I'm not talking about actual Swedish posters, but threads made about Sweden. People are literally just making shit up and memeing about Sweden as if it's some dystopia without knowing anything about it or ever having been there. You do realize that based on pretty much any metric that it's still one of the nicest, safest, cleanest countries in the world, right? Stop filling the board with fake exaggerated bullshit you have no idea about.
Swedeposting has gotten ridiculous
>Stop filling the board with fake exaggerated bullshit you have no idea about.
But it's funny :)
>Sweeden is a 72 virgin paradise
>checks flag
Kill yourself famalam. Sage.
Sweden is in the same situation as us and other western countries, that some areas of Sweden are fine and normal places but others are being overrun with ficki ficki hordes and cultural enrichment
>nicest, safest, cleanest countries in the world, right?
go fuck yourself Ahmed. Hope Trump deports you back to your third world shithole
swden is now a sharia state OP, dont try and shill us into thinking anything different, the government has been overthorwn in the name of allah and they beheaded all the female ministers because lmao islam, also they've been purging for the last 3 days, nearly half of native swedish have been killed for being gay
> Sweden isn't nice and safe
Prison population rates by country. Also if you don't think it's clean just compare Stockholm to pretty much any large city in Spain.
they dont put the rapists in jail though, they dont put any migrant in jail for anything up to and including murder, they give them a slap on the wrist so they can keep their shitty statistics low so faggots like you can preach about how nice it is on the internet by showing some shit graph that says "lol sweden lowest jail population lol, come sweden and have enjoy time great!
There are literally Sharia zones in Sweden
they're fucked m8.
>ever having been there
dude. stockholm central station is a mess
>People are literally just making shit up
give us an example
> they dont put the rapists in jail though, they dont put any migrant in jail for anything up to and including murder
You swallowed the Sup Forums kool-aid too hard, you let a couple of news stories influence your view of this too much, they still arrest, go after, and detain these people, it's only a small number of cases with insane leftist judges that make the news. Just look at Peter Springare's recent outburst on FaceBook, migrants and the like suck and commit a lot of crime but the police do deal with them.
where in sweden are they?
People on here literally now think that child sex and child marriage are legal nationwide in general throughout Sweden because of an extraordinary case involving a subhuman migrant. They're already working on preventing further cases of it but people swallowed the memes too hard.
The Swedish parts obviously.
yeah they arrested him for telling the truth, if that dosnt raise some red flags, then, theres no hope for you. every news report ive ever seen from the beggining of time haz said the exact same thing, and its been like 50-60+ reports from all around, migrants dont go to jail, because "lol muh cultural differences, its normal to rape and kill people where im from aye boys will be boys amirite guiz?"
>You do realize that based on pretty much any metric that it's still one of the nicest, safest, cleanest countries in the world, right?
But it isn't.
where the spooks live.
>deal with them
Then why does the police cry for help? Why do they quit in large numbers?
I'm Brazilian and I'm moving to Sweden, thanks Allah.
> They arrested him
See, this is exactly what I'm talking about. Peter Springare hasn't been arrested and yet you state it as if it's 100% fact. He's under investigation for racism/hate speech or whatever which is obviously bullshit and obviously raises massive red flags but people are spinning this completely overblown narrative about things as fact when it isn't anywhere close to the truth and it makes us look retarded considering overall Sweden is still nice and safe, even if its cuckery might fuck it down the road.
>You do realize that based on pretty much any metric that it's still one of the nicest, safest, cleanest countries in the world, right?
have you even fucking visited ?
commie women fucking niggers and not reporting assaults by arabs and muzzies in general
we pay 35% of our income to support this
we have the highest rape ratio in the world
mohammed is becoming a national name
people dont understand that 1 milion muslims out of 9 milion is alot, not even counting niggers in this figure
jesus christ just nuke us already so i dont have to live in this prison called feministic socialism
Swedes will be a minority in their own country within 20 years.
By what metric are you judging this acceptable?
Don't worry, either there will be mass-deportations after The Final Redpill or a civil war. Maybe a mix of both..
