Did milo just commit career suicide during this podcast where he advocates relationships between young boys and older men?
Did milo just commit career suicide during this podcast where he advocates relationships between young boys and older men?
He says shit to piss people off, what makes you think this is any different?
Wouldn't be surprised.
Homesexuality is correlated with novelty-seeking, which is fags are much more likely than the rest of the population to sexually molest children.
Milo has value in his ability to piss off leftists, but his degeneracy has never been a secret.
its confirm
>milo is kill
he's no longer, dare i say it, /ourguy/
many such cases! sad!
isn't that like months old maybe a year
I think his main point was that boys going through puberty it's not pedophilia but yes he still basically says there isn't an issue with young boys and older men
I thought pol would be behind this
Could you be a shill?
Old interview. What is the age of consent in Britain again?
he's greek so it's probably a genetic disposition.
He's not wrong, America's consent laws are a joke.
Disgusting, I consider myself a moderate and I've always at least respected conservative values (as long as they don't go full fascist state) But the Trump right is a disgusting mish-mash of all the worst parts of society, pedophiles, fags, NEETS, racist hicks. It's like America is oozing pus and its these people.
They're far worse than the SJWs they claim to be different from.
He literally doesn't have one except pissing people off. He's a professional troll. If something he said was offensive all that does is help him. He'd probably become a pedophila legalization activist if he thought it would bring him attention.
It's probably shariablue again, and they're probably taking it out of context again.
I'll wait till milo says anything, it's not like there isn't any countries where the age of consent is 13 or 14.
What's up with this Plebbit tier garbage lately?Go back to where you came from you fucking parasites.
He was never /our guy/ but he did a great job red pilling normies but there's no way he can defend this if it gets spun out of control by the left and they go from calling him a nazi to him being a pedophile.
If he actually said it, it was a real dumb move
another conservative trying to normalize pedophilia
He's said this for years. He would constantly make banter about how his first time was an older guy.
It's still gross but it's par for the course for him. Damn pearl clutchers.
Idk its been spreading fast around Twitter today and now ppl are connecting it with this video of him defending pesos on joe rogans show back in 2015
Well, he's a fag. We've all seen the stats, and we all know this weird, creepy shit comes with the territory.
At least he does admit that fags are mentally damaged.
Maybe fags have some place in society, but they should be more understanding of our natural revulsion for this kind of shit.
Sup Forums has been a reddit colony ever since it propped up The_Donald. It sought to colonize Reddit but forgot Reddit has a much larger population and got colonized itself.
more than a year old
these faggots probably just found out about Milo from his interview with Bill Maher and are now desperately trying some character assassination
No but I can see how this will come off as concern trolling, I never liked milo that much but like I said he did a good job red pilling normies, but this kinda pisses me off cuz now the left is gunna try and spin the pedo card on us.
Anon5 was right
>pearl clutcher
This is the most fitting description I've ever heard of the oversensitive left
If the left can get him on something, it will be this.
This faggot has very good media instincts, and can play them similar to the way Trump does.
But he's a fag, and so lacks the instinctive disgust for pedophilia that heterosexuals do. This makes him liable to slip up and push things too far - he doesn't really, truly understand the boundary that normal people see naturally.
This will be what gets him in the end, he'll be too open and honest about it - if not now, soon. Screencap this.
I do respect this guy in some sense, and hope he can go on trolling a little longer. But he has obvious self-destructive tendencies.
does anyone doubt the gays are pedophiles?
Fair enough, thanks for clarifying
Thought he said transgenders were the mentally ill ones not gays?
Milo is riding a tidal wave of publicity right now. He probably this catches everybodys attention so he can point out this is what muslims believe that sjw want to import by they hundred thousands. 8d tiddly winks.
TIL im autistic when drunk
Turns out Milo was a lefty all along.
Hes going to be crucified for this. The public is too brainwashed against pedophilia to understand the difference prepubescence and puberty.
At the 55 minute mark.
He says he agrees with the consent laws as set.
He simply says some 14 year olds, like him, were well aware of what they were doing and weren't molested but everybody just assumes that because he banged an older guy he was sexually assaulted.
Make sense.
I had a friend lose his virginity at 12 to a 22 year old. If you ask him if he got molested he'll say no and feels he wasn't damaged.
its the current year, bigot
>loves black cock
I'm I missing anything?
Anon5 is probably right about them using "alt-right" as a stigma label, but he overestimates the power of the (((globalist))) cabal.
This kind of shit has backfired on them before (remember "Dangerous Donald"?) and will backfire on them again. And I think it is backfiring on them this time too.
