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Is Buzzfeed, Dare I Say, Our #AlternativeNews

You Got: 94% sexist!Yiiiikes ok! This is a thing you can work on – it's not too late for you to become less of a sexist. Come join us in 2017, because the only good thing about the 1950s was the hair.

is there a way I can take these without actually going on jewfeed

>You get sexist points for saying the middle aged guy in business attire looks more like he would be a 'boss' than the woman in her 20s who is dressed for 'a few drinks' at best.

It's not even about him being a man it's about him obviously having more experience and dressing appropriately lol

nice leading questions buzzfeed

there's maybe like 2 questions there that actually have something to do with racism.
how the fuck is the boss\professor\doctor\nurse picking ones relevant ? like of course ima pick the professor that looks like my most based uni professors .

>hannah jewell

i mean sexism* but i guess racism also applies to these people.
If you got more than 10% sexist then Sup Forums isn't the best place for you

Yes 100%
For every "without thinking" question, the men are presented as old, gray/silver haired and experienced.

The only question I picked a woman for was the nurse one, and I picked the mulatto over the white woman because the mulatto looked happier to be doing what she's doing.

what the fuck is that lol

Looks like a Jewish nose.

87%, breddy gud
I also love how the questions were structured, like that shitty one with
>Do you judge women based on how they speak?
Well no shit nigga I judge everyone based on how they speak, if they're talking like a fucking retard, they're probably fucking retarded. But no, that's obviously not an option.

in all seriousness what the fuck is this.

Shekel elemental

>tfw only 81%

ill work on dat perfect 100% boys

Even the answers like 'men and women should both raise a kid' are considered sexist. Maximum anti-male shilling is required to get a score they consider reasonable
You mean less than 75%

The only good thing of the 50s...

kek 40% sexist
the test is shit, look at my political compass
im the biggest freedomlover on this site

I got 65% and it said the same thing.

I got 53% and it said the same thing

>freedom lover

If my experience with white nurses is any indicator, the white chick is probably a druggie of some kind (meth, pain pills, or weed) so I wouldn't want her near me.

>everyone is a commie
>american logic

yeah i am pro-freedom, no neo feudalism with bitcoins , sorry

How do you stand on immigration?

tfw 69% sexist

>pro freedom
>except economic

direct democracy

let the people decide

so no authoritarian left and rightwing decisionmaking "for the good of the people"

capitalism is a system, im interested in how you think freedom works with money printing, and economic systems?

that too is the communities decision, not mine, and not some ideological standing if you are pro-freedom

That and the mulatto nurse looked genuinely happy with what she was doing.

Same reason I didn't pick the female boss. Her posture was at a backward angle, her chin was tucked in, her arms were folded and she was looking up in a very insecure but threatening way.
Where as the man had his shoulders back, arms wide, chin back and a good smile on his face which looked genuine because his eyes were involved in the smile.

The woman looked like a pure cunt and looked like she'd be hell to work for.

Same way, I picked the professor in the middle with the big white beard and the blackboard because his posture and disposition conveyed wisdom and knowledge.

The female professor had very very defensive and closed posture and is someone I wouldn't want to interact with in any capacity.


> You Got: 73% sexist!

Let's say the people vote for a government with high taxes and lots of services.
How are you gonna make unwilling people pay the taxes without any authoritarianism?

>Hannah Jewel
Stop being right Sup Forums

>only 51%

I got 88% but I have no idea what that means. How can you be X% sexist? This further proves that women are retarded

communities are about rules, social and law based ones

the economy is authoritarian, the law is, everything society does is.
The question is, who shall decide it? hmm i think the people living there might be a good idea?

freedom means choice, so if you dont like it, you move to another community, and if you love hitler, just pick him democratically

we might end up in a scenario similar to today, and thats the whole point. You either live in nazi germany, or move, the point is democracy

but that decision of the community to fuck itself up is not my view, but its also not my choice.
Thats why i say im pro-freedom, more so then any libertarian and anarchist out there

because im an anarchist who understands it as the natural state of the world, and i can argue for my position, but i can't force the world to live a better life.

test is retarded though
all these "can" question
>can women be funny?
yes they can be funny, they often aren't though

>Can women be great mathematicians and scientists?
sure, just seems like most pick other jobs

just lots of dumb questions with bad answers

Only 96%
Give me a redpill, I'm almost cucked

Are they even trying anymore?

oy gevalt

>only 68%

Fuck this country and it's progressive values. Please help me Sup Forums. Apparently spending hours everyday on /r9k/ hasn't corrected my views on women.

>You Got: 70% sexist!
>Yiiiikes ok! This is a thing you can work on – it's not too late for you to become less of a sexist. Come join us in 2017, because the only good thing about the 1950s was the hair.