Because they deal with them too much and the migrants fucking suck and are basically subhumans. Look, I never said that Sweden was a fucking utopia without its problems but Sup Forums has memed the place so hard you'd think it was fucking Pakistan when it's objectively speaking one of the nicest countries in the world. Those same shortcomings aside, Sweden is still actually much safer than America and its police force is almost certainly under less stress.
wait what's going on? I've been seeing Sweden threads on Sup Forums, did something happen?
sweden is still whiter than america tbqhwy lads
I have visited sweden
have seen a couple of niggers and mohammeds
nothing serious all swedes goes about their business
imo france and belgium are much worse
Probably not, it will take longer for them, and even then assuming that so will pretty much every nice Western country with only a couple of exceptions, and yet they aren't being made into a meme nearly as hard as Sweden. Sweden is still one of the whitest extremely developed/nice countries in Europe.
killing monkeys shouldnt be considered a "civil war" more like pest control
>swede in denial
Get fucked, I hope your country suffers deeply
Oh wow look they leave the rapists on the street so they can do it again
Fuck off christ-fag, this country is dying!!!
the migrants however, are making Sweden more dangerous and I even heard that in the European countries where the migrants were accepted, women couldn't go outside much in fear of the rapey migrants that keep stalking the streets.
Finally Latvia is ahead of the pack, so proud.
> the migrants however, are making Sweden more dangerous
Ok well the US is waaaaay WAAAAYYY more violent than Sweden already without migrants and is already basically nonwhite and somehow they're cucked and fucked but we aren't?
It's reality. The govt has told us to expect least 100k immigrants this year, despite the fact that the last "batch" can't be contained
There is no end to this cuckening
> Fuck off christ-fag
Not a Christian.
> this country is dying
Literally this could be said about numerous countries much moreso than it could be said of Sweden and yet Sweden is the country by far shat on the most on Sup Forums. France and the US are infinitely more fucked than Sweden is atm.
the US is more dangerous because of the poverty in Democratic cities and not only that, I think that non-whites do better in Republican cities than they do in Democratic cities, ever noticed that? The US itself already has too many problems in it's hands, we don't need another one like the Muslim refugees.
getting bullied on Sup Forums is nothing compared with the population replacement we are being subjected to.it might even knock some sense into some swedes so nah.
the country that's probably the most fucked in Europe is probably Germany, I think Germany right now is doing worse than France.
>Sweden doesn't jail foreign criminals, they get community service or a stern warning for rapes and kidnapping
>that data is about a decade old.
State is gearing up for that last part, they are afraid of an imminent backlash.
They just hope to get enlistment in order again so they can use our own children and kin against us.
know what country has a low prison population? the congo
what a stupid metric
every swede knows they are fucked, they just feel it is their "duty" to be overrun by the muslim hordes
Have you ever actually read that article? The conclusion is completely overblown
> Third World Country
Look at the source, the HDI is expected to possibly drop to maybe .910 or .906 or so compared to where it is now, hardly fucking Third World, which is literally > .500 or so.
> Speisa
The same type of source as the Daily Stormer and Breitbart, they bring up facts and statistics but lead you heavily to a conclusion in line with what they want you to believe and it's hysterical.
> know what country has a low prison population? the congo
Yeah because this isn't a stupid false equivalence at all. The Congo barely even has a prison infrastructure or anything similar for it to do anything. Compared to other countries which actually do have such infrastructure Sweden doesn't imprison many people and the police report relatively low overall crime rates compared to most countries.
Can you guys just hurry up and become an islamic state so that Canada can see what's ahead and stop with this progressive shit?
I legitimately feel very sorry for rape victims in Sweden.
I come from a violent country where a rape happens every 26 seconds but public expression about rape victims here is sympathetic.
Our government and public officials do not minimize the experience of legitimate rape victims.
In Sweden almost the entirety of their society minimize rape victims experience and their public officials even cover it up and minimize it.
Quite sad really. Only in a sick society could something like this happen.
Over 70% of our prison population is muslim.
>libtard whines about "unfair" attacks on sweden
>gets btfo by swedish Sup Forumsacks that actually live there
this is why I love Sup Forums
All the threads on pol about sweden is true.
Reminder that every liberal media, think-tank and interest groups are invested
in that the social experiment that is Sweden shall continue unhindered.
Du har helt rätt i vad du säger broder
hey guys, Sweden still has at least SOME hope left, right? Or is it over?
its not sick
kill a man you are a murderer
kill a thousand you are a conqueror
kill a million you are a god
there is no right or wrong just what you make it out to be
Sweden is full of rapists.
Can you guys just become vikings again and cull these savages?
Fucking this.
We are taxed to death to pay for foreign people to shit up and rape our country.
