What happens after you die Sup Forums ?
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I tought roaches are hard to kill. Why would that matter to you?
Hate someone I've never met or will ever met because his country classic pol
For responding to you. Nothingness
Maybe we do live in a simulation and a God exist
We will have a new age.
I rape your corpse
Heaven has at least 2 of everything
you are descendants from them roaches. why this selfhate?
You either go up to the higher dimension or you go to the lower one filled with psychic child molesting vampires
>be you
>on your death bed
>doctor comes in
>says that they've invented new technology that will allow your brain to be connected to the internet at all times but you can only stay one one specific website
>other option is total death
Do you shitpost on Sup Forums for all eternity or nah?
the world moves on without you
you just die, your body decomposes, and eventually nobody will utter your name ever again