Colonized thread
Colonized thread
Even Native Americans cuck niggers!
>No condom
lol enjoy AIDS
Goddamit white people, stay away from our latin queens
>oil drilling
>unironic racemixing (with blacks, of all the nonwhites)
>tribal tattoo
>small dick
Degenerates get out
fuck off this isnt Sup Forums, we dont post porn here
I fucked a nigger once. Breddy gud.
You have to go back
And this is why you are mongrels today.
I would Fuck a nigger but those monkey faces are turning me off
>Operation Sweden
Get ready for the northern meme war!
Why are minorities genitals and taints so fucking brown and disgusting?!
A pure, racially-superior specimen can be identified by their pink taint and genitals.
>literally trying to invent something so Donald ins't wrong
You know that Star Wars movie with the slug guy and the little monkey... well you're the monkey.
Go back to Sup Forums retarded
If you've never had a light skinned black girl with European facial features then you are missing out on some serious happiness.
hahahah white boi can't comp-