Thoughts on our friends at /r/t_d?

Thoughts on our friends at /r/t_d?

Are they based? Or are they the old cucked pre-2010 Sup Forums ?

Other urls found in this thread:


They only existed to spam reddit with pro donald shit.

Now that they've been censored there isn't really any point.

And (((they))) have infiltrated the mod list and make sure discussions stay kosher

Sup Forums for kids edition

>thinking Reddit is above shit
Fuck right off

we have a mutually beneficial relationship.

alright to browse their frontpage once or twice a day for any recaps.

Reddit recently changed their algorithm for their front page, and now the top posts are always anti Trump subreddits, whereas it never used to be.

Sup Forums shits on the_donald even though they do more activism and have more actual impact


T_D is full on "Please notice me senpai" tier.

They're retards that use Reddit despite them only allowing conservatives to speak there if they're heavily censored, yet for some reason this isn't a dealbreaker for them, they have a lot of delusional ass beliefs because of the heavily censored environment, and they're cringey as fuck.

Politics wise they're not exactly wrong but they're still annoying and cringey as hell.