Let's just be clear here

Let's just be clear here.

Circumcision on babies is a fucking awful idea for so many reasons. There is literally no reason to do this, it's like cutting off your eyelids because your ancestors thought God liked sandy eyes.

Stop the collection of baby penis skin

Other urls found in this thread:


>Yet another thread that reminds me that my parents paid someone to mutilate my penis
>Yet another reminder that I will never have a whole penis
>yet another day goes by where I am half a man

Thanks for this thread! Almost went the entire day without thinking about my mutilated genitals.

yep. really pisses me the fuck off.

I remember an infographic floating around here about how kikes profited heavily from circumcision instruments and companies that actually harvested and sold foreskin for medical use, multimillion dollar industry, many such cases.

user YOU CANNOT IGNORE THIS CURSE. This is a subject that needs to be complained about _LOUDLY_, because there's evidence, strong evidence of circumcision having negative effects on male emotional development. Not only that, if you _ever_ want a suitable artificial foreskin, you have to meme it loud. There's a market for this product, but we're all too damaged from the circumcision itself to truly understand it.

Foreskin grafts need to happen ASAP

it's culture, it ties people together, both now and across time, gives them an identity
u rootless modern atomized capitalist robots wouldn't understand

Sorry to hear that bro

Have some ass

Why is female genital mutilation seen as so abhorrent when male genital mutilation is routine?

It's a sick culture m8, and needs to get in line or gtfo my America.


It really destroys me knowing that I cannot live as evolution (or the creator if you look at it that way) intended for me to live and reproduce.

Because the idea is to reign in male sexual power, it's an old meme, the rabbis tell the doctors to do it.