Why are Eastern Europeans so damn RACIST?

Why are Eastern Europeans so damn RACIST?

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They were part of the USSR and experienced the destruction of their culture, so they're trying really hard to preserve it now that the commies are gone.

fuck off roach

Because a half of our population already are immigrants. Gypsies and Russians


We want to forget that we aren't really white.

>Why are Eastern Europeans so damn RACIST?
Because hate is what keeps us running. Stop labeling me with all those -isms.

I hate minorities, I hate majority, I hate myself the most. I can't wait when this whole """"""""civilization"""""""" collapses so I can masturbate in my cave when cities will be swallowed by fire and remnants of humankind fucked in the ass by giant mutated cats.

Fuck people


we hate other non-white because of typical self-hate

>Maybe they aren't, they just want to live in peace without an influx of people invading their country.

but you do like the Pope, don't you?

Why are normal people pathologised?

Inferiority complex

if Pope was still alive he would kick those sandniggers in benis and tell them they can seek refuge in Saudi Arabia

Yeah because starches cause racism in body eat more potatoes and learn Irish, stop being such a bong turnip nigger. Fucking cunts always shill around about racism while they elvish tier language is dying since English took over you are becoming weak cucks.

Yeah since Cool Polish papa died Catholicism is dying. I really miss him, he was so nice and he hated abortions and fags.

Breddy good for a leaf. Maybe there's hope for Canada.

a fucking turk rape baby

>Day of the rake postponed

even i miss Ioannes Paulus
and i'm not even catholic

only way to survive long run bro


>tfw being racist is normal for non-western countries

why not?

Because honesty is ingrained in Eastern European cultures.

t. diaspora
every time, you gotta be some fuckin turk in TU Sofia I bet my balls
Because we do not hide it, no reason this can be weaponized for guilt tripping like in US of A


Because people lose sight of what is really important when they get too comfortable and aren't willing to fight. Eastern Europeans still face hardship and highly value their people, culture and country in response to that.

>you gotta be some fuckin turk in TU Sofia I bet my balls
Holy fucking kek, this slav knows his shit

Because we had it as bad as niggers had it.
So no one really gives a shit

- Germonies, Swedesh, are yous raecist?
- No!
- And how is that working out for you?

Who are you quoting?

Also labeling people really solves issues!
pay faster for that diploma and run, komshi

fuck off to kikebook.

We see Western Europe rotting with shitskins and don't want it here.

>Thinking Putin is doing anything to stop it
Just because they're from Kyrgyzstan instead of Somalia doesn't mean they're white

No, we don't think he is going to stop it. He jails nationalists for hate speech actually

I think it's a bread and circuses kind of thing

The politicians go on about preserving the sanctity of their culture as a means of distracting from the fact that their countries are in financial ruin and no shitskins would even want to go there anyway. Not to mention that people would riot if refugees came in and further devalued wages and sucked up benefits; their countries can't afford that

The second that investment starts happening on a larger scale in East Europe, the second that people will be content with lower wages if it means cheaper goods, the second the politicians decide they can get more taxes by artificially expanding the population, the second the Jews seize total control of their banks, East Europe will cease to be homogeneous.

There is no racism when there are no aliens, it'd do you well to apply the same in potatoland of euro corporate hq

We would take them bitches, but our internet is not enough... They want that German money...