Look at where we are. This is the greatest resurgence of nationalist politics for decades. I estimate there are at least 100,000 people who would positively identify with the Alt-Right's ideas, and probably a lot more.
derp i mean Am
And you guys trust this Deep Penetration Mole, i knew he would spout this degenerate ideology to the "Alt-Right" crew, when the water reach his neck. This guy is controlled opposition 1000%.
Milo is dangerous, and not in the "Dangerous Faggot" style.
He drives home the tranny point very hard, but he often talks about how fags are very damaged and abnormal people too.
When he was on (((Bill Maher))) the other day, he was pretty reluctant to say homosexuality wasn't a mental illness when prompted.
As fags become more accepted by society, they become more comfortable with showing their true nature. Ultimately, it will trigger people's instincts and backfire on them.
Yep. But it may expose just how pervy most gay dudes are.
This is inevitable anyway.
Living in the shadow of marginalization forced them to moderate themselves just enough so that we weren't disgusted by them.
Over the next few years, they will push the envelope too far, and be forced back into the closet.
fucking degenerate
>irrelevant no-name e-celeb
>career suicide
Kill yourself and take your AIDS twinkboy with you.
4D Chess. you liberals really haven't learned to play yet. plus most of democratic politicians are Pedos.
If Trump and co. are the "greatest resurgance of nationalist politics" then thanks for setting this progressive''s mind at rest.
Because if Trump is the high water mark of your achievements then lolololololllololol
Sure thing Milo, sure thing.
its his Greek side showing. Isnt that what the Ancient Greeks did?
Sup Forums openly worships a pedo. You fags are truly evil. This is what we can expect in Trump's America. Have fun being raped by Moloch you amoral satanic fucks.
He is. He's very competent, and a very good leader, we're all very happy with him.
You're blind to it though; the left doesn't even attempt understand the right. This is why, every time you lose, you can't see it coming.
You've had a terrible 12 months, and face it, you have no idea why. Things will only accelerate from now on, unless you get out of your echo chambers and stop underestimating your enemy.
I always thought that "Milo" was being pushed by certain (((interests))) as a plan to discredit the "alt-right" - first by turning Milo into the face of the "movement," and then discrediting him.
I don't think it will work very well, since most alt-righters never really embraced him except as an amusing troll.
Daily reminder age of consent in most country is between 12 and 15 yo. That's pretty insane
You're playing 4D chess?
That's nice.
I'm playing the game of thrones. Come and see me when you're ready to grow up.
>Sup Forums openly worships a pedo
>implying the majority of Sup Forums dont just see him as an 'alt-right' kike shill.
>But the Trump right is a disgusting mish-mash of all the worst parts of society, pedophiles, fags,
Unlike the leftist SJWs who have definitely NOT been pushing this shit for decades? Or their precious mudslims? Do go fuck yourself sweetcheeks.
He actually said it. He's been a massive degenerate from day one and if this is the end of him then it only pisses me off that it's taken this long and he was allowed to get so far. Hopefully it can serve as a springboard in peoples' minds to make the connection from faggotry to paedophilia.
Having said that, we live in a society where children are sexualised from an early age and an endless supply of girls are fucking on camera like veteran whores the moment they turn eighteen, so they're obviously already doing this from anywhere between 12-14 onwards.
What's better: a dozen teenage scumbags fucking them throughout puberty, or one adult who is their mentor? Unless we're going to put adolescents in chastity belts until they're of age then another solution is needed.
We had Christian sexual morality until it was irrevocably smashed to pieces by the baby boomers.
Sup Forums is anti-fag, anti-pedo, and ESPECIALLY anti-kike.
Everyone knows this. Kill yourself, shill.
Great! It clears the way for Richard Spencer to get the limelight for a while.
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
i'm all for lolis in the US, i'm a heavy advocate for the loli for a man movement that's going on in the US.
I don't need to understand you. I know that your policies are self-defeating and unsustainable and once Trump and Brexit crater everyone's economies the right will be done for another decade while we fix everything for you.
At least we didn't vote for one :^)
'helps them to discover their sexuality' - bhoop!!!
>anti pedo
feminists were anti pedo too...
game of thrones? confirmed britfag. go back to your tea and crumpets and BTFO american politics.
Why does this surprise anyone? Homosexuality and pedophilia is so closely linked that it is almost a rule of nature.
You don't like Trump, so you've been played by the media into projecting all these other things you don't like onto him.
Personally, I wish Trump was a racist, but he probably isn't.
He's second in line to the ovens.
Milo, alt-right, spencer, etc are all MSM creations.
No one here takes them seriously.
d i s a v o w d i s a v o w
This is terrible, this sets back the timeline so much now! This is like our achilles' heel. Why would he do this.
