Intelligent profession

a lot of scientists are marxists, a lot of professors are marxists, a lot of doctors are marxists, it seems like these supposedly intelligent people have no idea how the world and justice are supposed to work. all i know is that economists and theologians tend to be 'woke', what other profession/occupation that has the best people ?

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shes so cute

whats a scientist?

Does anyone have a folder of all her pics hes willing to share?

Engineers are Fascists

Anyone that interacts with niggers and other scum will generally be more "woke". Scientists typically only interact with other scientists so they think that being civilized is the norm when in realist most of the world is filth.

like lab people. even social scientists and IT guys are scientists, i guess. and a lot of them leans to the left. like idk, i'm no science student, i'm a 6th year economic student who's struggling with his 2.4 GPA, but i can understand how the right is right, which one is virtue signalling which one is not, why can't they ? they always say stuffs that are obvious and easily debunkable, while they're a lot smarter than me, perhaps

>people who profit from something usually are pro that thing.
Do you think all these smart business leaders, these CEO's that have no personal stake in a company care about who they employ? Professors happy they can fill their classes with people..

I'm sick of seeing this dumb cunt's face.

I just noticed something.

The color of her eyes and the beanie are matching.