Is she /ourgirl/?

Is she /ourgirl/?

>Chess champion
>Eastern European
>Hates mudslimes
>Her real first name is Nazi, as if a sign from KEK.

>/our/ anything

pick one

I'm in love.


She's not going to Iran because she doesn't want to be raped.
Shes doing it because it's her best interest.

>her name literally is nazi
the memes write themselves

Iran destroyed Georgia in history


what I would give to suck her farts and play 20 matches of chess daily with her

wtf her name is actually nazi ahahahah

she's smart

>be a western woman

>ever consider going to any middle eastern country

idk why anybody would want to increase their P of rape/death by a thousand-fold

Yes, she is. She's pro-Trump, anti-leftist, anti-sandnigger and smart as fuck.

Looks like we'll be having another saint coming up.

>"hm what should i name my kid"
>"Nazi sounds good"

that's what feminism should be ... instead of this they suck the muslim cock
laughable "stronk"womyn

It's apparently a normal name in Georgia

She was looking for any excuse not to go because a 2350 has no business anywhere near a world championship. This was some nice free publicity.

tell me more about georgia

Her full name is Ashkenazi.

This. Didn't want to get embarrassed by real pros

not Georgia the state.

>LITERALLY named Nazi
>Doesn't want to accept mudshit garbage


Wtf I love Iran now

According to wikipedia, the name translates to "gentle" - though I have my doubts.


>name is nazi
>doesn't suck the muslim cock like a good nazi

does not compute

>Eastern European


>literally nazi
Why have I only heard about this islamophobic judeophobic racist anti-feminist internalized-misogynistic anti-Semite now?
Makes you think.

Lefties will attack her for this.

note how the BIG BLACK KNIGHT naturally gravitates towards her nether regions, how the fuck can whitey even compete?

>ywn checkmate this top of the line, god tier pussy

why even live

poklonskaya's reign is over, new queen of Sup Forums

She is currently the USA woman's world chess champion. She is working on her Grand Master Title.

she is based as fuck. posting articles about her now.

T. chess faggot

probably just try to ignore it.

there's really no way you can call this girl dumb or ignorant like most leftist cunts do to women who don't kowtow. She may very well be the smartest woman alive.

>6/10 looks
>from a shithole country that's half arab half russian

Not our girl you fucking Redditors.

holy fuck that facial type is so fucking common here. pic related is a classmate of mine and i see plenty of people that look like that.

really makes me think

>white knighting for a feminist
nu-Sup Forums everyone

>Blonde Girl
>Racially Aware
>Literally Named "Nazi"
The Memes Are Strong..

another one, middle.this pic was taken in america so idk if the other two are bulgarian

Just more of a proof that you Bulgarians are not white.

She is a fucking beast over the chess board. She slaughtered Irena Krush over the chessboard to grab USA woman's chess champion title from here.

How the fuck can you play against her and not get distracted?





Chess is boring a game of memorization.

I'll be impressed if she has insightful opinions about the world and puts them down in words eloquently.

Take that back.
>Stabbing Ruru in the back after all he did for your Country
Shamefur Dispray.

wow, thanks so much for repeating my post my man

you're boring and i bet you fucking smell bad. i hope you get hit by a bus. IT IS ALL ABOUT PATTERN RECOGNITION

>jew in love with nazi
Make a movie then add me in the credits

>Take my Queen user

When in Rome, do as romans do.

Lack of respect should not be praised


Chess was literally invented in Iran. We call it "šah" here, i.e. literally Shah.
"mate" as in "checkmate" comes from a Persian word for dead.

How can you defend her decision not to play in the birthplace of chess?

thanks for the (you) friend

Actualy true.

Chess champions spend hours memorizing movements

oh bullshit, everyone is trying to claim they "invented" chess. the game is likely 5,000 years old with many many different variations. fuck off with this: muh chess game

This. This is pure unadulterated racism, and I would expect no less from a Russian.

Okay? training your brain to detect boring patterns on a board since childhood. So? It's still uninteresting and chess players are useless intellectually.
Take Kasparov for example he's a cunt with really shitty ideas for the world.

Fischer had some good ideas but he was a bit inconsistent and he was bad at explaining them to the masses without looking like a crazy man.

many top grandmasters no longer memorize opening lines. once you get to a certain point, you no longer have to memorize openings.

>Whiny little bitch calling everyone racist
You're a disappointment.

The precursor game that all chess variants come from is Indian. The rules of the variant we call chess were codified in Europe.

Persians certainly played a chess variant before Europeans (but after Indians) but they did not invent chess whichever way you look at it

albeit, I'll bet she and most of the girls she plays are in the female INTP autist superminority.

yeah bro when in favella deal drugs and shoot kids every culture is unique


Her decision isn't not to play in Iran, her decision is not to wear a hijab. It's Iran's decision not to let her do that.

kasparov is a total fucking cunt, and so was fischer. they were both detestable people really. fischer MIGHT have had better ideas about the world, but both were insufferable people in general. both brilliant.

he's just a faggot, probably some magyar od mudslime shit.

Oh wow, you don't like my people anymore because you found out we're not actually racist like the memes say?

Such a moral high ground...

I'm with her!

Why would the international chess Federation have the championship in a theocratic country who is about to get their nuke facility nuked. Also Islam has real life slaves. They hold slave auctions.
How can American feminist not raise total hell about Islamic Slavery? How can any free country normalize relations with slave holding countries, unless you are Sweden or Doucheland.

>Why would the international chess Federation have the championship in a theocratic country who is about to get their nuke facility nuked.

Because all sporting organisations are corrupt as fuck and will let any country host their competitions if they bribe them enough.

Exactly. She wants to play just not wearing the Bullshit. It could distract from her game.


Chess players are usually autistic to some degree and easy to manipulate in real life. FIDE (world chess governing body) is very political and very corrupt.

A perfect woman here. Standing up against true monsters and bigots.


underrated post

Iran was part of India

>no penis
Let's be honest, Milo wouldn't allow you to support this person. There's rules and you follow those rules.

>calls people racist
>I would expect no less from a russian

All the Serbian immigrants I work with hate Islam and the Clintons with a burning passion.

Stop shitposting bud, admit you hate ragheads too

Are the black squares brown on Indian chess boards?

>Refusing to accept the customs of a country you are visiting.

That´s what niggers do.

Since when

This, honestly. Not to worry, though, she'll have Sharia law in Russia soon.

Normally you'd be right but Muslims expect preferecial treatment anywhere they go. We should ask Muslim women to remove their Hijabs when visiting western countries because that is our custom. To not treat women like second class citizens.

Chess qts.

>Not visiting a country because it's a shithole with barbaric customs

That's what civilized people do.



POO (while wearing hijab) IN LOO

Anyone else like Karpov here? Dude is always chill even ater all these years