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Finally, Fox grows some balls.
>be unemployed Serbian
>spend all day talking about the politics of a country you'll never visit so that you can escape your hellish existence
>I can't get this guy outta my head!!!!
>using the Dutch flag with a shitty crest
Don't forget about (((fox)))
Fake news obviously.
Don't worry bro, we promise to bomb your country into submission so hold your horses.
>Fox news betrays Trump
Fox was never on Trumps side. We all knew this. Only a moron would think this means anything. Truth is, Fox hates Trump just as much as the other MSM new networks because Trump's victory against the MSM means the death of the old news. Fox is the old news too, just like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, and PBS.
The red line?
if they're talking about what Wallace said in the Rush Limbaugh interview, that's a fucking misleading headline
Wallace basically asked Rush if Trump declaring the media, "the enemy of the people" was crossing the line.
fucking tired of
>Trump: Fake Media is enemy of American People!
>Chris: Why does Trump want to abolish free press and create state media?
Reince was such a puss in that debate, should've called Chris on his loaded questions
It's really pathetic what he's doing, I bet that faggot doesn't even vote here in Serbia. That, or he votes for the Liberal Democratic Party.
The news media isn't dying. Actually, regardless of the favorability ratings (mostly from the right-wingers), the news media is loving all of the fucking up that Trump is doing, and will gladly report on it. People are turning on Trumpy.
Woah, so this is delusion in its purest form?
Sorry dude, but all you have to do it look up the MSM ratings to see how far their viewership has declined in the last few months. They're on their deathbed so they're lashing out irrationally. This include WSJ, The Guardian, Buzzfeed, and other such sources.
Ratings are down because the election was a few months ago, dipshit.
Fake News obviously!
>This stupid
That doesn't even make sense by the libshits own logic.
Fox is so fucking leftist today.
He can communicate directly with us over the web, none of these political pundits are required now.
It could only be more sweet if they were all forced to train their H2B replacements and then fired. But total redundency is also fine.
What did he say PDJT did that "crossed the line"?
we all like him. you're just an idiot.
There have only ever been a few pro-Trump Fox people, and Wallace ain't one of them.
>serbian shill returns
>doesn't know wallace is a democuck
Trust in the media is at an all-time low...
Maybe profitability is remaining steady, but the ideal of an "Objective and Honest Media" simply doesn't exist anymore outside of the ego of those in the media.
Follow the steps in the link above to block Legacy Media websites.
The regressive left is everywhere and MILO exposes it. TRUMP 100% from the liberal ass sucking state of California. Fox has some Cucks no surprise there.
The press think theyre above critisism and being accurately called out for bias by the leader of the free world has rustled their jimjams
No, crossing the line is when we start publically hanging these people.
I'm totally fine crossing that line.
>man who hates Trump, hates Trump
Its times like these that I wish we were flooded with shills, that way at least I know the user isnt actualy this retarted.
oh, so basically more death throes and fake news
Fox News is just controlled opposition to make white fans of the Constitution believe that they have someone fighting for them in the mainstream news media (so they don't have to rise up and fight).
fox news, more like faux news
You're a fucking traitor. You're unironically supporting a bitch who supported her retarded husband in bombing our country. You make me sick.
(((Chris Wallik)))
If the entirity of corporate media is against you, then you know you're doing something right.
Gee, I wonder what (((his))) real family name was?
Why are international Liberals constantly fellating Trudeau?
He's loathed in this country and considered a completely embarrassing poofter running our nation deep into the toilet of buzzword intellectualism.
>that obvious wagecuck meme
What do they even pay you for shills?
libtards siding with faux news.
what is this sorcery?
This. Fox was pro-establishment from the beginning of the campaign. If no MSM outlet likes him (not a requirement) then he's doing a good job.
Neocons climbing out of their cuck sheds to whimper about Trump some more.
Back to your shed to serve your Jewish master Wallace your grand children's genetics need to be diluted some more.
((((CHRIS WALLACE)))) is a filthy jew, of course all the far-left media jews are going to stick together against the fake news narrative they concocted and backfired on them big time.
all media on TV are shills
Hmmmm really made me think.
The news networks are viewed as little more than entertainment now
They did this to themselves by reporting on facebook stories and twitter posts. Literally no one believes anything they see anymore out side of liveleak footage
But he is employed.
he works for Shareblue or whatever they rebrand themselves whenever they are found out.
He was shitposting the entire election.
Media: Trump is literally fucking Hitler.
Trump: I'm a good guy; the media are liars, and they are the real enemy.
(((Chris Wallace)))
Yes. Their market share doesnt reflect the production value and self importance they give themselves, they influence very little irl, they are dying and like a dying animal theyre lashing out
Keep poking the beast, msm is nothing more than normie clowns with a budget, its in 4 chans power to ruin them with memes and fake news tips that they run with without even sourcing, we memed a president, now lets destroy a billion dollar industry
Wallace and Shepard smith both hate Trump. We know.
