>ITT: Post Sweden
Other urls found in this thread:
> Swedish Lesbian Lutheran Bishop
>Eva Brunne
Alright that is it, Sweden official voids its right to be called a country. Just color the area in black on globes and maps, that region is not needed anymore.
Should I leave the Swedish Church? In theory i would like to stay and support it by I cant pay taxes to support an organization that hates us and is like this.
stay and fight, Sven. Your country needs redpilled men like you more than ever right now. Get things going, spread awareness; you cannot let your country become a Muslim nation
>swedish women
one sandnigger less atleast
> sandnigger > stabbed woman
No, that's not how it goes
>implying the girl that was killed was not a sandnigger
doesn't look like. Are you a turk diaspora or smth?
So what is the christian end game ? I'm an atheist , and i truely don't fucking get it. From my perspective (as a non-believer)...It seems that Chrstians , and especially the Pope , want to ethnically cleanse , eradicate the white race in the name of tolerance & human rights. It's like a fucking suicide cult. a religion that seems to be a perfect reflexion of today's cultural marxist degeneracy....
Seriously though , I truely don't fucking get it...Why do they want europe to be demographically submerged by muslims ? What's in it for them ?
>doesn't look like
but she does, are you blind?
Just because someone has blonde hair doesn't make them look european. besides here last name is obvioulsy foreign and it's confirmed that she is from Libanon anyways
wat abouh dis?
Christianity's beliefs are to be good no matter what. Your daughter got raped? Forgive the rapist. You car got stolen? Maybe the person who stole it needed it more than you.
It was created by authoritarians in order to create a submissive community that can be controlled, thousands of years ago.