He will not divide us?

What happens if Cali exits?

Other urls found in this thread:



It won't

A fun insurgency





They can't leave, states can only be added not subtracted, last time they tried that a lot of people got hurt.

Wall extension

How can you be so sure?

It won't, but if it does you are free to invade and take any land by force, which won't be hard considering they don't have guns.

Exactly spam these fuckers with these memes.
Discredit every fucking one of the champagne socialists.
Subvert the HWNDU

Then majority of leftist fucks move there and the us can invade and kill the majority of them

>We wants independent
>All illegals welcome
>oh shit, we cant afford all these gibemedats
>oh shit our expensive dam is broken
>oh shit the tech businesses we rely on for money are leaving to different states
>'Halp us federal governments'

>all leftists go to Calikistan
>build a wall so they cant come back


calexit won't happen

more likely, all of the leftists in CA would move back in to their parents homes in new england so they could keep their healthcare

Oh I know, I know! A massive GDP deficit! The Hollywood propaganda machine against the US! Jews fleeing en-masse from New York?

Start making memes with every one of these hypocritical sanctimonious cunts..and spam their twitter feeds

The SJW's that they are trying to mobilise will start attacking them

>Trump hired Goldman Sachs

The 21st century might be a good one for the USA.

>Trump won't win
Don't underestimate meme magic.

>What happens if Cali exits?
This will never happen. The state of California belongs to everyone who is a citizen of the United States. Just because they don't like who the president is dosent mean they can take federal property and claim it as there own. Also they are a bunch of liberal cucks that will run and hide when confronted with actual confrontation. They are not going to win in a fight for that land.

if a republican wins, California threatens to secede

if a democrat wins, Texas threatens to secede

Niether will ever happen

Improved version

>“California is different from America,” said Marcus Ruiz Evans, one of the movement’s co-founders, as he sat on the patio of a Starbucks in Fresno. “California is hated. It’s not liked. It’s seen as weird.”
>as he sat on the patio of a Starbucks in Fresno.

I hope they leave and Trump builds a wall around them as they let in a million refugees into their new shitty country.

If they leave, part of the agreement should be that they can never return.

Here's a new article.


>I believe we should open borders completely and provide welfare for everyone else
>I believe we should stop paying for the welfare of the other states in the nation so we should be independent
it doesn't make sense

This user has it. Trade tariffs would annihilate either state without a shitload of accompanying states joining in to form a commonwealth, which is not going to happen.


>California leaves

>has to rebuild its own energy system because its owned by the US

>Demoncrats will lose 2 senators, potential 53 congressional representatives, and 55 electorial votes in every presidential election

essentially it would kill the left in the US

