What went wrong?

How can we depopulate 3rd world better?

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bill gates sat in a german tv show and said, that the biggest problem today is overpopulation...but he runs the biggest charity in the world on vaccination...hmm...isnt there a contradiction? or is he really vaccinating with his charity?...

We have to stop this passive shit of handing out vaccines laced with autismo and chemtrails, I'm pretty sure science has the means to create a virus targetting nogs and streetshitters already

its called hiv...but for them you also belong to the streetshitters...

I always got the impression that Kissinger was the kike that did kikish things FOR the west rather than to undermine it

We missed the boat. The era of politically correct cuckolds is upon us, they now donate resources to ensure they can keep breeding out superior humans. Whites are currently 12% of the population globally. By the time my grandchildren grow up, they'll be surrounded by shit skins because of cucks today. Say goodbye to inventions, innovations, and meaningful scientific progress, Americanism, freedoms, and a functional, non-degenerate society

Stupid people breed
Smart people do not

This has been the way of humanity for the last 35,000 years and will continue into the forseeable future.

Think about who's watching the show, he's implying that WE are the ones who are overpopulating, and that we should enable the third world hordes to overrun our societies (already in progress)

he does kikish shit for whoever his boss is at the moment
guy is Realpolitik: The Person

He was pretty based in some ways.

“I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its people. The issues are much too important for the Chilean voters to be left to decide for themselves.”