Why do you anons like hitler so much?
Why do you anons like hitler so much?
Other urls found in this thread:
>He was a chill guy.
He solved the civilization problem in a realistic manner.
pic related
pic related 2
He could've prevented this
>the jews did it
we can still fix things, we will fix things
'As Jews We Should Be Outraged That Britain Is Not Doing More to Help Refugees'
'Citing Holocaust, Swiss Jews Demand Open Door for Migrants'
'British Jews Lay Groundwork for Influx of Syrian Refugees'
'Jewish Groups Rap Washington for Lowballing Syrian Refugees'
'More Than 1,000 Rabbis Call On Congress To Welcome Refugees'
'Jews Push Washington to Admit More Syrian Refugees, Even as Some Worry About Backlash'
'How Young Jews in Hungary Are Fighting To Help Refugees — Despite Right Wing Rule'
'How We Move Forward Together For Refugees'
'Jews Unite Behind Push for Immigration Reform'
'It’s the ethical thing to do,” said HIAS president and CEO Mark Hetfield, of the community’s immigration reform activism. But he quickly added, “It’s in our strategic interest.'
He was a neet and im a neet also dropping those sick redpills on kikes
need more ?!
but you have a lot of potential
None of those links work faggot
because they say he gassed the jews
he didn't
but I wish he had
I just clicked on them and it works, otherwise just search for those key words you lazy jew bum
I love pics of Hitler with anime girls.
Shouldn't actual Muslims be offended by this? I mean, these Kafir spawn aren't actually praising Allah, they're just smashing their faces into a carpet to try to satisfy their teacher's tolerance fetish.
>Why do you anons like hitler so much?
I'm a gay left and I have nothing but contempt for Hitler and Naziboos in general :^)
wtf are you talking about?!
they ALL work perfectly
Are you triggered? You should probably eat a bullet like your hero :^)
He united his entire country and made them realize that they had to work fucking hard in order to get things done.
>the old "jews are evil" meme
lmao polcucks are so retarded
still a degenerate
Embrace your inner faggot, faggot
pic related lmao
He loved his people and respected many cultures.
He wanted everyone to live up to their greatest potential.
>unironically liking hitler
Only dumbass weebs do that
By fucking (((Gabe Friedman)))
Every time
>He loved his people
>Hey guys, I love you! Now please go die for me in a senseless war that I started
Triggered? :^)
Why is that?
not possible
>not possible
lmao you must be an american't
Hitler didn't start that war, he did everything he could to stop it from happening, you zionist shill
Adolf war ein gut Junge er dindu nuffin
literally every time
>Hitler didn't start that war
I see (((you)))
You scared yet?
I'm sure you've seen the stats of our growing numbers.
We'll win against you (((globalists)))
He was a broken person like me.
So if he was successful maybe I can be too.
And I suppose you are just a fount of compassion for your people, being a leftist traitor.
are you ok ?!
take a breath between dicks
>We'll win against you (((globalists)))
How, by stacking Trump's cabinet with them?
Wasnt Hitler fan of Islam or I am wrong on this one?
being a leftist traitor.
Sup Forums really needs new buzzwords, these ones are played out
jews started ww2
because eh was a cool guy who didnt afraid of anything
because jews were the true enemy and he was brave enough to break their societal barriers, of course he looked bad killing them, because there wasnt any solid evidence to prosecute them, just pure coincedences and their hostilities towards people in their torra
What does this picture say?
Can't even read the weird characters...
Even Hitler had Jews around him.
A smart man doesn't dispose of resources unnecessarily.
I'm sure (((you))) of all people understand that
not an argument
>Before her wedding, in July 2009, after studying for over a year with Rabbi Elie Weinstock from the Modern Orthodox Ramaz School, she converted to Orthodox Judaism
>took the Hebrew name "Yael"
>She describes her conversion as an "amazing and beautiful journey" and that her father supported her studies from day one, due to his respect for the Jewish religion
>She attests to keeping a kosher diet and observing the Jewish Sabbath
>"We're pretty observant... It's been such a great life decision for me... I really find that with Judaism, it creates an amazing blueprint for family connectivity."
