What went wrong?

How can we depopulate 3rd world better?

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bill gates sat in a german tv show and said, that the biggest problem today is overpopulation...but he runs the biggest charity in the world on vaccination...hmm...isnt there a contradiction? or is he really vaccinating with his charity?...

We have to stop this passive shit of handing out vaccines laced with autismo and chemtrails, I'm pretty sure science has the means to create a virus targetting nogs and streetshitters already

its called hiv...but for them you also belong to the streetshitters...

I always got the impression that Kissinger was the kike that did kikish things FOR the west rather than to undermine it

We missed the boat. The era of politically correct cuckolds is upon us, they now donate resources to ensure they can keep breeding out superior humans. Whites are currently 12% of the population globally. By the time my grandchildren grow up, they'll be surrounded by shit skins because of cucks today. Say goodbye to inventions, innovations, and meaningful scientific progress, Americanism, freedoms, and a functional, non-degenerate society

Stupid people breed
Smart people do not

This has been the way of humanity for the last 35,000 years and will continue into the forseeable future.

Think about who's watching the show, he's implying that WE are the ones who are overpopulating, and that we should enable the third world hordes to overrun our societies (already in progress)

he does kikish shit for whoever his boss is at the moment
guy is Realpolitik: The Person

He was pretty based in some ways.

“I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its people. The issues are much too important for the Chilean voters to be left to decide for themselves.”

Well, a good start is not letting them into 1st world countries.

Why can't someone break his hands and jaw, chop his feet off and dump him in a third world country without a passport?

>fund abortion and sterilization
>abolish all other forms of aid

Stop feeding and immunizing them would be a good start.

Export the Jews there


He's on again off again /ourkike/

Take out all the white people left holding up their crumbling societies and economies, watch the rest fall apart guaranteed.

well wont deny...kalergy / hooton in full mode in my country...can you as an american, i suppose, imagin: i live in a country where its a taboo to show the flag...its just getting absurd...we are 80 mil in germany and the eu is talking about 10 mil immigrants for germany, 2-3 mil already here, and now their families will be brought in...we are fucked on a scale so massive its depressing...

according to Gates, vaccines will help us reduce population, he didn't clarify what he meant, but we know they are chemically sterilizinjg people.
Kissinger said all military men are dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns.
Also said, "There are many ways vee can reduce the population of a country" (insert evil jew laughter here)

good bait

this. thats why its good to help africa

jup, the germans getting jewfucked again...we are dumb people, believe me, germans are brainwashed even more than north koreans, i sometimes think...

No. he fancies himself some sort of machiavelli or metternich but lacks the flair, the smarts and the success. That being said he will get away with it because muh cold war dindu nuffin.

Increase economic development and industrialization. As countries industrialize birth rate fall. The downside is that europe can't compete with an industrialized third world. China, India and Japan are already kicking your asses. When Africa and Latin America industrialize whites are done. As white nations advance they will continue to breed less. You are between a rock and a hard place.

He is trying to bring the 3rd world "education" so they have less kids.
That's it. Can it be considered a genocide attempt? Absolutely.

all the leftist propaganda is to simply repackage soft genocide
Soft Genocide Measures Promoted by American Eugenics & Planned Parenthood to reduce US population in 1969.

anti-fertility chemicals in the water, air, food

Modify tax policies
Postpone or avoid marriage (via master degree job requirements, economic crisis)

Encourage increased homosexuality
Educate for family limitation
Fertility control agents in water supply
Encourage women to work
Reduce/eliminate paid maternity leave
Reduce/eliminate social benefits

Chronic Depression (via crime rates, economic crisis, social isolation)
Require women to work and provide few child care facilities
Limit/eliminate publicly-financed medical care, scholarships, housing, loans and subsidies to families with more than N children.
Encourage increased homosexuality
Compulsory education of children


the use of the tax system as a means for controlling population growth


Poor understanding of services vs goods industries and the future role of automation.

>Kissinger said all military men are dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns.

oh my god. someone actually said what I was thinking. Kissinger is love.

Step 1: get rid of the smart ones through mass migration and increase the anger/divide the countries' people

Step 2: set a leader for whole europe and save europeans from the crises they created

>overpopulation solved
>ethnic countries are full of diversity at this point and can be manipulated easily
>full controll of europe

The Genocide, Eugenics and Birth Control movements were forced to completely re-make themselves after the Holocaust.

ie: away from hard genocide, to soft genocide

Returning to the root Malthusian hysteria, they repackaged their agenda as based on ‘over-population.’ Many, if not most, of the measures entertained prior to the Holocaust remained on the table for consideration. Only the reasons for implementing those measures were changed. Thus, in the 1950s and 1960s, calls for ‘population control’ increased in frequency and volume. See Paul Ehrlich’s “The Population Bomb” as one example that made a dent in popular opinion.

But population control advocates understood that the scope of the problem they were presenting required government action at all levels. Thus, Richard Nixon was prompted to enact population control legislation (still in force today). In 1972, Nixon would call for a commission to ‘study’ the problem and present recommendations. This is known as the Rockefeller Commission Report.

