Can't say the jews are just better when they did fuck all till 2 centuries ago... What I'm thinking is that this like the Islamic golden age, classical Greece, Renaissance etc.. Should be a better reason than Haskalah...
Jews Pre 19th Century
When did I say they were hivemind?
This is what they do to infiltrate and seize control of anything and everything.
Who? All jews? Or a specific cult of people who are all jewish - but is not inclusive of all jews?
No I would include all jews in it.
I would say Zionist, which to an extent even includes non-jews themselves.
So basically, you're a muzzie sympathiser?
No. I hate all semites equally.
Huh. But why?
What kind of amazing predator mentality are Jews equipped with that allows them to indefinitely strive for the extinction of people of European origin? The predator mentality that allows them to apparently climb to the top of any society they find themselves in?
Seems like Jews have the fighting gene, and non semites don't! :/
Most jews on the planet these days are basically slavic anyway. So you basically hate other Europeans.
not an argument
Jews mistaking kindness for weakness yet again. Then playing the eternally persecuted victim.
The Internet changed this. The entire world now understands the depths of your treachery. The jews will not survive the age of the Internet.