This triggers the Sup Forumscuck :^)
wrong he needed soldiers to fight the soviets
>1 extra sheep given to this ID
Triggered? :^)
this is true, but dealing with muslims is far easier than dealing with jews
digits confirm the lack of an argument
Jews are the troublemakers of the world. The schemers.
Just look at history.
>Jews are the troublemakers of the world
It clearly said in the treaty that it was Danzig or war. The Poles didn't give Danzig, they wanted war. You're obviously baiting, but just in case, fuck off Schlomo Shekelgrabber.
lmao, you've gone insane schlomo
He made good art
>we'll strongarm you into a treaty so you'll give us Danzig
>what you won't give us danzig?
>also, you started the war
Don't forget Jew, Adolf Hitler was one of the forefathers of Israel kek
Salute your forefather, kike-user
he's insane
you've lost your mind
If I'm Jewish, I guess that's good news, it significantly increases my chances of Trump marrying one of his children to me lmao
Triggered? :^)
lmao, poland started the war by massarcring german citizens in danzig or somewhere, also treaty of versilaise, the jews were responsible for world war 2, the soviet revolution, probably ww1 but i havnt heard much about that, basically jews, they're worse then muslims, and thats saying something
>poland started the war
Watching you melt down? Not remotely.
I'm just trying to poke you further.
I think a lot of what we feel for Hitler comes from the fact that after the war, the Allies, through propaganda, falsified information, and other underhanded tactics, attempted to cover up the good aspects of Germany. No side is innocent in war, and now Western civilization is beginning to feel the full impact of lying to its citizens in order to scrub the 3rd Reich's successes from the history books. The other half of it though is the political climate, created of course, by our dearly beloved world leaders, who believe Globalism is the only way to move forward. They're inviting destruction into our countries by trying to eliminate borders and merge the 3rd and 1st worlds; the everyman who this affects sees what is happening and rejects it, because he sees the increased crime and degeneracy affecting his family and friends; he rejects what he sees as a parallel to what was happening in Germany during the 1930s--here, the Lugenpresse, or "lying press" plays an especially potent role. Much of the online hatred and nazism is a direct counter-revolution against the social justice tropes championed by the media, who come off as idealistic and out of touch with the people (this is an especially grave crime since the journalist is supposed to be a champion of the people).
All in all, the tl;dr version is it's the right place right time for fascism.
Because Hitler is a man of Peace.
>I'm just trying to poke you
Oh yeah, poke me, big daddy :^)
I'm going to screen cap your posts it's just too funny
you're having a meltdown
>Hitler is a man of Peace.
Well after he ate a bullet, he was a man of pieces :^)
yeah okay, this is a faggot slide thread, saged hidden, go fuck yourself
>I'm going to screen cap your posts
Thanks, that's all I ever wanted
Because he was so kawaii ^_^
lmao this koala cuntfucker is triggered and needs a safe space
watch him mount the nearest dingo to get some relief
because he was the worlds best shitposter
You got it, kike-user.
Oooooooh, deeper, big daddy :^)
>every adult in the room is a woman
Really cracks the ol' walnut
Women's suffrage was a mistake
Put me in the screen cap lmao
he's gone insane
Why is the kraut kike going insane ?
Guy on the right is cute
You upset Jew-boy? Take a breather through those massive nostrils of yours.
Yeah, ride me hard, fatty
I'm sacred at this point
Here you go, JIDF
Good reading for you
Hitler was the first person in the history of mankind to nearly shatter the power of international Jewry.
He tried to beat the NWO, but failed. The entire world would be better off if he had won. Almost everything we've heard about him is false, and his ideology was the best conceived even to this day, much preferable to capitalism or communism. Even people like Kubrick and Bobby Fischer (both Jews) agreed.
>THE late Stanley Kubrick once remarked that ‘Hitler was right about almost everything,” and insisted that any trace of Jewishness be expunged from the ‘Eyes Wide Shut” script that author Frederic Raphael was writing for him.
>I'm sacred
Oh no, his fee fees! Won't anyone think of his fee fees!
kek We've clearly hit a nerve
I'm a gay centrist and I think Hitler got a bad rap. He had some solid ideas.
>I'm a gay centrist
Herro :^)
I just appreciate you giving me the opportunity to red-pill newfags