Source: Many people say.
Europe is a hellhole
Other urls found in this thread:
>police reports
>news reports
>eye witness testimonys
>cctv footage
>written accounts
>S W E D E N - G A T E
The controversy started at the FL Trump rally when Trump made mention of "look at whats happening in Sweden..."
What has been happening in Sweden is an epic increase in refugee crimes. The media blew it out and said Trump was trying to reference a terrorist attack when he wasn't. He was talking about the immigration problems with rapefugees. Trump later tweeted to destroy the fake news stories being created about what he had said at the rally.
Trump's tweet on 2/19/17: "My statement as to what's happening in Sweden was in reference to a story that was broadcast on @FoxNews concerning immigrants & Sweden."
The Fox news story he watched about Sweden on 2/17/17:
You'll notice in the Tucker Carlson piece that the two Swedish film makers also suggest that Sweden is covering up refugee crimes and not making them available statistics to the public. The Swedes said it themselves.. makes you rly think.
60 Minutes crew in Sweden attacked by refugees:
Recent Trump tweet where he goes fucking savage af 2/20/17: "Give the public a break - The FAKE NEWS media is trying to say that large scale immigration in Sweden is working out just beautifully. NOT!"
Embargo Sweden. Like Cuba. Trump should make them pay for their 1984 bs.
>waaaah women are the main victims
Fuck off with your gynocentric agenda.
>Source: Many people say.
for something subjective like "europe is a hellhole", it is entirely appropriate to use popular opinion, as opposed to what the leaders or media try to make you believe.
Germany/Sweden/UK/France/Italy ARE hellholes now, thanks to the (((EUSSR)))
I am a person and i say it. I am an expert now! The media should totally use me.
They are targeting the breeders in a genocide after using radical feminism to divide the genders against each other
Thanks for trying, shill No. 224234234235
It is, an utter catastrophe. Rendered toxic by the unholy ideology of communism. The minds of Europeans have been poisoned beyond repair.
lol? Compared to Aussie land?
Kalmar union fags (the fucking vikings!) have the highest standard of living from the entire planet in a quasi-socialist regime. Why? Fags have sense of community. Something none of us have!
The right loves to pretend Europe is under some kind of failed state and under shariah law. It's kind of a pornography with them.
Population of Chicago - 2.79 million
Chicago homicides in 2016 - 750 homicides
Population of the UK - 65 million
UK homicides in 2016 - 574 homicides
You could add about another 7 european countries and it wouldn't hit the homicides in Chicago. With remarks like Trump has made why are our politicians not shitting all over their country and publically calling the US a failed state?
>Chicago crime rates is almost exclusively black on black crime
Really makes you think doesn't it?
Or not.
Trump talks about Europe being a hellhole when America has about 5 to 10 times as much violent crime.
>after using radical feminism to divide the genders against each other
1) They don't use radical feminism. Feminism is women's nature.
2) Division is good. It's exactly the unity of genders that caused the whole problems. If men wouldn't care about the wellbeing of cunts and about women's rights anymore, all problems could be fixed quickly.
Yeah oppressing people for 400 years and they haven't turned it around in 2 generation.. I mean WTF those savages.
That being said, Black people are the only people that can fix the black culture problem.
Because the US has always been a failed state
black people in europe suck balls too though.
not that they weren't oppressed in europe for some time, but nothing like here.
>Feminism is women's nature
>Erasing women's entire history until 100 years ago
>German education
>my grandpa was (((oppressed))) and that is why I will never amount to anything in my life
really made me think
Source: European citizens, video evidence, crime statistics, terrorism explosion (no pun intended.)
Europe is a beatiful place to be in. Dont listen to americucks. They have millions of niggers. Ghettos. Gangs. Detroit and many others are total shitholes like in a 3rd world country.
They like to mock us so they feel better.
>Erasing women's entire history until 100 years ago
Retard detected. Women are women and were always like that. The only way to fight feminism is to take away rights from women.
>Yeah oppressing people for 400 years and they haven't turned it around in 2 generation.
Yeah, and it was African tribes who sold the Africans they captured from other tribes to the slavers for money. If they would like, they could go right back to Africa where black Africans are CURRENTLY PRACTICING SLAVERY against other black Africans. And Muslims are much worse with their slaves (castration is common).
Also makes you wonder what is wrong with the blacks in Canada - They had absolutely no form of slavery, their cops are supposed to be much less violent (and unarmed I think) and yet they are still bitching about whites there.
OH, and don't mention "haven't turned it around" when cities like Baltimore and Detroit went from white urban centers of progress to shithole slums in the two generations that blacks have become the racial majorities in those places. They have turned them around ... for the worse.
Checked, Mr. Goldstein. Still shilling against the Eternal Cunt, aren't we? KEK certainly was not wrong when he prophecised that (((Sup Forums))) would adopt Judaism in 2017.
Hitler was a MGTOW. You stormidiots try to blame Jews for everything, it's really funny.
Why are her gums brown? Wtf...
Sure looks like a cursed child for damn sure, nigga.
Trump fell for Sup Forums memes, kek
>Also makes you wonder what is wrong with the blacks in Canada
What about blacks in Europe? They've never been discriminated against, but they're at the bottom of society in every single European country.