Less bullets, more brains


Other urls found in this thread:


>shoots point blank at face

No you're wrong and dead

>The strong should not exploit the weak.
>Guns are tools of the weak. Guns are bad.

Pick one you liberal faggot.

dudes autism. "wut those hipster chicks are talking about me?!!! raggggh!!!!!"

Can being strong make you take gunshots from the ((weak))?

> Police are evil racist oppressors.
> Only Police should have guns.

>saying "This is true." about yourself

So chicks are SOL? Lol lets see how this goes

Henry Rollins is a fucking washout

Anything he says is a pathetic attempt to be relevant

- Quote from man shot.

>if you disagree with me you're wrong
Wow!?! Fascism much?!?

>If you disagree with me, it's okay, you're wrong
What a faggot. By definition, whatever views you disagree with you treat such views as being wrong. Is there ever a viewpoint that one disagrees with that they also consider the most correct?

Anarcho-primitivism general?


Guns were made by people with brains to level the playing field. I spoke with a single mother prostitute once who said she feels safer with a gun.

Reminder that this guy is intimidated by, and simultaneously owned by 14 year olds. m.youtube.com/watch?v=8HGb7yo4SFM

Less bullets more brains? Okay everyone, line up! Single file!

I bet I can in a fight against Henry Rollins then, I have some pretty nice guns.

GenXFag here - I remember the MTV time fill that that was from:


>Less bullets, more brains.
Sounds like quote from a zombie.


>your brain can stop bullets

Technically, it can. You'll be dead, though.

He's right why would a woman need fend off a male attacker? Why would anyone need to drop an assailant before they were able to lay hands on you?

>me strong
>less pointy stick
>strong not need pointy stick
>not agree?
>*move behind you*
>*unsheathes muscle*
>no personnel child

You should have stood up like a man for your friend instead of being a pussy and running.
Not saying I wouldn't have ran too but I would have blamed the person that killed him not the gun.

>Sees flag

Ohhh, I get it now, it's retarded

How is your mom doing by the way?

your link is down btw


From a predictable "punk rock" dork spewing leftist platitudes like a parrot? Fuckin' rich.


I kinda agree, but when someone has a gun, others are weak comparing to him.
t. Buttrrknife

>"The weak must fear the strong."

fuck off leaf

Rollins looks intimidating until you realize he's like 5'6"

>gun are the tools of the weak

tell that shit to the fucking zulus

Firearms make people equal.

God made man.

Samuel Colt made man equal.

Maybe if he or his friend had a gun with them his friend wouldn't be dead 2bh

Henry Rollins is a tool.

So if a disabled person uses a gun to defend himself from a rapist that means he's weak? Really made me think

This, what good is your brains when you are dead because someone with a different moral code decided to shoot you? It would have been smarter to carry your own gun just in case.

Go back to scooping ice cream you fucking cunt

Hello, proxyfags! Get the fuck off Sup Forums!

Guns ARE tools of the weak. Without them, expansion in the US would have been centuries-level slow. But with guns, women could protect the home. With guns, you didn't need an entire community to band together to go out because, with guns, the expected cost of attacking a home was very high.

Guns make sure jacked up retards like Henry Rollins aren't in charge of social order.

>"hardcore poet Henry Rollins"
How can you say something like that with a straight face?



if a madman the size of the fucker in OP's picture came at me with a knife i would get my ass stabbed and then wopped
only way 4 me to get outta there alive is with a gun

>Less bullets, more brains.

If you were that fucking smart, you'd know that should be "Fewer bullets, more brains", Henry, you fucking closet fag.

>you're wrong being in an actual quote to defend a point
How can liberals ever be taken seriously?

What a sad, insecure man. Its not about weakness or strength, its about pure logic. The man who intends on breaking into your house, raping your wife and daughters and stealing your shit does not care about your concepts of strength; he'll likely shoot you all the same; and if you were any fraction of a man you would put your ego aside and ask " How can i do the only thing a man is supposed to do, defend his property and family? With a gun, of course. A strong fit man should embrace guns, not the other way around

Literally "If you kil your enemies, they win" level nonsense.


>the size of the fucker in the OP's picture
He may have some swole muscles, but he's also legally a midget.

Guns should be used as tools or kept as novelties.

Sunrise this liberal queen goy doesn't have a star of David tattooed on his forehead. He came to my school about a decade ago to speak. I Should've went and kicked his ass

Rollins is too stupid to realize he's unwittingly making a good argument for why people need guns as a form of protection.