Totally a good place.
The sad thing is that the socialist regime would without a doubt be on muslims and nignogs side if ethnic swedes starts to riot and protest or whatever, swedish statefunded media has close ties to antifa and extreme leftists in general etc
honestly, why the hell would (((they))) support something like this? It's getting millions of people in danger. Those (((assholes))) need to fucking stop.
The feminists are so pissed they are going to increase rapefugee settlement by 1000% this year to show Blumpf who's boss.
I don't think the vikings would have given a shit Lukas
Right now, Sweden is probably the only country where it's morally correct to be a neet or engage in tax evasion.
Who knows what kind of deals they do behind close doors. I used to think they just wanted massiva amounts of immigrants to get their votes, but then I found out that most immigrants dont give a fuck about voting
Well one would like to win the fight as well. Right now any nationalist would get demolished by drilled cucksquads. We need the info war first.
killing one man is almost certainly intentional and premeditated by a single individual, who is a murderer
no one person has literally killed a thousand people by his own hand, not even executioners.
Relaying orders to kill in war is a necessity, not killing people personally. Conquerors didn't conquer for the sake of killing, things came of the deaths. They are given the extra respect because there was more than murder at stake, and accomplishments followed in their wake. Whether these were self serving accomplishments or not, there was a certain greatness allotted to them, and the deaths lent power to their legend.
Seriously, only reason Hitler is hated is because he fucked everything up on top of going the extra mile to specifically murder innocent people. Had he actually succeeded, he'd be "right" by victory, and his actions would more or less been forgiven by perceptions.
I agree with your general point I just got triggered by the shitty analogy
Regardless, Sweden has built the foundation to ruin it's culture within a few generations.
Whatever you say leafcuck
>calling a leaf a cuck
Hahahaha, our immigrants need marketable skills to get in. Enjoy your ficki ficki, pussy.
(((they))) probably want the Europeans to die out, I don't even know what the Europeans did to the Jews, the holocaust was already like 72 or so years ago. They really need to move on.
How is that something to brag about? lmao
A sand person got a slap on the wrist for raping two children.
Tolerance really is a one way street.
>punishing criminals
And ours is niggers.
Enjoy being sued by a genderbender butchdike after you ask ''her'' to pass you the maplesyrup for your smegmabutter-donuts, fag
>A sand person got a slap on the wrist for raping two children.
the hell? The god damn sand ape should've been deported.
Sweden is the cuckold capital of the entire world
first they elect a feminist government,
then they invite tens of millions of migrants in to come rape them , when they rape the Swedish men are punished if they try to stop it, the rapist is never punished
there is nothing lower in all of creation that a swede
it is a modern sodom and gamorah
Better to have too much response to these sick child predators than too little. So cry me a fucking river and go do something useful with your life instead of shit posting.
you deserve the full wrath of mohammed's dick you stupid fucking American cuck. Go back to protesting against "hate speech"
They distribute their immigrants all over the country.
They exist in every town.
1/3 of Swedish newborns are of immigrant descent.
This is your average swedish poster.
Share blue, is that you? Don't you get the weekends off so you all can join brock in some diddling cave?
Look at your leader.
Proceed to sit the fuck down.
This. There's a lot of things that need to change in Sweden but Sup Forums is just proving the liberals when they say we are retards who listen to fake news.
You're making me less and less discontented to see your bloodline get wiped out. How long will it take? Three, four years?
Holy shit a talking pile of ashes!
I remember this one. He probably felt pretty tough when he tweeted that, fuckboy scumbag.
Has any other Swede faced the backlash of being honest about their opinions?
A large group of people started to swarm me with accusations of being a nazi, racist, idiot etc.
When that didn't work they impersonated what I said with a dumb voice while also making fun of the fact that I have aspergers.
All I said was that we should acknowledge the fact that we should critizise Islam the same way we do to christianity and other religions and ideologies.
The only people that defended me were Christian Syrians
wew lad
Ayup, this.
oh please, your fucking people are the ones that keep screwing the West over, we always have to agree or listen to you kikes or else we are automatically anti-semetic and hateful people. Fuck off Shlomo, go collect your shekels somewhere else.
what i nightmare, i feel so bad for you. Make sweden great again ASAP
Seems to sincere to be a shill. I think we have a normie who strayed from the herd. Probably read a MSM article about us and decided to come here to correct our records.
obvious SIDF detected