Why do black people always make me laugh? Why are white people always way too serious about everything?

Why do black people always make me laugh? Why are white people always way too serious about everything?

Because so many of them are to dumb and lazy to even pull off a proper white face? i dont know

Why do animals always make me laugh? Why are people always way too serious about everything?

Because your penis is small and unattractive to women.

Because it's easy to laugh at idiots.

Because you don't respect them as an equal. You find their existence amusing like a silly cat or a bird. You are intrigued by their unorthodox speech and giant testosterone engaged bodies. They seem so peacefully gleeful at one moment and wildly angry at the next. Whatever the negro does next you cannot know, and it will surely be more entertaining than whatever else is going on around you

Chick on the left has a flat ass. Sad!

>filename not "shaqueal_o_neal_witha_seal"

Is this more to your liking?

Because you see them as animals and think it's cute when they do or say retarded shit.

White people do the same shit and are disdained for it when they do it due to people actually having expectations of White people.

It's why we ostracize White Trash yet try to integrate niggers into the black community and white community

They are viewed as pets by society and dirt by the left that claims to love them

>Complaining about testosterone

Please stop making white people look like bitches the TV does it enough already

It's a known fact that black dudes love white chicks with a flat ass, despite their "music" claiming otherwise.

In the same way David Attenborough complains about stupid monkeys he studies

Yes they have higher testosterone, they also have lower IQ. They're primitive and 95% don't belong near real humans

>see them as animals

Would this guy support Trump?

Arrogant and rebelious white whore and proud and boastfull black men are a match made in hell

They're the entertainment race.

Does she look arrogant to you? I'd say she's docile, submissive, and in need of a hard fucking.

As soon as someone who isn't black makes a black guy the butt of the joke, they all chimp out.

>Why do black people always make me laugh?
Because they're fucking jokes.

What the fuck is this? The dough boys black cuz?

Please delete this

She looks like she just got paid more for doing porn with a nigger?
You do realise they get paid the most for black porn right cause it's gross

I heard a rumor that they do it for free because of the massive penises and the immense sexual satisfaction. Why would you do it, user?