
>literally all posts about trump
this is amazing

Other urls found in this thread:



>S W E D E N - G A T E

The controversy started at the FL Trump rally when Trump made mention of "look at whats happening in Sweden..."

What has been happening in Sweden is an epic increase in refugee crimes. The media blew it out and said Trump was trying to reference a terrorist attack when he wasn't. He was talking about the immigration problems with rapefugees. Trump later tweeted to destroy the fake news stories being created about what he had said at the rally.

Trump's tweet on 2/19/17: "My statement as to what's happening in Sweden was in reference to a story that was broadcast on @FoxNews concerning immigrants & Sweden."

The Fox news story he watched about Sweden on 2/17/17: youtube.com/watch?v=OSzjfAMk-RI

You'll notice in the Tucker Carlson piece that the two Swedish film makers also suggest that Sweden is covering up refugee crimes and not making them available statistics to the public. The Swedes said it themselves.. makes you rly think.

60 Minutes crew in Sweden attacked by refugees: youtube.com/watch?v=A76DLK20L4o

Recent Trump tweet where he goes fucking savage af 2/20/17: "Give the public a break - The FAKE NEWS media is trying to say that large scale immigration in Sweden is working out just beautifully. NOT!"

>this is approved "SwedenGate" copypasta to redpill the normies


>Sup Forums
>literally all posts about reddit
this is amazing

Don't forget to sage reddit threads.

>giving a fuck about what happens on reddit

Came here to post exactly this.
Checked and Sieg Heil.

it's just a bunch of liberals who think a number next to some anti-Trump post actually means something.
Same thing happens on Twitter.
People think if their comment has more likes, they're right.

Gas when?

not gonna Drumpf former lie supporter here, it's fucking hilarious watching him crash and nuclear codes but in all seriousness we can't let him get a hold of the burn

>People think if their comment has more likes, they're right.
No, people think if their comment has more likes, it has more popular support which is important in a democracy

Everyone on Sup Forums knows the sad state of Sweden and the rest of Europe. France isn't much better.

>tfw a Swedish massage is now the act of rubbing a refugee's back while your wife fellates the refugee.

You're doing God's work here guys. Have a bump.

Except Reddit and Twitter don't represent the world at all, so it really doesn't matter at all.
They're literal liberal shitholes.
That's like me going into a mosque and asking an opinion about pedophilia.
Ofcourse it's all going to be positive.

It's over for Drumpf, he will never win the election. It's time to hand the White House over to Hillary Clinton. It's HER TURN

They've been filled with neolib shills since the night of the DNC. That was when CTR's army showed up and took over. All the sane people left /r/politics hence why it is no longer a default sub.

And on Sup Forums the most replies to a post on a thread means that the poster is utter shit

Unfortunately r/news and worldnews are just as subverted and they are default subs.

Admins just changed the (((algorithm))) to get more anti trump shit to the front page.

I'm not very deep in Reddit and I don't have an account. I simply browse it at work when bored as fuck.

>That's like me going into a mosque and asking an opinion about pedophilia.
Except there's a number difference: Google tells me that there are about 67 million monthly active U.S. Twitter users, and America has a population of 318.9 million. That means about 20% of the US population is on Twitter. How many people are in your mosque?

>Independent movie theaters nationwide will screen 1984
>(A movie based on a book of the same name which told the horrors of authoritarian soviet communism)
to protest trump
>(a democratically elected president who's been elected by the people based on his anti-marxist views, hatred of corruption, and hatred of dishonest leftist media)

In Belgium? Probably 60%.

>mfw Trump watches the Tuck also

This, plebbitors have infested Sup Forums since the election

Irony is often lost on hypocrites

freaking spiritual vampires are running the world, and these retards cry about pronouns


>Islam is the second largest religion in Belgium, accounting for 5 to 7% of the total population


>will screen '1984' to protest Trump

Oh fuck, the ironing made me laugh my ass off.

>leafs just got last months memes
Keep up kiddo

First off, fucking plebbit. Second they're going to screen a film about the dangers of communism to protest a right wing politician? Ffs.

Why is the media memeing that he said last night?

let's raid them.

I don't think it's funny anymore. At all.

Don't know why anyone would be surprised, everyone wants to be in the edgy cool goys club.

The best part is the more the media trys to crucify trump, the more people wake up to their bullshit. We should be baiting them into reporting more retarded shit.

Keep crying

That's a very optimistic, albeit unrealistic view. Kudos for your delusion

Not gonna lie former FDR voter here, it's been fun watching this guy crash and burn, but in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the polio vaccine.


People are waking up to the mass media bullshit. If people actually believed what was being reported there is no way trump would of been elected.

>Keep crying
M8, you're the one who started this thread whining about your favorite website. Just go back, even if you don't get upboats doesn't mean you don't belong.

