If you had your own tv show abut conspiracy theories, how would you name it?

if you had your own tv show abut conspiracy theories, how would you name it?

Other urls found in this thread:


talkin tinfoil

I would try to think of a good title or i might ask some friends if they have any good ones

Hidden Mysteries of the Ancient World

with your host tonight - John Podesta

Tonight's focus : Sugar Blood Sex Magik


"Behind Tinfoil Curtain"

Pissing it Away: Propogating Ignorance in the Age of Information

>tv show
Jews Did Nothing Wrong

Jews : The Eternal Enemy of Mankind.

>daily conspiracy survey for the last week
>always having illuminati vaporwave pic
>phase 2 now begins: why OP asks us such an odd and specific question?
>OP is a lazy, uncreative, aspiring Youtuber with no talent or imagination
>can't even think up his own original name for his shitty 'tv show'
>has been secretly harvesting, datamining Sup Forums for content all along
He's probably a Jew shill too; I bet he plans to represent the most legit conspiracies craziest of all, and associating them with Sup Forums by name.


Down the Rabbithole

"You Don't Think Shit Like This Is Be True, But It Do"

Narrated by Black Science Man.

here a little there a little...


Detailed Timeline:

History of Jewish War Against the World


The Alex Jones' Show.

/Path Of Light/

How would I name it? I would think of a name for it

Wake up america

Bashing the Kike with Sven

Pressing the Juice

Cancelled faster than World Peace.

Exploring The Iceberg

We would examine the surface elements of a conspiracy and then delve deeper in the background, context, and underbelly of that subject to link back to the surface elements commonly perceived & associated with it. People, time, culture, memes of the era, etc. all within the frame of 'like an iceberg, there is more beneath the surface.'

naming the jew.

user Crowdsources His Youtube Channel Presents

No Creativity

The New Jews

Nothing to lose but shekels and views.

The Reich Stuff

> exploring the ice(((berg)))

The Red Pill