This must be ironic. Especially with the current year maymay.

If this is the threshold for being sexist, I have no chance, might as well embrace it.

>t. 98%

Friendly reminder to remove everything after the question mark when clicking on link from Sup Forums
Whites only, though. Shitskins deserve to be datamined since they're unable to contribute anything meaningful in any other manner.

It's a sculpture of a nose.

I tried to choose answers I thought the quiz wanted and got 26%

Said I'm "in real danger of sexism"

But I judge everyone for reasons like that, not just women.

Is the next question going to be "Would you judge a woman for eating her own shit?"?

I reluctantly answered some of them in as neutral way as possible, one of the questions didn't even have a good answer so I just picked one at random. I got 54%.

If I changed 'how many times have you been called sexist?' maybe my score would be under 50%, but really it should be at best 20-30% sexist. Everyone is a little sexist, men and women.

shh stop over thinking it, this woman is a special snowflake and deserves special treatment

Kek it's funny how butthurt the 50's make lefties

I got 69%

>one of the questions didn't even have a good answer

only 1? lel

>Can women be great mathematicians and scientists?
No, otherwise we'd see more of their achievements in history!
Depends – women's brains are better suited to linguistic and emotional intelligence.
Yes, even if they have to plough through more BS to get there!

This annoyed the fuck outta me. Why couldn't that last option just be 'yes'. It's 100% factually correct that women can be good scientists. No they DON'T have to put up with 'more BS' to be good at science.

Answered honastly got 77% sexist

> filename

85% sexist

Yikes! It's current year! The 50s were terrible!

Yeah fuck you dumb cunt you shouldn't have gotten a degree.

>only 85%, honestly

That quiz was a pile of shit:

>Without thinking pic a doctor

Well they both look like doctors, why can't I pick both?

It's such a pain the ass to get all those free scholarships though

>Can women be great mathematicians and scientists?
>no simple 'Yes' option without any 'stronk womyn' bullshit attached

How are you supposed to judge people if not by the way they speak?
By the way they look?

>98% sexist

>no simple 'Yes' option without any 'stronk womyn' bullshit attached
This pissed me off for most of the questions.
No simple "yes, there are plenty of them already"

What is this alleged "more BS" that woman apparently go through

#LAD culture

to be fair, that's considering business attire for women

>author: Hannah Jewell

I picked the woman. I love having a woman boss because I can easily charm them, also they don't know shit about how to do my job so I always can trick them into thinking I'm an amazing employee

89% sexist. It's ok though, because I can work on it.

You Got: 74% sexist!

>i guess mostly because i've had women GP my whole life

>Find out your score and put it on your Tinder profile!

I can say I have never had a female boss in my life.
They are always either secretary, HR, or legal.

I picked the beard guy because he looks like he doesn't care what he looks like and I associate that with smartness.

>the only good thing about the 1950s was the hair

>74% - same message
The questions were obvious, but the pictures were stupid. You can't show me two doctors and say which one is more like a doctor. I picked the guy because behind him were additional medical workers. Try to make it a little ambiguous.

Got 63% or some shit.

Assuming both partners work (and work similar hours, not one working full time and the other working 15 hours a week), then things like housework and child-raising should be shared, which probably lost me some points, but I feel that's fair in a relationship.


Some of the idiotic questions held me back from a perfect score, IMO. For example, women aren't in politics for several of the reasons listed. And when I had to choose a professor there were two white males.

Poll was certainly made by a female.

>Depends – women's brains are better suited to linguistic and emotional intelligence.
>better suited to linguistic and emotional intelligence.
>linguistic and emotional intelligence.
>emotional intelligence

Stop giving them site traffic.

I use adblock anyway so they won't profit.

>only good thing about the 50's was the hair
Also the vast technological advancements brought about by the US swiping all the (male) German scientists, and having the only infrastructure and economy not destroyed by WW2.

Lazy fucking buzzfeed twats.

What did I do wrong??? I tried my hardest to be the best little Sup Forumsack.

Holy shit an actual cuck.

Nice try, Buzzfeed.

All you idiots are giving them clicks.

>the only good thing about the 1950s was the hair
>t. someone who was born in the 1980s

i picked the dude cause he's white

>Come join us in 2017
Same result btw.


97%. I-is there, dare I say, HOPE for my country?

I'd honestly pick a stern looking woman in proper business attire over that guy because usually they're better at their jobs while relaxed-guy bosses just want to pal around and then shaft you with some bullshit later.

he looks like a fucking car salesman.

Falling for communist datamining.... bravo making the share blue list.

> think before you think



I picked the answers a man-hater woudl pick and got 9%.

Yeah, the writer hates men even more.


>Tfw 64%
Some questions were too vague IMO, I probably should of got higher because I subconscious oh contextualised some.