What's up with all the Balkan shills today?
I hope you've cut your cable
The pedocratic deep state will save us all?
>even SERBIA has a liberal party
Then how would i watch the reeeeing?
If they hate it so much why don't they scamper off to NBC with their tail tucked just like that blonde bimbo did?
Chris Wallace is a fucking dishonest pos. He knows full well the media is stacked against Trump. Fuck him and fuck the media he's defending. They crossed the God damn line and they are increasingly irrelevant.
>live in the information age
>implying we need (((media))) anymore
they're dying and they know it
more than enough of that online. don't give legacy media your money.
That webM, did he an hero?
>Find out that Penguin went out to die in the icy wasteland because he couldn't get a mate
Thank god we have a deep state that keeps stuff in check so mouth-breathers like you can't cause too much harm. Say goodnight to drumpfyboy and enjoy your brexit cucknuts.
As opposed to the buzzword intellectualism of the alt-reich i.e. cuck, sjw, snowflake, maga?
kek, triggered cucks
Also, it's Sunday you dumb neets.
This guy and shepard are total scumbags how they hate the US president always calling into question everything he does like some SJW.
I doubt he's a Serbian. If he is, and someone will leak the full list of CTR and shariablue contributors, accounts and all, he's toast.
>Fox News
>Controlled opposition
Pick two
Look, we get you miss shitposting pro Hillary comments, we really do.
But like I said last time, you really need to sort your life out and get things in order.
Also stop masturbating to tranny porn, and tidy your fucking room.
jesus christ marty is ugly
oh yeah, (((fox))) are definitely on the list. hannity and tucker are ok, most of he rest are questionable
Man I am so mad when these shills use our flag to shitpost
Fucking albanians in the south I reckon
The "alt-reich" is not a ountry, nor has the "alt-reich" enacted an absurd tax hike for "carbon" in the name of "the environment" despite all the actual polluters in the country LITERALLY be exempt from the same taxes. These polluters and big industries do not remove their pollution from the overall metric and so us peasants just get another hand in our face and more squeezed out of us at the threat of jail.
The "alt-reich" is not even allowed to exist in Canada and is downplayed by LITERAL Government owned and controlled media and industries. Canada is not like the US, it is controlled top to bottom.
Even if the "alt-reich" was just stormfront, I would side with them any day of the fucking week over disgusting, dishonest rats like yourself who do the footwork of multinationals trying to squeeze a few extra nickels and dimes out of the average man and woman.
You are a fucking disgrace and should the day come I will gladly strap on the boots that crush your skull.
Yeah, but they are very unpopular. They have 4 seats in the parliament out of 250, and they only managed to get in the parliament after joining a coalition with a few other parties (which tells you how desperate those pieces of shit actually are).
Guys I am seeing way to much shitposters from Serbia.
How do you track someones IP I really really want to know if there is a center of some kind here. Our news and info are also blasted by bots.
Mile, he's prob a kosovar who praises Bill and Hill Clinton everyday for saving his inbred herd from total ethnic cleanse
His name is also Tonibler.
Fuck, better dead than be a cuck I guess. Reminds me of that one webM where this penguin's girlfriend cucks him for another penguin and begins mating in front of him.
who cares? my kids don't like me when I tell them not to act like assholes. still needs to be done.
Ah I found the vid
I've been telling people not to trust even Fox. We're at war with the deep state, ffs.
I dont comes free with rent, rents same wheter i have it or not
To be fair, although most of (((Fox))) News were never Trump, their biggest figurehead and commentators did. Sean Hannity basically sucks Trump's did. But yeah, Rove, Gutfeld, Megyn, and many others were neocon shills.
You're an okay guy Bulgaria, I don't care what everyone else says about you.
Fucking auto spell
how will drumpf ever recover, etc.
Gutfield is a libertarianish anti-sjw/pc blowhard.
He's a conservative supporter but he's hardly a hand-me-down from Project for a New American Century or college roommates with Paul Wolfowitz
(((Chris wallace))) he knows hes in for the chambers and is trying to misdirect the goys
that's socialism
Chris Wallace is probably from the outer city, not quite a rural and suburban retard.
fuck that's sad
Wallace isn't Jewish.
It's Scottish.
Muh ferk juice
I support you in your efforts
my advice is to create a website that purports to have or do something that the serb shills would want to read
then its just a matter of befriending serbian police or serbian ISPs
Who cares what this literall kike has to say
what did trump do? call out media?
I clearly remember the media all shilling for the iraq war, broadcasting every kind of ridiculous propaganda the bush administration thought up.
I remember them uncritically cheer-leading the invasion of iraq. I remember the embedded journalists and even David Bloom, who died of a blood clot while embedded with troops. I remember it all.
The media should not be allowed to get away with telling lies and fake news.
was it threats on an online forum or patriotism that is the last refuge of a scoundrel according to Samuel Johnson?