If someone bigger and stronger than you is trying to harm you, having a gun negates their physical advantage.

>tfw too smart for a gun.

Fuck off you fudd

>Guns should be used as tools
which they are. Hunting and self defense. Whats your point?

>Henry Rollins in a nutshell

>young woman shoots imposing home invader with a pistol

>WWII veteran kills assailants with his service weapon

>Cop shoots coked up maniac with a machete

What's the Rollins story where his friend was shot by a gang or something?

HEs right though. Instead of concealed carrying a 9mm, my tiny gf should just fist fight any potential rapist nigger. Haha because she's weak!

Isn't this fedora tier where instead of using a gun you are a master of the ka-ta-na. More honabru and stuff.

Said the guy with the "I kill niggers" tattoo...

I wanna see Henry Rollins fend off a burglar who has a gun. I hope his strong muscles can stop bullets.

Is he a felon? Can he even carry a gun?

Fucks sake that video was so bad, I cringe at the memory.

>dogs should be used for sexual gratification
>leafs in charge what should or shouldn't be

>if you disagree with me, its okay you're wrong
Keep it up

>Weak man with Gun vs Strongman with no gun

Who wins?

Most US Federal gun control legislation has been written, introduced, and sponsored by Jewish Congressmen and Jewish Senators.

A long list of senior US government officials and legislators hold dual US / Israeli citizenship.

how about more of your dumb ass brains splattered on the wall

I wonder how many gun-toting body guards he has?
Elitist cocksuckers always think they can tell the people what to think, when none of it would effect them, either way.
Fuck celebrities.

Might makes right, this is a universal truth.

You can argue justice and morality until the end of time, but when Jamal shoots Johnny, Johnny loses. And we all lose when Johnny has no kids and Jamal has 5 by 4 different "baby-mamas" by the time he is executed, dies in jail, or dies of old age.

Nature is an eternal fascist and we are still slaves to nature no matter our wealth, age, skin color, religion, class, whatever delineative metric we use now or will invent in the future.

A gun is a tool of physical power and the lowest criminal has more power than the strongest pacifist with one, so if you're truly a pacifist you need the strength to subdue those who would destroy you.

The 90's was more cringe than people want to remember. Later Kurt Loder goes onto say
>when Rollins is feeling pressure from life, he works out and watches his diet. It's a more 90's kind of lifestyle
wtf does that even mean?

Really made me think.

rather be called weak than dead

>weak people can use guns to defend themselves from stronger people
Isn't that the point?


”The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.” ~Thomas Jefferson

”Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples’ liberty’s teeth.” ~George Washington

"The very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that is good” ~George Washington

”A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.” ~George Washington

”The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed.” ~Alexander Hamilton

”The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country…” ~James Madison

”To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.” ~George Mason

”Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property… Horrid mischief would ensue were (the law-abiding) deprived the use of them.” ~Thomas Paine

”To be prepared for war, is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.” ~George Washington

”Laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes… Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.” ~Thomas Jefferson (quoting Cesare Beccaria)

>he works out and watches his diet. It's a more 90's kind of lifestyle
As opposed to alcohol, heroin, hookers, etc.

Aw boy, I dunno lad.

I'd hit that /10

>Guns are tools of the weak

Technically true from a martial POV, but if a man has a gun and you have a sword then guns are clearly the tools of the smart. Of course, he can't see this because he looks at logic through the lense of his ideology.

>less bullets == more brains
ok, sure, it could mean you're a good shot
>the strong don't need guns
sure, but they also don't need brains. history has shown this.
>guns are the tools of the weak
yes, it makes it possible for smart weak people (a large majority of smart people) to be on equal footing as the strong.

There's nothing wrong in being weak or smart, or even strong.

But the strong usually prey on the weak, so guns are good, and less bullets (used) is a good sing that you're smart.
>Survival of the fittest.
no, smartest.
>tips fedora
iiiee, sempai, I worship Kami-sama.


>Americans unironically believe the bottom part of the pic



The be fair to Henry Rollins, this PSA on MTV all those years ago had a backdrop of sensational school shootings directly blaming MTV for "inspiring" the events.

Also worth noting, his diaries show he grew up in a gangbanger neighbourhood, so the context here is "don't be a gansta, nigger" rather than "shall not be etc etc"


Is there anyone who seriously likes Henry Rollins?

I honestly haven't found someone who actually enjoyed whatever shit pile band he was in.

fucking mint

I disagree with pro lifers but I don't think their viewpoints are wrong

Rollins is alright. Well built.