Alrighty lads, Chadanon here to tell you about the amazing feat I just did.
A little backstory before we get into the real habbening
>be me >redpilled at a young age due to father being in the police force as well as the navy >spend most of my childhood playing vidya and watching anime with friends >Dad teaches me "man lessons" all throughout my upbringing to shape me into a decent man >it worked.exe >one of his most important lessons was how to treat women >throughout middle school and highschool have relationships with plenty of girls but don't fuck them due to the morals my dad instilled
So I spent most of my time with girls back then trying to be respectful and chivalrous, but around the time I was 17 going on 18 my dad got shipped off over seas and I finally decided it was time and fugged a sailor mercury at an anime convention.
So throughout the next year I would find myself doing lots of degenerate shit with friends and girls, but eventually fall for a girl I dated for three long and painful years.
>Just out of HS >meet slut of an ex >date for three years and have a lot of problems >she's a bluepilled normie and constantly found a new way to piss me off just about every day >sex started great but then got shit after the first year and a half >she's constantly going through my phone, but gets offended when I go through hers >come to find out that she cheated on my 4 times and kept it all hidden >end up having a half year long depression that made me spiral downward >after we break she becomes a hard core feminist blue hair and all
Now, this all happened around the time that the primary races were going on so I was addicted to the news and Sup Forums even more so than I ever was before (Been here since 07).
Seeing Trump's rise to power did something to me, and after November's election I have been filled with vigor and energy, but a chaotic energy mind you.
I have such a sour taste in my mouth when it comes to females now because of what I went through with my Thot of an ex, so most of the girls Ive seen or been with have been one or two night stands due to my unwillingness to be in another relationship.