And why does that matter?
Do you honestly think all 67M follow politics?
90% of them are people who don't give a fuck about politics, teenagers and other people who aren't involved.
I'd be surprised if 5% even see those anti-Trump tweets.
And the ones that do, are people who would never support Trump anyway or the exact opposite.

So I say again:
> Reddit and Twitter don't represent the world at all, so it really doesn't matter at all.

It's been compromised for a very long time, along with the other major leddit subs.

How is this amazing? None of them are flattering and are probably at least partially true.

His unwarranted war on the media will result in extremely low approval ratings throughout his presidency.

Switch the forst one with the third one, and it'll look a lot better

that my friend is what you call VERY triggered



I have been thinking that we go to reddit and just start turning the dial up on everything they do. Shill anti-trump even harder than they do until it just becomes a joke to everyone but them.


>probably at least partially



Best President Ever!!!!

This is when you know you're winning and they can't stand it

This isn't new. It has pretty much been an anti-Trump bashing sub since Bernie lost.

Trump could save a dying child and I guarantee there'd be no mention of it on r/politics. During that Berkeley Riot there was something like $100k worth of damage caused and multiple acts of violence and there wasn't a single critical post on r/politics

The entire website is pretty much just a liberal propaganda machine and echo chamber at this point at least any subs that have any political discussion. It's the California of the internet.

more like /r/collegekidshatetrump amirite?

I almost chuckled in my mind, leaf.


This is how's it's done. Read about the usaf and how they dealt with ufo reports after they realised debunking wasn't working. You make it even weirder. Guy says he saw a ufo, you have another guy pop saying 'yeah, and there were alyiums too' and a third saying he got probed up the browneye and they nicked his cat to make hybrids out of. By the time they're done no one believes a word.

The reason why Islam forbids all sorts of icons is because it's one of the tenets of Islam because they believe that people would worship the icons and not god.

It's because reddit has been unusable since the takeover by CTR/CREW. A lot of gaslight survivors make it here. Most people wouldn't want to touch Sup Forums, but there's no other place to go for objective (not 100% biased) information anymore. Blame the shills, not the reddit refugees.


You have to go back OP

that was also in part because the CIA had to make excuses for everything that was going on down in area 51, "we're making spy planes" wouldn't cut it for many reasons so they just went full balls to the wall with crazy bullshit

alex jones is probably on the CIA payroll for this reason too

Pretty sure in his rally the other day he did say "Look what happened in Sweden last night" but he might have just meant "look whats been happening in Sweden, [I saw the news about it] last night"

He tends to blend thoughts together a bit when he's s speaking so it was probably just something harmless like that. Of course the "last night" becomes the media headlines for an entire week as a result.

>>Pretty sure in his rally the other day he did say "Look what happened in Sweden last night"
if this is true, then is lying and thus making propaganda

That board is 100% controlled by DNC surrogates. 9/12/16 was amazing. Hillary just collapsed in public and Brock, etc. hadn't gotten their story together just yet. /r/politics returned to normal Bernie shit for about 18 hours before CTR came back with their narrative and talking points lined up. Honestly reddits politics page is so bad that even normal redditors are catching on.

Correct the Record’s staff (18 and counting) is crammed into a newsroom-style bullpen in the back corner of the offices of American Bridge 21st Century, Brock’s Super-PAC. “They’re always there; they’re always working around the clock,” former Clinton White House adviser Paul Begala says of the crew. “I always tease David that he finds all of these nerd virgins and locks them away in a vault where they never see sunlight or have a drink or get laid. But God Bless them!”
> What do they mean by this?!

/r/news and /r/worldnews are split, just like /r/politics was before CTR showed up

>Admins just changed the (((algorithm))) to get more anti trump shit to the front page.

actually no they just banned t_d posts from showing up on /r/all, due to users requesting that they do. That's not really a "change" as it is outright censorship

How cute, journalists have discovered "pursuing the truth" again.

>this is amazing
No, being Anti-Trump isn't hard at all, being a Trump supporter in Los Angelos is more amazing.

we wuz pedophile warlords n sheeit

I also noticed that. It has so many accounts that look like it's just one or few people having same conversation under different aliases. It happens in here too. Quite often I can see that there's this non-conversation going where obvious proxies are agreeing with each other about some childish clickbait garbage. Being pol. sci major makes all this even more interesting

They literally just created r/popular which is now the front page for all users who aren't logged into an account. It happens last week.

seems to have the same posts as /r/all tho

Can't find the time stamp in the YouTube video of his rally but here's a short clip off a news site where he says "you look at what's happening last night in Sweden"


no they are allegedly censoring subs that are frequently filtered among reddits users. Which sounds fine in itself, but what happened is that they allow subreddits like r/politics and all the small anti-donald subs but left the_donald filtered out, without giving any numbers or indication of what makes a sub get filtered. It's basically a way to make users think r/popular is the hivemind opinion, further shoving the liberal agenda down new users throats.
