Daily reminder that if you're cut you're an honorary kike and not even human

Daily reminder that if you're cut you're an honorary kike and not even human.

This is a shit thread
>making fun of someone for having their genitals mutilated just as they came into this world
>d&c shill
Have a sage

Enjoy your AIDS and dick cheese nigger

Typical Amerifag


Its called taking a fucking shower or bath dirty ass nigger.


>not being circumcised because it's haraam
Typical leaf

>Jews have the highest IQ of any group
>Jews are circumcised


>showers prevent AIDS
>American ((((education))))



I'm cut as American Red Blooded males are. It's part of our cultural traditions that you seek to subvert and ridicule as we are weakened when divided.

So go play with your glorified skin tab I'm sure you have gauged ears and pink hair as well, go play with those, clown. As you will not diminish me or my fellow American men.

asians are the smartest not jews

Spit on that dry dick fool

Why don't you just pull out your teeth so you don't have to brush them any more?


>Dick has hood to collect sweat for lube

Lol you cutfag its literally just the opposite, mudshits get their dick cut.

This thread triggers the shitskin

So does that mean I should invest in stocks and start a business?

>most americans are sexually mutilated as kids, by old pedos who believe a man lives in the clouds

gg, americans

D-delete t-this

>have foreskin
>some times foreskin not long enough and tip of penis gets chafed
>stretch foreskin
>comfort ensues

>caring about another man's penis

Yep OPs a faggot
Enjoy discussing about each others cocks you days
Only came in this thread to let you closet homos know

It's haraam to NOT get cut you retard.

>not cut
>have phimosis




and you?

I wouldn't do that to my son but my grandma wishes she was Jewish for some reason and pretty much forced that shit

Showers prevent cheese dick retard. Not fucking shitskins helps prevent aids.

And somehow it jews who control the world, really make you think

how did you know that Mohammad

>be American
>father was cut, father's father was cut, and so on
>have virtually no chance
>mother angrily insistent that I and brother be cut
>based father steps in and demands we not be touched so we can make the choice as adults
>hate foreskin as a kid because it makes me different
>become an adult and realize the great favor my father did
>enjoy shitposting on Sup Forums where every other American flag is a salty mangled dick brimming with jealousy

Feels good man. Feels real good.

>benis is mutilated
>compares intacts people that have mutilated their hair and ears

American education


No one mentions that being uncircumcised makes masturbation so much easier and comfortable

i like this analogy

>he still believes this
Still angry your parents are good goys and mutilated you at birth, I see.

Because the only people in know personally that are cut are Muslims and Americans, I also know how to read, so it's not hard to find out information about muslim faith.

Get mad, kike.

Wouldn't be cold with a nice boy mouth to be in

masturbation is degenerate


How about don't put your dick in AIDS in the first place.

Also, show me a single study that correlates circumcision with less AIDS (I have a sensation it's the other way around)

This is my downfall. Foreskin masturbation feels so good that I literally cant stop masturbating.

I hope you shoved it in your mother's face.
(not literally though)


One again Amerifags prove how retarded they are
Americans should be genocided

>hate foreskin as a kid cuz diff
I know that feel user. I felt so outa place growing up with my turtleneck dick and everyone else is cut.

Jesus Christ all this butthurt from burgers every time this topic comes up, it's okay it's not your fault if your parents were gullible goys who mutilated you so that you wouldn't enjoy natural sex as much and therefore facilitate white replacement.

You had the picture on your computer, didn't you, Sweden?

>haha you were genitally mutilated at birth

Fuck off Achmed.

Can't you sue your parents, the hospital, the city and the country for allowing your mutilation without your consent?


I think you already know the answer :^)

Well said, 60%.

Agreed, greaseisnt a type of white

My benis is cut as well and it looks non subhuman

God Bless America



well it's getting sucked

Americans are a disgrace to the whole world, truly disgusting bastards

Nah, she came around about the time the internet became a big thing and information was more readily available.


Post benis Sluz

>be american newborn
>get your dick mutilated by your parents because "girls like it more this way"

No, because antisemitism is illegal in the west

i was circumcised but I am so anti jew that my penis fought back and i still have a lot of my foreskin... feels good man

It is the other way around. Plus the only thing behind cleanliness and circumcision is equated in mist studies at about 5% net positive against AIDS for niggers and mud-slimes living in areas without any access to water and terrible bad hygiene practices in general that let their dicks accumulate dick mold from not cleaning it or peeling it back when you need to wee... Literally just an excuse for kikes to deform dicks and and suck baby wienners....

now we wait for the FBI to shutdown this thread

>God Bless America
Goy bless Jewmerica, the asshole of the world :)

>be american
>have a dick
>get cut

Jamal Sheckleburg confirmed, flame with extreme prejudice!

Please do not mutilate the genitalia of your children. The new testment tells us not to do it, and it is very wrong to take something from an infant he can never get back.

I can't believe how triggered wholefags are. So many (you)s

Typical american basically using

>enjoy having to wash urself ahhahah btfooo

as an insult

Call me a kike but at least I don't have a croissant between my legs.