The New Right

The Alt Right, which is just a passive aggressive reaction to the Cultural Marxist establishment, is only the first step in the necessary creation of the New Right.

>What is the New Right?

The New Right will be final stage of the modern Conservative Right, which was born in the 1930s. Its main features will be pretty much similar to the Reaction of the French Revolution, with a sprinkle of economic libertarianism and imperial supremacism.

>what will trigger this modern Reaction?

The New Right will form as the ultimate Reaction against Cultural Marxism and Third World cultures. Its objective will be to restore an ideal order based on Conservative values based on the European Christian Democracy of the 1950's and the American Conservative society.

>will the New Right be violent?

The New Right will be a militant political ideology which will justify violence as a legit political means. Violence will be used to restore demographic proportions in the Western world to a pre 1960's state. This implies genocide or deportations.

>will the New Right be inevitable?

It's highly probable but not inevitable. If immigration influx speeds up, it won't have a chance of forming because western peoples will be genocided before.

>will the New Right win?

Historical trends show that Reaction never wins. The New Right will have a 10% chance of restoring some kind of pre-Marxist order and a 90% chance of losing.

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Who is this ejaculate fiend?

>all that shit, by you

So basically what you're saying is that it will be populated by angry virgins?

>90% chance of losing.
It won't lose if the goal isn't simple turning back time.

The new right needs to dismiss the idea of rebirth nazism/natsoc or bringing back the 50s and instead figure out an alternate way of moving forwards to the left.

The right has to become the new progressive force, just changing what the west progresses to.

It will be formed mainly by White people and original African Americans. Basically any group which was part of the 1950s society.

So basically angry virgins?

>Restore America and Europe to all white nations again
>Within 2 generations these all white nations slip back into liberalism and reinvite all the muds
There's no saving it m8 your best hope is to focus on improving yourself and making a family.

It's called Jesus, user. The one who kept Europe composed of Europeans for a thousand years

Your movement was woonden deadly after this moment. Just give up

Why did the Europeans originally abandon Jesus? What's to stop Europeans from doing it again?