Be honest, bros.
How many of you were raised by single mothers?
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Bastard here, reporting in.
raised by my grandparents after my real parents got thrown in jail for raping me
i-i don't know what you're talking about
Sadly so
You got raped by both your parents? What, at the same time?
Yes. My dad was murdered when I was young.
She didn't remarry.
Was he murdered by a nigger?
No, I had a stern father and mother who was subservient to him. Very few good people come from single mother homes.
Divorced parents lived with my dad mostly though
How many people here have/had both a mother and father, but the father was absent or busy enough that they were basically raised by their mother exclusively anyway?
Probably most of. Sup Forums
Yep. Father was present, but an alcoholic work-shy bum.
Sup Forumstards blame mommy that feeds them everyday for the problems daddy caused by leaving and will continue on the cycle or die virgins
ery time a thread comes up about autism and fatherless households its so active. It really should explain to you the source of these right wing beliefs
No, but that certainly would have happened if my dad lived, since he was a businessman.
I love my mum, couldn't ask for a better one.
I'm also happily married (not to my mum, don't worry).
My parents were together, but my dad was always working to support us so I never really saw him much and he wast' really involved in my upbringing aside from financially supporting me. So I guess technically I was raised by a single mother.
single mom, 42 when i was born. i am a gerontophile fag monster desu
My father just tinkered with the car every day. Didn't show me how to shave or anything. Had a good life though.
my father would rape me and my mother tried to cover it up by claiming that he did it out of love. I hope they die in prison.
but my grandparents gave me the gift of the red pill and taught me how Bill Clinton should be impeached and gangster rap is degenerate
I was part of a perfect family unit.
My mother and father were "happily" married.
Mother stayed at home to take care of me and my brother.
Farther went out to work and win bread.
He worked as a planning consultant out in Dubai so we only saw him for a few weeks each year though.
yee. I had weekend visitation with my dad. My parents really hated each other. And would question/ interrogate me about the other parent. I lived with my mom and her parents. They were all crazy and arabic. Take note user don't ever marry an arab.
That's fucking sickening. Good thing you had some decent family members at least.
I grew up in a home with 2 parents of opposite genders, 2 children concieved in wedlock, a dog, 2 cars, and a fully detached home in a good neighbourhood.
In high school I woulda been voted most likely to shoot the place up
Yes. Mother and father split up when I was young. Was raised by my mother. She didn't remarry. It's also weird because it was an interfaith marriage. He was Muslim and she's catholic. Now my family hates muslims
Right here senpai
Same. I thank my lucky stars whenever i meet another cuck or slut in training and it turns out one way or another they all had an absentee father/were raised by a single mom
i was
What in the fuck is this? Subtle trolling? Two fucking half-arabs within minutes?
I had a mother and father until my father committed suicide on my tenth birthday while I was sleeping next to him. Both parents were horrible drug addicts, mom was a manipulative psychopath that would instigate complete and total chaos with my father which is ultimately why he killed himself. Basically he hated my mother but could never get custody of my three brothers and I and couldn't live with her anymore because she was abusive to him and he was powerless to do anything back.
After he died, my mom went full psycho and completely cut my entire family out and told my brothers and I that they abandoned us and wanted absolutely nothing to do with our lives and development. I believed this until I was 18 after I escaped her stranglehold and asked my family questions on what happened to everyone. Pretty surreal experience.
Yea. But my mom is good, other than her decision to marry my father.
He became an alcoholic degenerate
My mother is indian and my father is paki...
My father just chose to get his life fucked over by pussy. And his children have to suffer for it while he continues to live in his fantasy land. At least he had enough will to stick around despite the circumstances.
Honestly though I wouldn't have that many problems if my father just stuck his dick in better places. Take that as you will.
Ok, that's better. I'm only triggered when glorious germanics are brought down by mixing with subhumans, Indian/Paki are basically the same people anyway genetically, right?
Yes, I was raised by a single mother. When I was three she completely destroyed our family. Divorced my dad, who owned his own business and provided a great life for us. I resent her for it to this day.
On a nonwhite board like Sup Forums the numbers start approaching 70%
>dfn halvt sigöyner
Sven kva gjere
don't worry user. White people will only exist for another 100-200 years
Grandmother. I may or may not be a rape baby.
>tfw nigger and had both parents
feels good man
How is that even possible... did your father rape a Norwegian woman and you are the spawn?
what is her job?
From 0 to 6
Then foster homes and foster centers from 6 to 13
Then with my mom again from 13 to 18
i left her when we got expelled from our house a Christmas Eve and we had to be gone before the 25Th and that was the 13th time we moved in 3 years and I went living with my grand-mother who died 6 months later
My mother is a fuck up
She was a social worker but she went on disability when I was about 7 or 8.
sounds like you had a rough live
For a couple years between my dad dying and my mom remarrying, but I was already a teenager.