The two names most prominently listed on the Jaffe Memo are Bernard Berelson and Frederick Jaffe, the one responsible for the memo itself. These two same individuals were members of the Rockefeller Commission. Berelson was a full commissioner, while Jaffe was listed as a ‘special consultant.

darwinists/eugenicists enslaved and genocided (war, disease, massacres) other races ( africans, jews, amerindians, abos ) based on ideas of racial superiority

nazi germany practiced the eugenics of anglosphere

after the defeat of nazi germany, eugenics was rebranded

American Eugenics Society became "Society for Biodemography and Social Biology"

British Eugenics Society became "Galton Institute"

they switched from hard genocide of the past to more sophisticated soft genocide of modern times
there's alot more undisclosed genocide policies, but the result of this is apparent in the western world

It will be a beautiful, multicultural and reborn Europe.

I think that it is "established" that when child mortality goes down, so does peoples need to have many children. Not sure this actually works for Africa though.

The industrialisation of the third world requires strong united governments ruling over strong united territories.

For this to happen we need to let them fight, consolidate and reach a state of equilibrium as is the natural progression of history. But the UN tries to hold the world in status that's why history has become a series of slow motion car crashes which never seem to conclude cleanly.

It's bad in Canada too bro
How do you get a leaf to apologize?
Step on his foot.

>need to have children
this hurts my brain. children are resource hogs without value. parents are truly dead inside yet they proceed to tell you about how great it is to have thrown away their youth for a lifetime of servitude.

whites (rockefeller) created population control programs in the west

genocidal policies have not been effective in india and africa... why you ask?

whites are the most organized and docile

you love organization and follow orders. following the law makes your life satisfying and you love to comply, even if the law commands you to commit suicide

africa lacks the foundations to implement soft genocide, no proper schools to brainwash, no proper legal system to enforce... and they dont give a shit about following orders or the law

Not true in agrarian society where they become extra hands on the field with the only pay being the food, clothing and space. But yes, I'm a little sceptical of this as the only explanation.

nice epic meme

bleh, I suppose you are right.
makes my wonder why my parents had children, did they want a farmhand or a fashion accessory?

oh. that's right. they wanted a dentist.


stopping aid would be a good start, without external forces the population should lower to a new equilibrium

Where do white countries get raw materials from? With the exception of the US, Canada, Australia and Russia white nations are pretty resource less. And three of those four aren't yours anyways and the fourth is often not considered "white." The technology for automation exists and is arguably more advanced in Asia. The Asian countries can and will kick white nations out of the 3rd world by give those nation a better deal.

You mean like they're doing to Blacks in America? We know that they are doing "soft genocide" to us. They'll try to breed us out with racemixing and abortion. Whites think racemixing targets them when in fact it targets us.

I'm not huwite you raycisst! I follow the law because I don't want to get shot by a cop. Although I just might.

this is a good idea.

Stop being such pro-life faggots maybe?

So, soft genocide works perfectly on whites. But not on other races. Nice..

Seems like negroes are the fittest to survive, lul.

Gtfo liberal leftie cuck.

Just impose one child policies by force and encourage abortion. Fucking simple.


Just ship feminism into the third world. It's been pretty successful in the west

Aids and Ebola were "discovered" in Africa, and Zika in South America. Depopulation tests have been in progress for some time now.

Wait 5 years and then bomb all major French, German, Swedish, and Canadian cities.

>other races ( africans, jews, amerindians, abos ) based on ideas of racial superiority

Buddy i don't know if you have noticed yet but we are the ones being genocide.

ebola is cured



The current solution is to have all of the third worlders emigrate to Europe and the US.

Gates is a humantitarian. Also deseases are not very reliable, since they tend to mutate and spread. Pushing for women's rights and birth control are a much safer and more effective route to population control. Look at every western country. We had the black death, the spanish flu, the AIDS epidemic of the 80s and they all didn't do a fracture of the damage that telling females that it's "their body their choice" did.

Stop propping them up.

They're self cleaning ovens.

If we didn't keep feeding them they wouldn't keep breeding.

create African anime and air drop it all over Africa

>Whites think racemixing targets them when in fact it targets us.

So is he /ourguy/?

gates is a humanitarian? ju kidding right? the man who is allowed to play the role of the richest man alive is truly humanitarian like merkel is a true democrat...come on...

so what have you done lately to make the world a better place?

I wouldn't go that far

And look at Chili now. Theyre one of the most developed Latin American countries whilst all the former socialist republics are poor or run by dictators.

for example take the pope. he is the official ruler/owner of vatican city, you can say he has no personal wealth, but the wealth of the whole church at his disposal, same with wealthy families, why have billions, when you control every debth and can create money as you wish...

Kids are fucking cool dude, they're like dogs that learn how to talk.

>create money

Einfach geld zu drucken führt dazu, dass geld an wert verliert. je mehr man zusätzlicht druckt desto weniger ist es wert.

i made people happy by baking a cake...

Anyone with the wealth of Bill Gates can bring attention to any idea that he wants. Furthermore, we know he has heard most ideas, especially ones that have been on the books for decades.