Yeah, but he is presented in massive media such as Bill Maher show, as one of the faces of the alt-right , WE know he is not THE face of the movement, but to the masses, to the normies, yes , he is being pushed into the spotlight.
Now, what do we know about him? i find this quite interesting and surprised no one has had the initiative to search his past.
Here comes a UK citizen , with a very strange sets of preferences.
Milo is actually admitting that homosexuality stems from molestation at a young age.
I don't agree with what he is saying, but it is important he's saying it.
Once more, Freedom Of Speech proves its use. By letting Milo speak for long enough he destroyed himself AND hopefully brought attention to where homosexuality begins.
All paedos deserve death.
Wish I could kill the one who ruined my life.
Blood eagle should be legal punishment.
>the left is gunna try and spin the pedo card on us
The left always projects their crimes onto others and Milo is a convenient shoe in for that narrative.
The fuck is Milo doing?
First he backs out of doing a speech on Pizzagate and now this?
>This is terrible, this sets back the timeline so much now! This is like our achilles' heel. Why would he do this.
What are you talking about? You think he thinks about Sup Forums when he's sucking on nigger dick?
>If the camel once gets his nose in the tent, his body will soon follow.
Nobody triggers the lefties like our faggot Milo, but he's still unapologetically a faggot.
>just now realizing milo is a degenerate
No, but he was pushing politics to the right and now he went and said pedo shit. Way worse, ew.
if the kid can come or already bleed. its their body saying they are ready to reproduce.
when humans lived until they were the old age of 35, 13 years old fucked all the time, they were the true adults
Confessing he got buttblasted by an older male.
This is standard for the vast majority of homos fyi. They're hypersexual to the point all that dominating a minor is all that excites them. People used to understand this about them and responded accordingly.
I believe you are right, this guy is fabricated, but i dont think the MSM is the creator of such....thing.
Does anyone have the illuminaty Card Game, the Deep Mole one?. I always thought it was snowden, but it seems like is Milo.
Watch the interview with Gavin McInes, at the beggining after Milo told the story of his upbringing, which states his father was basically a gangster (Hello there Mr ted Cruz) Gavin began to laugh at Milo and began to take shots at him, the story simple, was unbelieble.
One of the weirdest things Gavin said is that "we really dont know were you come from".
Take that as you will.
I don't understand why a guy Bannon seemed to help write would say something off the handle like this. Political correctness covers a lot of shit, but not this.
>Baits the left into attacking Milo over pedophilia
>Creates pedophile hysteria on their side
>Springs Pizzagate
Bannon is a crafty fucker
fpbp, /thread
>we all know this weird, creepy shit comes with the territory.
They literally stick their penises into another man's ass and let it rub against the man's creepy shit. Literally.
digits confirm
all hail Bannon
High Priest of Neo-Kekism
For Kek speaks to him in the digits beyond digits, and Thoth grants him knowledge near endless to guide our fates.
Who cares about this faggot. He might be useful, but not that much.
Oh fug.
what'd Kek mean by this?
I imagine the situation as an actor without an script for the debate, i mean , i dont really consider Milo anything other than a phony actor, but , all this strange commentaries, his appearance with Bill Maher and now this, well he seems a bit like a loose cannon.
This is the card mentioned.
Fuck off Shareblue. No one cares about your bullshit anymore.
not at all
not all fags are pedos but most pedos are fags
he gains in fame tries to become the face of the internet Trump supporters, then goes full pedo
that's what (((they))) do
>negate the privilege of a privileged attack
>nigger loving gay and whatever else
>left struggling to attack him because he's a gay etc.
Holly shit.
>Hop into a 'so-called movement'
>Take advantage of it
>Write a book on the matter and be famous, going around the country and so forth
>Start making 'conservative' people give you a chance to speak
>Implicate a lot of people that second some of your views
>Afterwards unmask yourself and show your true colours when you feel comfortable enough
And you wonder why we are anonymous and don't accept anyone speaking on our behalf?
Why we don't adhere, particularly to anything?
Why we don't tolerate homosexuals in any way?
Because shit like this happens.
And I can tell you, people that supported this guy and let him speak all around will have much more explanations to do right now.
And after he spoke this the liberals will take him to 'their' side and let he promote whatever he wants and when people point him out he'll point his fingers towards the other side instead of liberals.
Welcome to the nice world, where you're only responsible about yourself.
If you promote something or 'adhere' to something/someone, you'll have this risk.
Fuck 'alt-right', fuck ideologies, these retards need to die.
>Left pushes for pedophilia openly
>Milo makes a statement in support
>Suddenly the left is against pedophilia.
>37D go fish
Milo is clearly /ourgay/