When is Trump going to instruct NASA to build an EM Drive spaceship?
Em Drive theory explains dark matter away
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Explain dark matter. You mean plasma or science fiction stuff?
dark matter is neither of those.
It's not very good technology, there's better that are already powering human (military) made space vehicles.
EM drive is harnessing resonant energy from the "vacuum", but it's inefficient compared with the likes of current black budget projects.
If society was ready for unlimited free energy we'd already have it, but that's not profitable and really undermines the global power structure.
Dark matter is literally shit that does not interact with normal matter (except gravitationally). It's not some mystical substance that can be harnessed like in Futurama.
How can we fix Brazil? Is it salvageable?
How big will that thing have to be in order to propel 200 tons into orbit? Will it affect WiFi while doing so? How much will the batteries weigh? Why do all the skeptics still wonder if the observed "thrust" effects could just be thermal air currents?
We live in an electric universe.
dark matter may not even exist, they just made this crap up so they can keep using current theories which usually work well
Dark lives matter
20m, no, no batteries needed, because the "skeptics" are SpaceX shills who want 1950s style chemical propulsion only.
Trump doesnt need to instruct NASA to do this. He just needs to give them the funding to study the drive.
We need to know how it works.
He should give this snake oil to NASA. They are the experts at fake technology these days. Look at what they did to the surface temperature records. Leave engineering to the experts like SpaceX.
Musk would want this as well. You'd still need normal propulsion as well to get stuff into space.
Fake news. Seriously. NASA is incredibly important since it lets use try more dangerous science projects that commercial ventures won't see a return for.
If it can't be observed in any form aside from "well how the fuck else does the universe work!?" then it's science on par with creationism.
>dark matter.
is God itself
Nasa was already building one, China too. The chinese team that first tested the EM drive said they had good results then recanted (probably because chinese government told them to) because the chinese want to use this tech to get ahead. China probably already has one in space.
the EM drive wouldn't really be used to propel into orbit from what I understand, conventional chemical propellants would still be used for that. It just lets you accelerate forever and go really fucking fast after a while.
The "force" that all the disreputable scientists have been reporting is from the metal expanding due to heating. The thrust does not stop immediately when the device is turned off, it cools off.
That's all.
Dark matter is the term for an unexplained gravitational effect we can observe every where we point our telescopes
I would say it will take a long time to get rid of the government that is entirely leftist, perhaps with bolsonaro in 2018 we will be able to take steps towards that.
It can be indirectly observed by comparing the gravitational lensing effect of galaxies to their estimated mass. When this is done you end up with a fairly large discrepancy between how much lensing effect you observe and how much you would expect based on the estimated mass of the galaxy. Since we're fairly confident that gravity is a constant throughout the universe the alternative explanation is that there is some unobservable mass making up large parts of galaxies which is referred to as dark matter.
Yes, I know it wouldn't work. I was being sarcastic. It won't even allow you to accelerate because it doesn't work. I think what you are seeking is called an ion drive. Of course it won't work forever either, but is probably actually useful for space travel as you otherwise described.
Brazil isn't for democracy, which is the root of our problems.
From the website linked (pic related). Could be a discussion in and off itself.
dark matter is stupid bullshit literally invented by jews so they can push the big bang/gravity lie.
It's just bouyancy. Gravity is simple fluid dynamics. Fucking scientist plebs. Fuck them.
dark matter exists solely to keep outdated relativity theories in place. ecumenical science
Dark matter is just a weakly interacting massive particle that does not interact with electromagnetism in any way, and since every single thing we do is dependant on electromagnetism, dark matter is by definition the most useless thing in the universe that we yet know of.
Even if it has a magic super power, you can't bottle it because it doesn't give a shit about bonds.
NASA's APPL aren't reputable scientists? You know their paper (the one you got your graph from) passed peer review right?
physics fags answer
lightspeed travel when? Earth is fucked so we're going to need to find another planet to fuck up
it's not about free energy you tard. it's about not carrying reaction mass on your spaceship.
Either way, emdrive is so inefficient as to be useless. It doesn't actually work in vacuum either... The (laughably small) thrust that NASA was measuring was most likely due to the thermal gradient between the two ends of the drive producing a thrust in atmosphere.
Experiments in vacuum show no thrust. Emdrive BTFO
There is literally no saving Spain, so it's expected your people would begin praying for an electricity generator that creates free power forever
That, plus technology to make water and crop fertilizer from electricity, and Spain is almost a country again
If you have a competing theory to explain anomalous observations on the mass of galaxies I suggest you publish and collect your Nobel.
Nearest galaxy is still 2.5 million light years away, so good luck finding humans and spacecraft to last for 2.5 million years.