Consider, for example, the orbital ring space elevator.



Technologically possible to build a long time ago, costs less than a bank bailout, and enables us to drop taxes to 0% across the board without cutting spending and paying off the national debt.

Want to end world hunger? This is how you do it. It isn't an ideology. You can't have an opinion about it. It either works or it doesn't. It's a scientific question. And we know that it does.

By implication, we know that people like Bill Gates, every single one of your government representatives, and broadly anyone with a large public platform as well as access to information is implicated in a conspiracy to commit genocide against mankind.

It is only possible to view someone like Kissinger or Gates as respectable human beings if your sight is heavily veiled by ignorance.

stop being so naive stupid newfag

kissing put pinochet there to privatize the copper that allende had expropiated, in the end he didnt. even if it was pretty retarded for chilidiots to vote for a commmie, pinochet was an incompetent fagot and kissinger sohuld be thrown into a fire pit

there were better latin american dictators like venezuelan marcos stop suckiong so much pinoshit cock

nur in der theorie, und nur wenn du von bargeld redest...giralgeld und seine schöpfung unterliegt keiner regulierten öffentlichen kontrolle, in der bankwirtschaft wird massiv bilanzfälschung betrieben und durch diverse finanzinstrumente, zb derivate, wird diese giralgeldblase praktisch entlüftet, hinzu kommt der interbankenmarkt, der völlig abseits jeder öffentlichkeit stattfindet...

The easiest and fastest way to depopulate a place is genocide. Western countries should pay some militias in every African country to fight with each other meanwhile the goal being for them to kill as many women and children as possible. During the Rwanda Genocide these people killed at a rate of close to 250k per month, that's 6 million in one single country a year and they were mostly not using guns. Think of how many more can be killed by giving only certain groups weapons.

>pick minority in country
>give them weapons
>tell them they should fight for more rights
>they kill the majority
>rinse repeat in every country

You can get rid of 50% of the population in less then 5 years in full blown war.

ok, aber wenn der papst plötzlich anfangen würde geld in dem ausmaß zu drucken, das nötig wäre um die probleme der dritten welt zu lösen würde das nicht unbemerkt bleiben.

3 million*

ich gehe jetzt mal auf dein kommentar ein: selbst wenn der papst im heutigen system durch die vatikanbank so viel geld schaffen würde wie nötig wäre um diese probleme zu lösen, wäre er selber zum kreditnehmer eines riesigen kredits geworden, geld entsteht durch kredit, durch schuld, (oder indirekt durch den wert von arbeit), aber selbst das geld, dass deine firma dir bezahlt, ist erst durch kredit entstanden, es ist nur zu dir "zirkuliert", ergo geld löst keine globalen probleme, nur eine völlige entschuldung und ein neues geldsystem (warum muss geld eigentlich schuld beinhalten, einfacher: warum sollte geld eigentlich ins minus gehen dürfen?), eins muss dir klar sein: uns spielt man vor, alles drehe sich ums geld, in wirklichkeit geht es der finanzmafia um schuldenkontrolle...wer schulden kontrolliert, hat die macht...veersuch in deutschland mal rauszufinden, an wen wir eigentlich unsere zinsen auf die staatsschulden zahlen, wird dich überraschen...peace bro...

Get them addicted to crack then pay them 1000 to sterilise themselves. They get more money for referrals and even more money for forcibly addicting another negro

ich nehm das jetzt mal so hin, weil ich mich mit dem thema nicht hinreichend auskenne. ich habe auf geantwortet weil das konzept "creating money" nach uninformiertem sozilaisten gewäsch aussah. aber anscheinend bist du noch um einiges mehr im thema als ich (was nicht allzuschwer ist)

meinte natürlich den post

zum reinkommen ins thema ganz gut

der wichtigste kampf von regierungen war vor über 100 jahren der kampf gegen das privat geschöpfte geld von banken vs. das öffentlich geschöpfte geld durch staaten, heute ist dies in keinem politischen diskurs zu finden...warum sollten wir, der staat, zinsen auf geld bezahlen, wenn es sich der staat bei sich selbst leihen könnte und das auch noch zinsfrei?

Release genetically modified strains of Smallpox on third world populations.

This is down right dystopian

But think what can be done with the advent of genetic engineering. Strains of Smallpox can now be engineered to be maximally lethal and contagious, and new synthetic viruses can be created with capabilities currently unfathomable. Don't disregard the disease option entirely.

Honestly implementing means of depopulation is actually much easier in the developed world, water supply, industrialized food production, massive interconnected utilities and grid systems, mass surveillance and communications, extreme lenience in law enforcement, these are all things that make depopulation easier.

I don't but at it's current state it is dangerous, unstable and ultimatetly impossible to control.

>revoke aid
>remove aid that's been deployed
>leave just enough food and medicine to be worth fighting over
>give them guns

Stupid people do not necessarily produce stupid children, provided they have the means to ensure that their kids brains don't fuck up from malnourishment.

It is always the jews

Nothing. The train left. All of their control programs were effective only against whites. Even AIDS was not effective.

even niggers are not so stupid.

Use these guys. They did it before..
