I am a PEDO who is committed not to abuse any child ever (I still fap to you-know-what though losers). AMA
I am a PEDO who is committed not to abuse any child ever (I still fap to you-know-what though losers). AMA
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No need to ask anything but here's the truth: if you consume it then youbare abusing children. The reason there is industry for it are sick fucks like you who view it and because of that you are directly responsible for the abuse of the kids in your hobby. You should chemically castrate or kill yourself.
How did you find out your preference?
Is it secret for your family and friends?
How does it make you relate to children in general? Does it change your relationship with your own children.
Just jump off a cliff you'll be doing yourself and the world a favor, mabey you'll come back normal after suffering in hellfire for awhile
If you come to Texas I'll blow your fucking brains out.
Kys you cunt.
this is as retarded as the "no vote at all equals a vote for X" meme
i'd like to stop watching it but it's hard
I found out about it when I was 14, now I'm 19.
Some of my friends know this, my family doesn't.
It makes me relate to children the same way a straight man relates to women.
I'm having a blast reading these edgy posts, you pathetic Sup Forumsacks haha
>It makes me relate to children the same way a straight man relates to women.
Yeah defo kill yourself mate, we would all be better off, including you.
every fucking thread on the front page is a pedo thread
You're beyond saving. End it.
>Sup Forums claims that liberals are going to normalize pedophilia.
>A fucking conservative does.
>There are people on Sup Forums who can't leave the hive mind and are now excepting this shit.
All pedophiles should be executed.
>What is your preferred method of execution when we kill you
See, I have not done anything bad in my life yet and you are so hateful. Go jerk off to let the frustration out you massive fag kek
This is a psy-ops campaign to make it appear as though people who know the truth about some key elements in the information war are "pedos".
Ignore and sage .
what attracts you to her? is it about sexual attraction or is it about wanting to control?
Do you not care that person is forever fucked up and scarred for life after the abuse?
Were you abused?
Welcome to being a male
Get yourself help because that is way beyond normal.
this is real with any porn you stupid fuck
go buy some groceries or gas
you need to stop now, especially since people that know you know you're a pedo. It's only going to get worse and you've already been compromised. Your actions to satisfy yourself will become more risky over the next 10-15 years and someone you know will rat you out. Its not too late to stop. You're into really really bad stuff but since you're still so young, the decision to stop will be SO much easier now, than say, when you're 35. Don't fool yourself with your stupid "commitment to never harm". That's bullshit and you will realise its bullshit one day if you're actually convinced otherwise.
feds watch this board
Why don't you go seek therapy?
Is Milo a pedo? Haven't followed the news lately.
>we should punish thoughtcrimes
this is what Sup Forumstards really believe
Yeah for sure you spergl0rd lmao
I do not abuse and I will never abuse because I know adult-child sex is both immoral and unethical. But, welp, I'm still attracted to kids am I not?
No, I was not abused, I had a great childhood.
if youre fapping to CP you should quit
also enjoy the v&
everyone is attracted to little girls you stupid fucker, get over it
Was it the Loli meme that exposed you to this? Or did you discover it naturaly?
I'll be honest, as long as you don't fuck a child or ever make a child feel uncomfortable in ANY way, I really don't care at all. What I care more about is the fact you are useless to society (like a gay man) in that you will never carry on your genes. As long as you're not on welfare or receive any tax payer funded aid, fine by me.
This. Also Milo is just saying what liberals have been slowly edging towards being acceptable through subversion and humanizing pedos, I feel like Milo might be playing 4D chess on this one and shattering the momentum for it. If someone liberals hate says something that terrible then they will abandon the "progress" they've been attempting to make on it just to villify Milo. It also seperates Milo from Trump as Trump said pedos deserve the death penalty. Milo might be a giant faggot who likes little boys, or he might just be a giant faggot that is tricking liberals into giving up their position on kid fucking. Either way Milo isn't us.
>asking about CP culture
wow really makes you think
anti-m/f 'pedophilia' is a jewish trick if you morons havent noticed yet. of course theres simply no reason to do anything before she bleeds but a girl needs to be paired off with a responsible man before the niggers get to her.
and fucking lol if you think niggers are dumb enough to fall for the "16 years old? SICK!" meme that many of you nu-male faggots seem to have fallen for. stop worshiping feminist dogma retards.
Saging this obvious bait
Does the FBI have any authority in Pooland?
is Mara 18 yet?
Kill yourself.
bro, you need to cut off your cock
Because pedophilia itself isn't a mental illness. Pedophilic disorder (PD) is - and you have it only when you're both pedophile and your pedophilia gives you big distress and depression. Well, it doesn't give me any of those surely.
