It seems like we're on the brink of collapse. Society is being increasingly polarized. Divide and conquer at it's finest. Governments around the world are in debt up to their asses. The USA is at $20 trillion, China, the EU, and the rest of the world isn't much better. EU is going to fall apart. Generation Z is the most conservative in decades (the generation before the fall of an empire usually turns conservative). Globalists are starting to feel some resistance, they're not going down without a fight. Military industrial complex has a lot of toys and not a lot of opportunities to use them. How do you think it's going to happen? False flag? Economic collapse? What will it look like and what do you think will be the end result? Let's try to avoid Deus Vault and third Reich fantasies and try to be realistic. Europe doesn't seem like it's going to wake up before the fall. North Korea isn't going to do shit. The US will probably still be the hegemon at the end of all this. New World Order or liberation?
The Fall
I think things will go downhill for a while until there is some kind of a intentional or unintentional trigger that escalates into a widespread global conflict.
Another possibility is a slow death where nothing dramatic happens but the quality of life just keeps slowly decreasing and corruption increasing and we will have two parallel societies made of a few rich families and poor rest of the world.
why is Sup Forums shilling the idea that generation zog is actually conservative just because of that one survey that said they don't like tattoos or whatever
the Jews will consume them the same as they did any other generation
I wish trump would tell about the aliens, then we would have some interesting times
Has to happen at some point, why not now
I live in Alaska in a town of 53 people, go for it. We might notice between bear season and the salmon run.
Children these days have more exposure to red pilled ideas and kike awareness than we did. Hating Jews and marxism is not as conspiracy-tier as it was a decade ago.
Also, the value system of modern parents is liberal and degenerate as fuck, the only way their children can rebel against their parents is adopting more conservative values.
Why the fuck are you faggots so demoralized?
Societal collapse is great news. From the ashes, a new fashy future can arise.
No longer we have a society where men devolve into NEET's, virgins or cucks.
No longer we have a society where women devolve into whores, fatty feminists or lesbians.
Have a little hope, for fuck's sake, all of us in Sup Forums right now are about to witness the collapse of cultural marxism, and the rise of a better world for our children to arise through the purging of the filth and degenerates.
America was built on factions
T. The Federalist papers
As soon as Trump starts interfering with the economy the FED still cease all monetary action (or even suck in some money) for about half a year. The global economy will collapse entirely after 10 years of constant money pumping and low interest rates. The common folk powered by the media will blame this on Trump, since they generally hold absolutely no understanding of the causes of the business cycle or economics as a whole. 2020 will go to establishment democrat #500 or something will put Pence in office.
This is what I expect so that I won't be disappointed when we stop winning.
yes but how do we prevent (((capitalism))) from getting out of control again this time
I very much doubt that, gen z is just barely entering high school and the most popular app among 12 year old boys is supposedly brazzers
>red pilled ideas and kike awareness than we di
exactly my point. I am a millenial, and growing up, there was no refugee crisis yet, and feminism hadn't turn into SJW bullshit yet, so obviously, it's going to be painful to accept that every redpilled millenial's adult life will be a struggle, but always remember that we are the ones who lead on the Gen Z, and we must not fail them or lose courage by reverting into our cucksheds and NEETdom to wither away and die in our own filth.
>Societal collapse is great news.
really depends, is it like the post-roman depression where they forgot how to make proper concrete and bridges or a 2nd renaissance
Capitalism didn't get out of control. We asked for more than it could give began to gradually replace it, blaming it for each successive and increasingly strong failure that we brought upon ourselves by constant market interference.
>(((capitalism))) from getting out of control again this time
With strong moral values and pristine white unity across all the white nations, of course. Protestant work ethics made the white nations great, we must revive the tradition of hard work once again. No more gibs, slacking off or "taking a year or two after HS to smoke weed and figure out my life while living at my parents" bullshit.
>I very much doubt that, gen z is just barely entering high school and the most popular app among 12 year old boys is supposedly brazzers
Gen Z starts from 1995-1997, mate. Some of them are entering adulthood already.
Sup Forums and others have raised awareness. The great meme war had real impact on the world.
NWO is BTFO. "pizzagate" mentioned on MSM. "fake news" is a common phrase now.
And the most fun on a bun, Soros is outed.
>Governments around the world are in debt up to their asses. The USA is at $20 trillion, China, the EU, and the rest of the world isn't much better.
To whom is everyone owning these endless debts???
>post-roman depression where they forgot how to make proper concrete
this is only the case if the shitskins win the civil war, like how barbars won the romans and demolished all roman knowledge and heritage out in the open
>2nd renaissance
now that's more like it
plague and lack of food is good chance to trigger every single person on earth back to reality, away from fantasy they created for themselves
how does one feel when not well fed? they are irritated and will stop caring about everything they perviously said that they hold dear
what you now see isnt the true nature of human, the true nature only appears at great conflict
>yes but how do we prevent (((capitalism))) from getting out of control again this time
You can't halt the natural progress of any society. It's better to just ride the cycles of history and do your best to mitigate the damage along the way.
>I very much doubt that, gen z is just barely entering high school and the most popular app among 12 year old boys is supposedly brazzers
Is it a surprise that teenagers watch porn and have a huge libido? Abstinence and chastity is not a required to fight the Jews and their indoctrination, although it probably would help.
It's so much easier to get information about anything than it used to be. You don't have to spend days in library and take notes in order to be able to compare different political ideologies to each other.
Plague is not a big threat in a modern first world society. Lack of food is much more legitimate.
Future generations.