Are thai people humans?

are thai people humans?

why white people alow the existence this degenerated place?

Didn't this guy kill zyzz?

Mr Shark-ey is part Maori himself

>this degenerated place?

meaning pataya?
dude, that place exists for white people

this guy still have twitter?

not with tattoos that shitty

Some nice digits there

story behind this pic?

Stop posting this ugly piece of shit.

What the fuck am I looking at? Pedorasty?

loan shark living in pattaya, fuck whores, good friends with the stray dogs&cats

also might have something to do with zyzz's death

Trips speak, this guy killed Zyzz with aesthetics and shitty tattoos.

All pedophiles should be executed

Pedophilia is based you bluepilled retard.

did he really kill zyzz? proof?

Execution seems best

Beats being an old disgusting Brit or other westerner doing the dirty on the locals

you got those holy digis because even the chan will never forget him rip

>you will never have women excited to take photographs with them holding your dick

>Pedophilia is based

The stigma against it is based on Jewish lies. It's part of how they cuck us by forcing us to settle for used up sluts. You should probably quit swallowing Jewish memes if you're going to call yourself redpilled.

hes a pimp
shes a prostitute

He got banned I think. He got facebook but ofc no nudes so its pretty shit

traps were the redpill already, not surprised some monkey is starting to call pedo the true way of a man

you should go outside more often you child molesting degenerate

Not an argument.

Yo it's 2017 we are AGAINST CP now dipshit.

pedophilia is not based

hebephilia is

>Hey guys im a pedophile so all red pills are pedophiles ok!!
Just ignore

This fuck is living the dream honestly.

Go around thailand fucking young thaigirls, feeding the homeless dogs and kittens
Staying fit and roided
Pimp out the ones you're bored of

>tfw the one on the right has a bigger bepis than the one on the left

what the fuck is wrong with you, you fucking piece of shit

post some of this "hebephilia" as you call it

They're both alpha.
Sup Forums is brainwashed normies now, I guess.
Not an argument.

>Go around thailand fucking young thaigirls, feeding the homeless dogs and kittens
>Staying fit and roided
>Pimp out the ones you're bored of
>ywn all of these
why even bother to live

Thai are jungle chinks. We can tolerate the Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans. They're city chinks and a little more civilized. Jungle chinks are subhuman. That includes the Thai, Cambodians, Vietnamese, Laotians, and their ilk. Mongolians are based and I will not bother them.

can you please piss off to the darkweb.

>When you see a white guy with Polynesian tribal tattoos

>They're both alpha.
Nah. Hebephilia and child marriage is alpha, pedophilia is not.

Marrying a child should be okay, fucking her should not. Just like in the olden days.

Is that the boylove symbol on his tits? secret pedo lingo...
Is that asian 12?

Leave it to a Swede to think that NOT having sex with your wife is alpha. Jesus wept, man...

wow that's so progressive sweden!

>child marriage is alpha
found the new swede

There is nothing more western than marrying a young bride and then caring and nurturing her until she reaches an age where she is ready for intercourse.


i hope you are somalian or somalianlarping, otherwise sweden is doomed

yeah well the media's been telling him it's awesome, so why wouldn't he believe it

god nuke these people already

wtf I love browsing Sup Forums now!

Isn't he part Maori himself?

Triangle tats have that FBI boy~lover pedo look

asian girls can look young
this does not make men that find them attractive pedophiles
it makes them men
unless you're suggesting that finding youth attractive is not a human male trait

no u
Literally what?

faggot Sup Forums has always been against pedos. Why don't you throw up the art admirer trip already? Fucking kill yourself you revisionist fuckwit.


If I had a guess its some 2nd or 3rd gen. ""Swede""

you got me worried there for a moment sweden

There's literally nothing wrong with nurturing a child and raising her as your daughter-wife. Inshalla

I was in Pattaya last year and actually saw this guy in the gym I was going too. Saw him walking along beach road once too.

>faggot Sup Forums has always been against pedos
Yes as I already pointed out, it's because you fucking retards believe everything the kikes tell you.

Thailand should've let the white man colonized them ages ago when they're still not degenerate.

Rodrigo Duterte detected. Fucking checked.

Because white people are degenerates

>also might have something to do with zyzz's death
explain? the guy died of an heart attack in a sauna if i remeber well.

Why don't you have a seat right here please.

beautiful digits

11 33 99 333

I remember when I first saw YouTube videos of that Aussie fuck. He's insane, but alpha as fuck.


>not wanting to fuck Tinker Bell

>are thai people humans?
All I know is that they make the best girls out of boys.

Someone explain about zyzz

You're falling falling for it pretty hard there senpai


Chris Hansen is the biggest Judensheißführer of them all.

29 y/o white master race virgin reporting in, considering going to this hell to fuck lots of whores and revoke my potential wizarding status. Redpill me.

Kind of. Zyzz and Chestbrah owed Sharky money. Chestbrah killed Zyzz in the sauna so that Sharky would spare him. Very sad story.


>29 y/o virgin
>master race
I'm not so sure about that, neckbeard, but I've been dropping redpills in this thread already. Get some underage girls.

i prefer these negroes to the current batch, I mean sheeit they was dressing fly back din

Yes, go to Thailand.

Finally getting to fuck will get your mind off it and it wont feel like such a big deal, even if it only happens once.

w-where's the pickle?

newfag detected

>this confuses the penis

Thailand is a fucking shame to Southeast Asia. Why couldn't they be more like based Vietnam?

jesus is that a child?

I've seen this man... goes by the nickname "Kangaroid"

Pedophilia is the final result of the blue pill; you should kill yourself

>Its 2062
>Pedofilia is fully legal and normal
>Moralfags BTFO
>People talk about the "barbaric old days" where someone would goto jail for 20 years for doing something normal

>this is what good goyim actually believe

Strong nordic/celtic warrior women are the redpill you shriveled degenerate; they come from having good families and upright fathers not marrying them off at 9 like mudskins

you won't have to go to the camps if you accept chemical castration

go back to Sup Forums faggot
oh wait even they are liberal pansies that will hate you for being a pedo

this isn't Sup Forums 06 faggot

Pedophilia is a pretty advanced redpill, and maybe you are not yet ready for it. The Jewish conditioning is very strong on this matter.

shut the fuck up achmed

Could someone explain to me what happened in that gif?

Also, are those men spitting on him?

Fuck off ya abo cunt. White people are talking here.

I am sorry you are so mentally deficient; the links between the middle east and pedophilia couldn't be stronger

Well as much as this just kills some of you people here, Muslim society actually IS highly redpilled in a lot of ways. Unfortunately it's also really fucked up in a lot of other ways.

>meatspin roulette

>Tim Sharkey


he's a disgusting orc faced pacific islander crossbreed

I was the same as you except I was 23 when I went. Lost my virginity to some thai girls. It's just a great thing to get over the hurdle finally. And ever since then I haven't given a fuck about sex.

It's a great time though, Pattaya is fucking god tier. It's recommend you definitely go. Also don't feel bad if you get stage fright and can't get it up. Just keep trying mate. The girls there are cheap anyways so it's no big loss if you are too nervous when you are with your first girl.

I recognize that place, think I walked past it a few times. Walking Street right?