are just like the American south when you think about it: rampant guns, conservatism and consanguinity. Only difference is Islam, family
>12 year old
Could have been worse. Did you lock the other three up, or did you have a friend watch them while you took turns? Would be pretty hard to not have the other 3 run away I imagine.
Why don't you take the Palestinian rats on your side of the river?
Wash your hands first, please
Why do you want to destroy white people and especially white Christians?
Why can't we just live separated but get along?
If moslems took the bantz then the world would be better.. the jews destroyed Christianity with pop culture the moslems are out of le the middle is happiness a little beer and little pussy and hard honest work !
Sure: can you please kill yourself?
Was Muhammad's brother in law veering Islam to something more peaceful and tolerant?
Also, what do you think of Ted Bundy?
I mean if he was a Muslim, he would be /yourguy/ right?
Shekelstein detected.
Good and Evil are a Jewish lie. They don't exist user.
it depends on what verses you read aftar al fatiha
which one ?
because you are busy shitting on the street
because assad is a fag and barrel bombed the fuck out of them
Why are you a muslim?
>jewish rat
>turkish rat
want some bacon ali?
Why do you constantly make these threads?
Would you escape of your country if someone arrange a marriage and you don't want it?
Answer carefully to prove you are real burger. In a mart, do you shart? This is important and a wrong answer might get you OROVILLE DAMMED with these digits
are you pro-secularism or pro-caliphate?
Explain why haven't you converted to Christianity yet.
how many suicide bombings have you done yet?
well even if they ran away the government would hand them to me so it doesnt matter
because we want them to stay there and die , kill israelies with them
nah we are good destroying your shitty continent
we are in process of doing so right now
fugg off
Literally : Literally who ?
my college is bigger than your country
he was fat , american , ugly , and had sex without marrying
evil is good bro
I avoid walmart. I go to based Aldi's.
Also I literally just ate a bacon cheeseburger, so fuck you.
He is a hero for remaining the leader with all the crazy terrorists funded by Saudi Arabia in his country trying to destroy him
Do you really support the "rebels" over Assad?
It shows what type of Muslim you are, when you support the removal of a decent secular leader for a religious nutjob like they have in the Gulf States
Why is it when you write your gods name in your shitty language it looks like a flaccid dick and balls?
if I hadn't broken my asshole on a computer chair like boogie I'd fucking handle you m8
Not really.
Sorry that he's not wearing a burka.
It also looks like the old Adidas Air logo (the one that got banned). "Air" in levantine slang is also a word for "penis". Reallymakeschuthank
because its good
no thanx achmed
because i want people to make memes about me like pic related
free pussy
pro caliphate
because its absloute cuckery shite
Kek. Thanks for the laugh. Midwest is best bitch.
assad is a fag
beniz in bagina
wait i thought ted bundy was that fat clown that raped alot of children
Why are you people incapable of acting like civilized human beings? Every society that takes your kind in they end up regretting it once they see how you people act. Why must you rape, terrorize and brutalize every community that is nice enough to take you in?
lol, south here (TN) the obesity is real, except I'm not. I hope it changes, I wanna make it on maury or some shit before I die
You don't want to be a meme.
>Pic related
The fat clown was john Wayne gacy
because das good
Do you think muslims should do like christians; pick and choose what parts of the bible they want to follow.
Or do you support the molestation of prepubescent girls?
No Ted Bundy would have been fucking president if he hadn't been caught. Dude was a fucking legend. People had collective nightmares the day they zapped him. Spooky.
Gatlinburg was one of my fondest childhood memories. Yeah whenever people say Americans are fat, I don't think they realize that it's mainly the south. Idk man the cold must make us burn the shit off.
food stamps is rampant here, which leads to the cheapest shit foods. families of ham beasts drop 400$ at a time on 24 packs of mtn dew and frozen multipack burritos. Anyone that says we aren't fat is full of shit, it's all over the place and it's fucking awesome and hilarious. It's a good thing we have drones now because these lard lords couldn't walk a mile let alone run several.
they should follow duh whole thing fag
who gives a shit you amerifats are so obessed with criminals because they are rare lmao
What would you and the others would do if we did pic related.
