"Hey, look at me guys, I'm a gay man and I'm conservative! I can be gay while still being a normal, respectable person!"

>"Hey, look at me guys, I'm a gay man and I'm conservative! I can be gay while still being a normal, respectable person!"
>"oh btw, pedophilia is okay"

This is why the right wing has almost never, and should never accept homosexuality as normal behavior. Homosexual men are NOT attracted to men in the same way that heterosexuals are attracted to women. Homosexuals are messed up in the head.

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>trusting a faggot kike
Great job there newfags.

get ready for all the trumptards defending pedos now

Sure smells like KIKE in here

Not based milo kike either... More like that foul CTR kike stench


>Sup Forums is special

Anyone got a link to his interview where he says this shit?

When did he say that pedos were cool? I don't follow this retard so I missed that.

I accept that idgaf what you do privately as long as it's between consenting adults and you don't tell me about it or try to pretend that you're special because of it.

A faggot is not a gay person. A faggot is a person who takes a small, inconsiquential attribute about themselves and use it as their self definition and the driving force behind their world view, and proceeds to group together with other like minded people to in concert, talk about this shit that nobody should fucking care about.

So yeah, neo nazis are faggots too.

Its the influx of r/the_donald newfags

He was talking about himself as a teen having a relationship with a 28 year old and how a lot of fags do it at that age because it's hard to find acceptance at home. MSM is just twisting it. I don't even like this faggot but it's literally nothing. We already know they're degenerates.

Never trust a mentally ill person

Are all gay men molested as children or just the ones I know?

>He was talking about himself as a teen having a relationship with a 28 year old and how a lot of fags do it at that age because it's hard to find acceptance at home.
That is pretty weird though.

It's definitely not a coincidence. There seems to be some correlation between being abused as a child and becoming gay.

>Have to rotate shills out every now and then because they get redpilled coming here
>Trying to get inside of Sup Forums's head
>Ends up getting lost

> muh steyt can point people who the can fuck with
Fuck off






>Sup Forumstards actually believe this

O Krishna bless this place

Milo Should Just Say He's Muslim.
Problem solved.
Am I right lads?

Milo isn't a pedo. He was the one who was molested.