Are there really people on this board who deny the fact our civilization will collapse in the near future?

Are there really people on this board who deny the fact our civilization will collapse in the near future?


Most normies will be completely shocked when it happens.

historically probably, but I doubt it in this day and age. Everything will just mix into one big mess of grey. Once white civ is gone, next is arabic so on and so on. It might take another 300 years or something but it will happen.

Not sure if I qualify, but I don't think it will collapse. It will if we continue declining at the rate we have been for the past several years, but I don't see that happening. IT CAN'T BE ALLOWED TO.

Normies are naive and trusting and incapable of critical thought, they will be the first to go when the collapse happens. Many Sup Forumstards on the other hand will sense the impending doom and accordingly prepare for it, and repopulate the Earth with superior autistic seed.

>Are there really people on this board who deny the fact our civilization will collapse in the near future?

Sure as fuck hope not.

It will collapse.
When exactly? Great question.
But it's our duty to be as prepared for it as we can.
Then, pic related, perhaps.


oul time oul peapol
im sule we will cally the white man regacy

Civilization doesn't collapse so much as mutate. I mean, we still have a fuckton of greek and latin loanwords.