Current estimates say that around 1% of the society has pedophilic thoughts. Only a fraction of this percent actually goes on raping poor little kiddies. Most pedophiles are, like that one sites likes to call it, "virtuous".
your mind is a little twisted famalampai
might wanna spend more time thinking before talking
Do you know that the human brain is reprogrammable?
You can untrain yourself from being attracted to children. The first step is to stop reinforcing the notion that you are.
I don't hate you but I think you should take active steps to change something you know is quite unhealthy and as a phenomenon damaging to humanity.
He is from poland for fucks sakes.
FBI could not care less about young slav pussy.
Brah, go and volunteer at a uni psych department to earn some quick dosh. Or, move to England and get elected Mayor.
That is kike propaganda, by that rationale, if you like watching videos of cops shooting niggers, that makes you a murderer. If you watch security camera videos of women being raped that makes you a rapist. I don't like pedos or support them in any way, but call it what it is, a sick compulsion that needs to be stopped. Don't read jewish texts.
Just faggot
maybe youre the one with the twisted mind moron
or did daddy media tell you only 25 year old women are capable of consent?
christ canadians freak me out.
>Ratting to the FBI about a Pole
>Haha everything is anime logic in the world
Even Sup Forums would think you're autistic
not on Sup Forums hahaha
naturally, I'm not even into lolis or any weeaboo cancer in general
I'm not "useless", I'm a non-exclusive pedophile, meaning I like adult women too.
She's 15, her b-day is on December the 6th.
Btw Mara's mine fag.
nastaw sobe budzik na 6 user bedziesz mial gosci
(((Current estimates)))??? Yeah, I tried to warn you. You'll get risky and get caught. Have fun with that. I'm out of this thread. You're probably larping anyway.
Watching CP is an extended addiction to porn.
Naturally, males have an attraction to all females and it can/will heighten when they are at a suitable age for reproduction.
Stop watching all porn in general though, the fact you can't stop just shows how addicted you are. You are getting used to seeing little girls in this state which is poisoning your mind.
Stop the CP and you'll find yourself becoming less paedo.
What ages do you prefer?
Do you actually label yourself a pedophile, or would you use another label (hebephile, ephebophile, etc.)?
How can you be sure that you won't harm children in the future?
What about the 3d or anime shit? Or does it have to be "live action" CP?
>he thinks the FBI cares about anything without solid evidence of illegal activity
why are anti-pedos so creepy? is it like those anti-gay republicans that end up getting caught with their dicks in truck stop glory holes? maybe we should keep an eye on those kinds of people....
Yes but in a perfect society you would be sterilized because your mind is contaminated thus useless because your sperm will not produce offsprings of higher value than yourself
I think every man, unless he's gay, will be attracted to girls who are 13 and above, simply because we're hardwired to be. That's when girls start going through puberty and developing their female figure. Under that age, they look disgusting...
There isn't anything wrong with that attraction. It's totally natural. What would be wrong is acting on it, because in our society, allowing little girls to have kids simply would not be a good thing for them or anyone at all.
Even if that were the case, which it isn't mind you, it wouldn't be be pedophilia. Pedophilia is interest in prepubescent people. Liking 13 year olds physically isn't degenerate I guess because they can be developed but mentally they aren't and it's fucked up to try to fuck them
I'm going to need some more assurances than just the word of a future child rapist. What do offer to ensure your oath?
This triggers LGBT faggots.
Jesus said the one who thinks about the sin is just as much a sinner as the one who commits it.
I hope you get the help you need. God bless.
By developed I meantime physically developed like tits, ass, etc
It's actually impossible to cure people out of pedophilia, the same as it's impossible to cure people out of homosexuality. It's something you are born with sadly, not something you choose.
wszedłem na forszambo tylko po to by zapostować tego freda
mózg mi rapuje że polaczki nieironicznie lurkują forczanika, smrud straszny
Whatever user.
I fap to it once a week and I KNOW it's bad... Only I can stop this..
user you see, I am anti-contact. I just watch it to get off.
Teenage girls rather deep into puberty (so 13 years old) CAN pass, but for me generally once you start growing pubes you're safe from me. So I like it from that age down to 2, with 2-6 being my sweetspot. I really like toddlers.
Kek'd a little, thanks user haha
any more feminist talking points you faggy little lapdog? get over yourself, women dont age mentally beyond 12 years old and you fucking know it.
Lol look, I don't care who you like to jerk off too. You're probably an alright guy. But we need to separate personal relationship and friendship from what must be done to deliver justice and better the human race. This I think everyone on pol can mostly agree on
You are mentally ill. Please, for everyone's sake, seek councelling. And no you are not fine right now just because you haven't diddly'd a kid, you're still sick because you watch that stuff.
