African gang beats up Swedish security guards

This is what you get for being such racist cucks Sweden. The only good racist is a dead racist!

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Is this a Sarah scribbles thread?

It is if you want it to be

more pls btw

Good thing they protected those poor victims by hiding their faces and voices.

This is comedy gold.

Wtf is that male officer lying on the ground crying? Jesus Fucking Christ, Sweden, this is pathetic.

Anyone else notice the white girl with them? Oh god Sweden you really are a country of cucks

Looking at it he might be crying because of the absolute helplessness law enforcement has in Sweden. If he was packing that would have been one dead Somalian, an injured one, and 4 total arrests.
But all he is allowed to use is his fists, and he can't actually fight them or else he gets buttfucked by the law.

Someone send these links to the Swedish Embassy response to Trump's clarification on the Swedecuckoldry.