We're low key a nation of war criminals, so it makes sense. One of his last messages to the world was warning us about faggots like you. God I can't fucking wait to crusade you.
pointed an arrow at the cube ? nothing
haha welgome :DD
>pillar of fire
Isn't that one of the signs of their apocalypse desu?
Do you guys really want to pillage Rome? Or is that just a meme....
Heh. Hehehe. So...?
yeah sure
just let us take the stone
Also why is your ((anti-christ)) a bald dude with a fucked up eye, and the Christian one is supposed to be a suave dude? Are our choices really Dr. Evil and Austin Powers?
Surprise Nuke. Stone inside.
I'm actually a pagan. So....
>inb4 shiite
Do you want to be cremated or buried standing up. Does your religion prefer we bayonet you or just shove a grenade up your arse.
All you /pol / Bros notice the muds narrative is changing to peace? When we took Aleppo from their flaming hands, then let all fighters have free passage to Mosul, which we have surrounded, the stinking mudslimes want to start talking how peaceful Islam is.! Hahahahahahaha! We have already started hitting g Raqqua a little so when we take Mosul we will let what's left have free passage to Raqqua. There is where we break the false Caliphate. Raqqua!
These are my worldwide terms to Islam. Blow up every Mosque, throw down your weapons, no travel outside any other country but moslem, your oil is ours, your gold and every pretty young girl that has not known a man is ours. All moslem males to work clean up and Burial details. The men are not to ever raise their eyes in the presence of a Christian.
Most of all, and there is no Deception allowed, ALL SLAVES ARE TO BE FREED TODAY! Anyone caught killing their slaves his whole family, any age, will be coated in pig fat and set on fire. Slaves will be turned over immediately and anyone knowing that someone has a slave had better inform us immediately. If you kill a slave all that is yours will be taken to the Brook Kidron and burned with fire!!!!
These are your terms of surrender. I Hope you don't accept them. I want to end Islam at Raqqua. End it. We'll deal with Malaysia and the rest later.
You slave holding bastards had better not hurt one slave you have bought. We will make it really bad in your whole family if you harm one slave. We hate slave owners, bitch. I'm serious. If you want to live or I've it by gathering every slave from your area and bring them to us. If they want to beat you well hold you down while they beat you as long as they like. Then you can walk or be carried away.
we get fast car , we take stone then leave
he also has the word "kaffir" on his forehead
lol fug no
i follow Imam Muhammad al-Shafi of Medinah
lol fag
omg... literally tl;dr
didnt read a single word
When we crucify you, we'll dip the nails in pig blood. Odins ravens will feast on your eyeballs.
Follow-up question then, how do you live your daily life as someone who supports rape, genital mutilation, etc.
You are aware that everyone in the world with an IQ over 90 want you dead?
then u wake up
i dond gare :DD i come here everday to piss you fags off
I'm worship Paimon. A Djinn. What do you think of that?
No car is faster than a nuke explosion.
the only known name for djinns in islam is : Ifrit , Namrod , ibliss
and another one i forgot
then we use flying carpet
why are muslims in the west such social justice warriors?
i respect them more when they own their extreme conservative beliefs
Stop dodging the question.
because they are not true muslims and are cucks that think not following islam fully will lead them to anywhere but jahannam
fucking munafiqs
isnt dodge like a car brand ?
I kinda like your edgy triggering.
And haha muslims and jews will never cooperate,
most jews killed are killed by muslims and alot of muslims are killed by jews.
Also Jews have way higher intelligence than you so there's little in way of communicating ;^)
the degeneracy of western culture seems to have influenced the youth even in muslim countries. is this true?
Why do you always have thread here
Go fuck a goat