You guys don't actually think women shouldn't be allowed to vote, right?

You guys don't actually think women shouldn't be allowed to vote, right?

I mean, that's just fucking irrational.

Equal rights between the sexes is fundamental to any civilized society.

>I mean, that's just fucking irrational.
Like your little tantrum here?

Most people here are angry virgins who are butthurt over no one sleeping with them because their so ugly.

Women are mentally inferior, and base their decisions on emotion rather than logic. Society did just fine before "women's rights."

Do you want your country run by emotion or logic and intelligence?

They shoudnt be allowed to vote but same thing with half the "men" too.


Also, I'd prefer to live with womens voting rights, but it seems that it will lead to liberal states due to misdirected compassion.

Jej. I told my mom I thought that woman shouldn't be able to vote, and after she stopped freaking out, she agreed with me.
Sage, kys, whatever

what the fuck is wrong with canadians?

Reason exists to serve emotions. But why should I expect a male virgin to be in touch with his own feelings.

>male virgin
angry female confirmed

now post tits or gtfo