Jewish Problem

Hi. I think it's important to know where I should stand on the Jew thing. I urge everyone from Stormfront to JIDF to give their two cents.

Like a lot of you I thought the JQ was just a meme but over time I thought about it more and more, starting with when I found that there was a Jewish name behind nearly every single fucking piece of writing that betrays an anti-white sentiment. It also seems that Jews themselves are admitting their influence in Hollywood—shit like this:

And let's not forget the (((trapezocracy))). The more I learn about the power of money the more it makes sense that, if you want to control a nation's policy, you should target their banks. And most of you already know banker demographics.

Am I just jealous of the Jew's outstanding capacity to lead the West? Why would jews work together to fuck up the goyim when it seems that without them Israel wouldn't exist? It sounds ridiculous that a bunch of beaknosed stooges are in on a scheme of sabotage, as if they communicate telepathically using their yarmulkes, but there's a fishy smell that I can't ignore anymore. I need a realistic explanation of what's going on here.

Finally, how should goyim at large respond to the JQ (assuming it's a thing) given that any percieved persecution of Jews only makes them more powerful?

TL;DR: I thought the JQ was just the meme but now I'm sincerely curious. Please help a goy out.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Operation Sweden


Get ready for the northern meme war!

Israel is a solution for the Jewish problem in Europe, diaspora Jews should be all killed ASAP if they stay in the West, unless they show loyalty beyond a reasonable doubt, lobbyism should be criminalized in the West, 1/4 Ashkenazis were considered white to the extent that they could become citizens of the Reich and you should follow the same standard because the one drop rule is inapplicable.
t. JIDF natsoc fight me irl

>Israel is a solution for the Jewish problem in Europe
Except that you people didn't go and stay there. That would've fixed everything but no you had to infest every corner of the world.

The only modern solution is an engineered virus that makes a normal person the host but kills those with jew genes.

The jews will not stop interfering with world politics, economy and everything else unless it is put to an end with force.

We were already pretty much infesting the whole planet, and from the point that Israel existed its your job to pogrom them out of the West. I mentioned it in my post.
Also Israeli are not Jews, it is not their whole identity unlike diaspora, they do not rely on a foreign nation as individuals, unlike the diaspora. With the exception of lobbyism which happens on the national scale, which I have also addressed.

Let me ask you a question, since your previous response was fair and well written.

Why does the Israeli Supreme Court have a pyramid with an all-seeing eye that breaches its roof? This Court was designed and funded by a Rothschild, is my understanding.

Is there really a Cult of the All-Seeing Eye that involves the diaspora and/or Israelis? If so, how many are aware, how many belong, and what's the game plan? You see the triangle with an eye imagery in numerous Hollywood production company logos, even the Academy Awards triangle logo seems to intentionally reference this iconography.

Thanks. Bugging the shit out of me DESU.

I honestly don't know, I'm not important, I'm just some guy with opinions. But if I were to guess I'd say that we have a pyramid on the top of the Supreme Court for the same reason you have one on your dollar bill. There's some secret society, that is working together to further some interests that are probably the absolute opposite of yours or of my interests. Someone is obviously there, and they were there for so goddamn long that their idea of entertainment is to plant symbolism that the plebs can't understand in art and architecture that the plebs pay little attention to.
I don't even know if they are jews or not, probably are, but as far as I can see us Israelis are under their boot just like you Americans.

WTF I love JIDF now. I agree with part of what you say, mainly the diaspora but I don't think Israel is innocent. Here in the South we have the Friend of Israel mentality, where people blindly support you financially and politically because of "religion". Pro Israeli Jewish politicians represent various districts in the South and I see this as a huge problem, as their loyalty might be stronger towards their ethnic state than their host state. The conservative Jews we have in the South aren't bad people, well not all of them at least. I've met plenty of Jews who assimilated well, become conservative, and blend in fine with goyim, unlike liberal cities where diaspora are god awful people

>Am I just jealous of the Jew's outstanding capacity to lead the West?

You have your answer.

You do realize there are conservative Jews (like the ones Trump is in bed with), liberal Jews (see Hollywood etc.), rich capitalist Jews (Wall Street), communist Jews (the original Bolshevik movement), and even ultra-orthodox Jews who protest the Israeli State alongside the Palestinians?

The people depicted in your image are ultra-orthodox Jews who definitely hate liberalism by the way

This is correct

Something something

I know the lies of those that say they are Jew's but are not and are of the synagogue of Satan.

I would quite but I'm on my phone

Neturei Karta are the only good jews.

Hey man, thanks for responding. You mention the pyramid on the currency, and this is a water cooler subject for Americans, esp pre-internet. But I've never encountered a Jewish person online--and I wouldn't dare ask those I know IRL--who questions the Rothschilds or thinks it's odd that the symbol most synonymous with "Illuminati" graces your highest court.

I appreciate your viewpoint; I know Israelis aren't a hive mind; I think it's easy for Americans to be suspicious, however--given your small population, high education, and extremely tight and organized communication networks--that secret societies aren't more openly discussed if at all.


Damn auto correct

I said lobbyism because I intended to avoid all foreign influence on any nation (not only by the Jews, I generally believe in criminalization of lobbying), including on the district level. Also I forgot to mention, you should also outlaw dual citizenship.
If the most of the diaspora will be driven out of the West, the Jewish politicians won't be a problem though, right?




goyim your worthless

Ask anytime, but I'm pretty sure I'm not an example. I'm not really viewed as a Jew by Jews and they'd never accept me into any Jewish society, even if I was rich or important enough. I'm here more as a foreign(originally I'm from Russia) critic of Jewish culture rather than a genuine Jew, so it's more natural for me to question things like this, especially when I get the privilege of being antisemitic without being bothered about it.