They are not. Harold White and the Eagleworks, a small team on NASA's payroll are the ones who investigated the EM drive and the ludicrously rhetorical Alcubierre Warp Drive you've also probably heard of.
As far as i am aware nobody on White's team has the expertise to make the claims they are making. They're notorious for always following the most fringe of nonsense and following it up with bad science.
Being peer reviewed doesn't mean someone tried to replicate their findings. Just that those people couldn't find an error in them. It doesn't mean there isn't an error.
The amount that scientists care about the truth is inversely proportional to how easy it is to get tenure. The harder it gets, the less they care.
Watch this
It's probably dark matter, wimps. Just a useless particle that doesn't interact via electromagnetism with all other matter.
It'd make a good insulator, if you could contain it.
Even if it actually works, it's absolutely useless for anything other than maintaining orbits. It generates a whopping 100 micronewtons, meanwhile a $200 leaf blower can produce 13 newtons
I'm proxyfagging just like you
No better than the fucking vacuum user. Something that interacts only gravitationally is useless on the human scale.
Sure, if we start moving around planets like toys maybe.
Dark matter is just a place holder for something we don't understand.
>Just that those people couldn't find an error in them.
An error like not accounting for thermal expansion resulting in phantom thrust?
I'm not arguing it's useful, I'm arguing that there's at least some evidence to support it's existence. It could be wrong but until someone comes up with a better explanation it's the prevailing theory.
dark matter is a hoax, garbage science
>Dark matter is just a place holder for something we don't understand.
I would add that it is possibly a place holder to demonstrate that we don't understand anything.
They didn't say that the drive works, they said that the methodology used in the original paper was right
More like don't remember* But yeah. But don't tell science that, If it can't be measured its ignored.
We already understand Gravity is bullshit, and there are plenty of theories on ether that have been suppressed over the decades.
You're done. Faggot. Fuck you. Cock smoker.
The thing requires a megawatt of power to produce like half a Newton of thrust.
>Gravity is caused by mass
>Matter contains mass
>Sciencefags found gravity without anything to create it
>Rather than admit they might be wrong about something they claimed there is matter out there but it's invisible
Or we could explore the Milky Way and find a suitable planet
3 words that will change your life forever if you go down the hole. Matrix soul trap/net
>unironically believing in the ether
Worse than flat earth believers.
You want to live in the same galaxy as the rest of these faggots?
>b-but we might not know the laws it operates on or current laws might be incomplete
No, the Eagleworks team conducted their own set of tests and published their own paper. They found that it did in fact generate trust under their test conditions.
>t. cabal agent
Except that physics was revolutionized when Albert Einstein proposed the theory of relativity. Up to that point only classical mechanics had been tested and established. In the decades that followed, relativistic physics allowed greater understanding as technology improved. This could be the same thing
It isn't even particularly expensive to construct a big one. Hasn't been done, ergo, doesn't work. People have been jerking off to this for years.
That is definitely a common stance people have about it
But that's where things stand as of now. Like the other user said, you're completely welcome to publish a paper about it
implying we dont have 200b in our own galaxy
Read carefully.
1. The EM Drive cannot function in this universe. Irrespective of ANY future science developments.
What we know at the moment is OBJECTIVE SCIENTIFIC FACT. The EM Drive goes against the fact hence it cannot be true.
Future science won't cancel current one, because the current one is proven unlike shit in the past that was conjecture. Future science can only add on top of it.
EM Drive cannot function in this universe.
>Muh laws dictate the universe and not the other way around
This also confirms that the universe is 100% deterministic.
Are you going to kill yourself if it works and we'll have flying cars?
Yeah, but that means a 1GW rig produces 250 Newtons of thrust, forever. A small fission pile could power a feasible hovercar.
True, but only if it gets peer-reviewed and has scientific consensus. Otherwise it is all bullshit.
lookie here folks, a fully subverted mind.
study it well because they will be our greatest enemy when the time comes.
It's OBJECTIVE SCIENTIFIC FACT that we don't know shit about the universe in the grand scheme of things
The experiment was performed in vaccuum, mouthbreather.
It generates thrust.
Dark matter is the energy spilling over from other dimensions.
It's like you guys don't listen to whats being told to you.
that shit only works in space and it only accelerates by little but because it's in space and there's no friction the longer it moves, it's just gonna get faster and faster because there's nothing to slow it down, so quickly it can reach huge speeds
OP is soo fucking retarded , it's not even funny.. They can barley even prove this thing works, why the fuck would we dump any amount of money in such an inconsistent piece of technology? This just proves my point again, that people with extra chromosomes shouldn't have any input on technology or science.