Damn, dude. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. How are you holding up these days?
dad died at 13.
having a father figure is pretty crucial around that age
I thought Ghana was just mud huts. You guys actually have internet out there?
Pretty much this for me. Step dad was never there and was a work shy pussy. Grandpa lived up the street and took my brothers and I in. Got his work ethic from him. When I entered the family business I was taken under the wing of some older guys there and they acted as father figures for me.
kinda same just not as extreme. mother was pretty crazy but couldn't see it at the time. dad committed suicide because he was a drunk and feared divorce i guess
she made it out that my dads side of the family didn't really give a shit
Women raising boys past that age of 12 was a mistake
Single father
>OP Btfo
never take women dating advice. learned a little too late
he was 1/4th gypsy
Nope. Both my parents are still together and I have two brothers
You didn't answer his question
I was
Indeed. After dad passed away we became incredibly poor because my mom refused to get a job and instead lived at her new boyfriends house and smoked crack and took shit loads of xanax and oxy. My brothers and I ate at homeless shelters and scrounged clothing from donation bins whenever we could, all of us dropped out of highschool to get jobs in construction and the rest is history.
Pretty good. I'm 29 now, it took me almost 20 years to undo most of my abandonment and self esteem issues. I have a few college degrees, almost a masters in sports medicine and own my own gym and supplement company. Married to a great girl that cares for me and is loyal, and probably going to have kids sometime in the near future.
They're our old colony. They're the most civilized black African country
Bastard here. Mom tried to find me a surrogate. I watched a freshly 20 year old man get cucked by a 30 year old woman. Fuck that, fuck children, fuck marriage. Can't trust a woman beyond arms length.
me hahga life so fuhnfg
Father died in a plane crash when I was 11.
The fire rises
Me, ABQ fag reporting in.
Poor Bastard reporting for duty...
I have daddy issues
I did
by my mom was already 38 at the time and had a solid carrer and property, so it wasn't as bad as other people
What's the connection between single motherhood and right-wing extremism?
Are we born without a realistic sense of what is to be a man so we fantasize about crusaders, nation-builders, conquistadores, explorers and other exaggerated examples of masculinity?
Wow, this thread really made me think.
Good to hear. Way to go, mang. That is seriously admirable.
No it was a private plane.
I was. I guess my mother got tired of getting her ass beat by a drunk, serial adulterer.
But, my mother had the good sense to find a good church with a lot of men in it who saw that my two brothers and I were raised to be proper men.
I can't remember a Sunday when some deacon didn't walk up, punch me pretty hard in the arm and ask me how my week had been. I learned how to do things like roof houses, general construction, basic auto mechanics, and etc. from those men. Without their influence God only knows how I would have turned out. Not well I suspect.
He was a big guy.
Maybe, we feel like we need to be the 'man of the house' because there is no father around. Hence why we are extra alert about possible invaders and problematic people like muslims.
How are you with your dad now?
I'm in this situation as the dad and worry about this every day.
No, we just know from experience how shit women are at everything, and so we yearn for a more patriarchal system.
My dad had a job, so mostly my mom was around during the week. I only really saw my dad on weekends and vacation until he retired.
in other words
>How many of you are niggers
What car was it, Sven?
I'm a blonde blue eyed Nordic male, and I was raised by a single feminist mother. Not a great time.
Widowed if that counts.
This is interesting. Can relate to this but never thought about it like this.
My mum could've done some things better. She has made some questionable decisions
Not me. I know for many it's like divorcing and shit is normal in their lives, but my family has none and are completely against such shit.
I wish I was raised by a single mom . My parents fought a fuckload yelled throughout my existence until I was 18 found out my sister molested my step sister and he turned out to be a real piece of shit. My father never wanted us and if it was for child support he would have left I'd wager and he's a christcuck didn't even help. I haven't seen my dad in over 10+ years the last time I saw him he looked like he had AIDs and was wearing an ankle bracelet. Also my bro needed help with bail because some retard girl said she was hit. He said yes then lied about it. Fucking piece of shit.
He died a few years ago. We were relatively close but the damage was done. My advice is to stay close to your kids ie don't move far away, so they can see you often. Be aware they their mother may try to poison the well and turn your kids against you.
In contrast, I'm a black guy raised with both parents which is 1 more parent than most on this thread.
Btw my mother isn't much better but at least she wouldn't fucking lie about helping her kids out.
>I'm a black guy raised with both parents
Were they decent?
no my parents were married for 40 years
Just by that you know i'm white
Yeah rich immigrants, lived in a Jack Nicklaus Golf & Yacht Club gated community in South Florida.
not exactly
my parents divorced when I was ~10 but continued to live in the same house just different flats and still got along rather well, so both continued to have an influence on me. though my other was there more often, but that would have been the same had they stayed together