The Jewish religion:


the happy merchant isn't a 3000 year old meme for nothing



I'm Jewish, and I can say with 100% certainty that you need to take us out before it's too late. All I ask is that you let participate on the day of the rope and wait until we've cleansed this nation of shitskins and kikes before you put a bullet in my brain.



You'd think that, but there are so many self hating Jews who end up here that it might be genuine.

can you explain what exactly a self hating Jew is? Someone who laments their Jewish heritage and refuses to identify with it?

Is there any country left that's not under jewish influence? Like Japan or idk, Iran? Or everything is lost? What can we do against them?



Seeing what my people have done to society has made me hate us. But more than anything, it's the constant whining. Maybe it's different in Israel, but no one whines and bitches more than American Jews. A poorly drawn swastika is a news story, the word "kike" is unutterable. Everything is anti semitism. Obama's lack of UN vote was "most antisemitic thing in years."

I can't fucking stand how much Jews bitch about any form of criticism. Such a weak and parasitic people have no right to exist. If that means I have to die with the rest of them then so be it.

Yes, I suppose, but imo self hating Jew is a label created by the Jews to ridicule deserters.
There are many Jews who reject Judaism and the Jewish identity, and they are dangerous for the Jewery in the end of the day, especially when antisemitism and holocaust denial is a taboo and self hating Jews can easily normalize it again. Furthermore the Jewish religion is deterministic, and if you are born a Jew you die a Jew, regardless of your religion(also a trick to avoid desertion). So calling a genetic Jew who has rejected his Jewish identity and religion/is fighting against Jewery self hating is a pretty comfortable method of control.

Cute. how kikey do you look? Do you have straight hair and a none hooked nose?
Just curious.

I agree. Jews are the whiniest creatures to ever exist. They never ever stop bitching. Listen to the Michael Savage radio show. Half the show is just him complaining about what he ate for lunch

do they know the holohoax is bullshit or do they believe their own bullshit?

Thankfully I only have one Jewish trait that I know of. I have extremely pale skin, blue eyes, a small nose, and straight hair that gets slightly wavy if I grow it out. The only Jewy trait I know of is that when I had shoulder length hair in middle school I sort of had the little Jew curl ringlets sideburn things.

All in all, I don't look Jewish in the slightest.

They believe it alright. I literally hear grown up people talking about lampshade and soap completely seriously. And ever since I started coming here I can't help but giggle automatically.
The propaganda is strong and they are thought about it from a very young age.
So chill the fuck out, accept whatever flavor of Christianity you'd like, never identify as a Jew again and don't associate with them. Be nationalistic and patriotic and fly that flag high at all times. And consider yourself lucky, I am labeled with this shit forever because of my flag.

I think when all of the fake survivors die then the truth will start to come out. Lots of Jews even said Wiesel straight up lied

>I am labeled with this shit forever because of my flag.

Israeli Jews are far different than American / European Jews. I see no problem with you and other Israelis being proud to be Jewish.

I just despise the majority of my fellow American Jews.

The carpet was pulled out from under me around age 27, (rural upbringing, first to explore city life in senpai), when I realized how to connect Jewish names to people I knew, articles I read, actors etc.

I was under the impression before then that I was simply born into a world where educated whites complained about themselves, often as a profession.

Generally, Jews seem incredibly unhappy with this world, as if they were shorted on looks, group size, recognition from "outsiders," their endless reputation, down the line. I've concluded that a number of Jews vehemently rebel against this world, and a God they believe did them unfairly or is testing them.

And thus, they spend their entire lives chipping away at the natural order, at whites, at family unit, at binary sexuality, at women's traditional roles, at energy usage, in order to create a world of their own. Is this Tikkun Olam? This persistence is nearly supernatural from an outside perspective, ant-like programming.

It's a heavy pill to realize this as a young man, then get slapped with centuries of erudite writings on the subject, then find /pol. Changed how I view the world. I empathize with Jews, because it must be a heady thing, and it will never fully change. Its much bigger than whites or Jews, than people even, imo.

Is it the Jew's self hatred rubbing off on us goyim?
and the Ultra - Orthodox, ultra - unapologetic the light to goyim liberation?

One can only hope.
Right, only I am not Jewish nor a genuine Jew, I am a Christian Russian, who happens to have some Jewish ancestors. I do not have the option of hiding my shame from the moment I am asked about my country of origin, unless I want to lie systematically, so I'll always be viewed as a Jew even if that is the thing I hate the most. You on the other hand can cast away Jewishness today and be in a different town where no one knows of you ancestry tomorrow.
Listen, just don't be a kike and you're going to be ok. You know what your brethren are, so watch carefully to not develop the same characteristics, and you should be fine.

Well shit, a fellow Ruski Jew.

Kek, relax then, it's probably your antisemitic genes acting up. Slav + Jew is not a good mix psychologically.

That's the probably the case. Plus I've been drinking, it always gets worse when I drink.

what "jewish problem"...?


possibly a symbol of the lord leading the Jews from Egyptian servitude and lifting them to a position of dominion over all civilization