>inconsistent piece of technology
How is it inconsistent if the thrust is measurable and repeatable? Why does the shill, shill?
>a $200 leaf blower can produce 13 newtons
This. We need more beaners in space suits.
EM Drive would be a shit investment to actually start building with
Why don't we start by actually testing to see if it works
They still have to take the opportunity to gouge taxpayers some more before actually spending the money to put one of these things in space only to watch it non-accelerate.
I think no matter what some would not believe it works, even if it eventually did. I just hate this defeatist attitude when it comes to discovering new things, and sometimes i think that is part of what has held humanity behind when it comes to technology, there is religion too but that's another story.
I understand you want to prove it works, but some don't even wan't to see this shit happening, why? Maybe because the amount of time and money they spent believing something worked one way, and something comes out that changes that. If, and IF this thing turns out to be true, then they need to go back and invite those "Crazy" people who believed they could do something.
Arrogance will get it in the way if you allow it to is the tldr version of this rant.
We need to have an open mind.
You do understand aether is literally what we call space now, right?
I agree. Just don't waste taxpayer money on this fringe shit that almost certainly is snake oil. I don't believe a lot of what science has put forth as true although I do consider myself a scientist. As an engineer, I like the idea of using the somewhat solid ideas that we have managed to put together in order to create practical solutions to make living more interesting and enjoyable. I see this device as a non-starter, but hey, if they guy who claims it works wants to put up the money to test it, he should go for it and prove everyone that ever lived so far wrong.
No, the aether was though of as a medium that allows waves to pass through (because light was seen as wave-only), while space is a near-vacuum. so no wave transmission.
They tested that shit in a hard vacuum already and it worked, last thing i heard they were planning on actually doing space tests. That shit costs money though
It's literally this simple:
1.) A white guy invented it
2.) White guys tested and confirmed it
Until Pakistan builds its own out of elephant dung,l the United Nations will swear blind it doesn't exist. If Ford releases a line of flying bikes based on the technology, if a shitskin can't take credit, the United Kingdom will call it witchcraft and ban all imports.
this thread is soo stupid lol
No such thing as a hard-vacuum, and the measurements they got were within the margin of error.
Also the amount of "force" they measured was miniscule, with a sub .1% efficiency.
tomato tomahto, space can't have properties itself as it's only concept, an abstraction, what you are defining as 'space' is aether 2.0
What's your point? accelerating things in space would be groundbreaking, no matter how inefficient
>the measurements they got were within the margin of error.
>Also the amount of "force" they measured was miniscule, with a sub .1% efficiency.
Those are both lies as readable in the fucking source, you nigger. This is the paper that determined the thrust was outside margin of error even via thermal expansion.
A lot of nig effort for such an unimportant shill
Quick reminder that (((Einstein))) was a fraud.
His work is merely a complex science fiction novel.
Everytime his theories are inconsistent, a new unprovable theory is made up like "singularities".
We live in an electric universe!
Gravity is magnetism.
Everything is the light.
Tesla was right.
So you are saying EM wave do not travel through space? How do we get those pictures back from mars? ... or the rest of the visible universe?
Because light behaves as both a particle (photons) and as a wave(double slit experiments).
EM waves you speak of are actually photons at higher frequencies (shorter wavelengths), and are not visible light.
There is already a solid plan in place to test it in space.
reminder that memedrive is fake and doesnt work.
reminder that the memedrive was invented by a jew.
EMdrive is KEK's chosen locomotion propulsor
Just take a look at Shawyer's face and tell me if it ain't one really smug motherfucker
We call it space time now, and while it is similar to the luminÃferos aether, it does have different properties.
Its above their defined margin of error, since they did not correct for systematic sources of error, which is a sham.
The efficiency is near nill for the measured values, getting 40-100 of micro-Newtons for 40-80 Watts of power invested.
He is right it's tiny, however, and he's right it was possibly heating something to fake trust: the torsion arm. It's hypothesize that the experiment didn't do enough to control for the heating of that portion, and thus the high sensitivity of the device caused it to multiply the infrared light's thrust due to increase torque due to this tiny expansion.
Of course, that's the key here: hypothesize. The people who made the experiment and those criticizing both agree they do not know what is going on, with both side granting something else might be afoot while not accepting the conclusion (it does/n't work).
He's still an idiot, though.
6/10 troll for use of infuriatingly false information and utterly retarded assumptions. There's no way you're really that fucking stupid.
It has nothing in common whatsoever with it other than being the space where thing happen to travel. They don't even have the inability to directly detect it, because space-time can be messed with using only light
are all americans meme sprouting faggots or not