Which is illegal too by the way, or would you like to go to prison as a kiddie fiddler?
I'm atheist but I think fighting with the urges to sin is rather good than bad.
Just dox OP, oust him, ruin his life, and move on. Stop replying to BAIT Jesus.
So false. And what doesn't it have to with women? Pedos fuck boys too ya fucking ok. Calm down I'm on your side faggot
Nice LARP. Also this is a forum about politics.
If we can't discuss wether Arthas was right or not in Stratholme, you have to go attention whoring elsewhere
>It's actually impossible to cure people out of pedophilia, the same as it's impossible to cure people out of homosexuality
Mike Pence has some words for you.
But in all seriousness, you're wrong on that. Being gay is learned behaviour, the environment plays a huge role in the development of your sexuality. Certain experiences you gain whilst you're younger can make you develop as a fag later on, same with pedos.
Didn't know you can get doxxed from starting a thread and posting nothing doxxable there, fag
Pedophilia is the original sex meme of humanity, when Gods procreated with a child like humanity, aeons ago.
>I still fap to you-know-what though losers
I that's chinese cartoons, that's fine, but if it's live CP you're supporting abuse (unless that's pics of naked children taken at the beach, but that's still humiliating for them)
So, you are the average /waifuist/ user right?
lol im not talking about pederasts you dipshit, im talking about the recent phenomenon of believing that a 20 year old woman (much less 40 year old) is somehow more mature than a 12 year old. they are not. i have met plenty, and any maturity they give off is implanted in them by the men they are close to (dads, brothers, lovers, husbands, whatever).
sodomy is wrong, fornication is wrong, but marrying a 12 year old and making her into a woman simply isnt. if you disagree you are a brainwashed moron and im sure your an atheists faggot too.
but of course if theres no grass and she doesnt bleed its just weird and awkward.
12-15 najlepszy wiek anoniak, nie słuchaj moralciot ;3
>mózg mi rapuje że polaczki nieironicznie lurkują forczanika, smrud straszny
a ty co lurkujesz? vichen to 100 razy większy smród a na kara nie umiem wejsć od epilepsji ;_;
look at the catalog you retard, every thread on Sup Forums is about fucking pedophilia directly or indirectly
I'd like to see some scientific evidence on that. Every proof suggests otherwise.
>All these newfags getting triggered and spouting edgy "im gonna kill you in a horrific way" posts.
What happened to this board?
Your instincts should compel you to protect lolis from the damaging things in the world, both physical and mental (such as being exposed to and made aware of depravity)
The fact that your mentality can twist your instincts to justify the taking of innocence for your pleasure makes you a clear candidate for eugenic extermination.
I'm the Terminator now.
I'm a pedo too op. It fucking sucks. Normies will never know the pressure, pain, and depression, or the thoughts that some of us have. Society makes me want to put a bullet in my brain. For something I can't control having an affinity for. They'd burn me alive and have no remorse for it, so I started living with the mindset of them
Being against me, so why should I help?
>woman was pinned in a car, crashed against a pole
>get out of my car and walk over
>barely coherent, only awake because of the pain I assume
>asks me to help and call 911
>at this point, I hit the revelation stated above, contemplate over helping her
>"would you help me in the same situation, if you know I was a pedo"
>she looks at me and pauses, speechless, hesitating before saying "uh,"
>I walk back to my car and drive away
That was two years ago, the women ended up living but lost her left arm.
society molded me, I'm only fitting their narrative
But it is the case.
As soon as someone tells me how to get a permanent link to this thread, I will report him to Polish authorities. I have the website open in another tab, just need the link.
vihuj to własnie to samo co Sup Forums, ruda kurwa pozwala atencyjnym kurwom i rakom z grupek żyć no to masz
olso spermiarstwo
>na kara nie umiem wejsć od epilepsji ;_;
o kurr xD czyli jednak zabezpieczenia działają haha
Ok, keep telling yourself that. Fuck this thread. Have fun getting the shit kicked out of you in prison. You deserve it by the way.
pizzagate cancer brought feminist nu-males from reddit to Sup Forums en mass
I don't condone adult-child sex.
No, it actually isn't. Cops are going to shoot niggers committing crime regardless and they definitely aren't doing it for profit. If there was no market or no interest in pedo shit it wouldn't exist and those kids wouldn't be abused. Have a better argument.
Go back to the middle east please Mahmoud.
>addiction to porn
Found a shill that got distracted
>the fact you can't stop just shows how addicted you are
Trolling is forbidden on Sup Forums
Die pedo