Thoughts on Milo?
Thoughts on Milo?
well he doesn't make the rules
Don't care. Pretty sure most have expressed their opinions in the 9 other milo threads. Check there.
Disgusting pedo.
Professional troll.
I don't get why people give him so much attention. It's like giving Sup Forums attention.
A raging faggot that triggers liberal more than anyone else. He really gets under their skin, for some reason.
The young cucks can't even say his name, it's insane and hilarious.
I don't don't really care, but 10 topics on him a day, that is a lot desu
I wish he wore a suit like few years ago. He turned into a full-on San Francisco gay parade flaming faggot.
He's a fucking faggot
But he pisses off SJWs for no reason so it's pretty funny
he's a master troll
he knows what to say, how to say it, and how to make it seem like a serious discussion.
He is a Paedophile defending faggot
He was talking about when he was 13 for context
also this
>climate change
stay fukt
Servant of Moloch.
Will stab you in the back, front and both sides.
Under no circumstances should you trust or listen to this man.
Shows how a vein of a low sort of stupidity and naivety runs through most people - when this Jew voices right wing talking points and opinions you applaud him, if it was a leftist you would be screaming to have him gassed.
A Jew is a Jew - They are not your friend white man.
Slowly but surely his camouflage is being removed piece by piece, first that embezzlement thing and now this peado thing, whatever we will find at the core will be horrible, steel yourself for something very unpleasant regarding him soon - The Jew never changes.
You have been warned.
Here is how you think about Milo.
The proper way to evaluate someone is in terms of what they can do, not so much what they are doing. Context matters in other words.
We don't get as upset at someone for messing up with Down's syndrome as we do a 'normal' adult.
OK, so where is this analogy going. When you want to evaluate a politician, you need to think of what they are doing in the context of what can be done rather than the context of what their "opponent" is doing. It is the difference between the left-right paradigm (fake CIA shit) and the full spectrum.
We have today, and have had for decades, the ability to build a space elevator.
It cost less than $500B to build and it is easy to see how it is worth hundreds of trillions of dollars. Solar power delivering base load capacity at less than $0.01/kwh, asteroid mineral wealth, semiconductor manufacturing or protein synthesis in space. Tens of trillions of dollars in new efficiencies, tens trillions of dollars in new industries, tens of trillions of dollars in new material wealth.
It becomes immediately obvious that the national debt, taxes, how to pay for health care, etc. is just a big hoax. We can afford to cut taxes to 0% across the board, pay for everyone's health care, and get rid of the national debt all at once.
So anytime you see a politician, you can tell immediately if they are fake based on simple criteria like are my taxes cut to 0% yet? Is the national debt gone? Have the debates ended over how to pay for basic survival necessities? Are our energy problems a thing of the past?
If not, you are being lead by a wolf, not a fellow human being of good will.
he is a pedo tho
none of your ramble is true dipshit. "cut taxes to 0 and pay for everyone's health" that is some of the dumbest shit I have ever seen on Sup Forums, and I have seen some dumbass shit on here
gayfag, should be zapped like the rest of his degenerate breed.
hang on is this seriously the video they are flipping out over?
a retard.
But that isn't about him being offended, that's about him being slandered.
Not an argument.
Next time try something like "the estimated amount of steel required according to the paper is off because ...."
He's attractive, has a nice voice, and is mildly persuasive.
He's a useful tool for bringing idiots to the right.
>has a nice voice
No he doesn't. You Americans are just Anglophilliacs.
no there is another that is worse, and he clearly talks about normalizing man boy love. That is some NAMBLA shit. inb4 defence
No, he is a victim of pedophilia who is trying to rationalize his abuse. Love how you're trying to spin this as "Milo is the pedo."
attentionwhoring literal faggot
No he's a fucking pedo.
I thought Canadians were supposed to be smarter.
Teenager is fucked by older man, Democrats call the teenager a pedophile.
Litrially how retarded the Left got this weekend.
YOU ARE SPINNING THE STORY YOU PEDO DEFENDING FAGGOT. He clearly advocated for manboy love and now a ton of cucks are saying "It is his way of coping." I am just telling the story man, you are finding ways to still love a pedo
Only Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal shitskins buy into the commie shit.
Rest of the country is redpilled as fuck.
He was saying how it was okay. The right will literally defend anyone on their side down to pedos confirmed.
not a pedo
he's just a dumb queer.
We're fighting the same enemy. If you have a problem with him deal with it when he's outlived his usefulness. Until then he's on our side.
Don't let leftist shills foment infighting on our side. Don't cannibalize your own like the left is prone to do
I was never a supporter of his,but I liked how he owned leftists.
He's entertaining.
But,he dropped the ball HARD on Bill Maher.He made himself look like a fool,and was humiliated.And he brought it on to himself.
He could have dealt with the situation so much better.
You sound jealous because he had sex at 13 and you're still a virgin at 30+. Pro-tip: working at CTR will not increase your chances of getting laid.
You autistic bellend. Nobody takes what he says seriously but the lefties he triggers. People are cheering the masterful way he trolls them, get over it.
wtf is CTR
Newfag shill confirmed. Reported and filtered.
kek, kebab defending pedos. who would have thought.
CTR shills are litrially nerd virgins.
Look it up.
what is a newfag?
>we elected Trudeau
Only Alberta is redpilled
What is a shill?
Pre-Madonna faggot with an Oedipus complex
Milo runs around screaming about how great it is to go around getting fucked up arse by niggers and pushing the fact he's a faggot Jew and we don't give a fuck but you expect us to be offended because he made some 2 edgy 4 u jokes about pedos?
You need a few more lessons in Sup Forums shillblue.
He really does. Most brits sound like shit with vocal chords.
Fuck off shill. That video's edited and has already been debunked
>It cost less than $500B to build and it is easy to see how it is worth hundreds of trillions of dollars.
No it's not. Just building a space elevator will generate no income at all. We don't yet have the technology for asteroid mining to be more efficient than mining on Earth.
I don't like him, but this is a clear case of fake news. Needs to be shipped at the bud. Also, the OP picture doesn't count, as hurting someone's feelings is different than misrepresenting their political views ie lying about them
that video has not been edited as in cut out of context. It even gives a slow opening to show the context of the conversation. show me where the debunking is? or are you trying to normalize pedophillia?
Now I know why he is Catholic afterall.
>I'm grateful for Father Michael. I wouldn't give nearly such good head if it wasn't for him,
Thoughts? He has bigger balls than most.
He lies like the jew he is
Milo, I'm proud of you for going on HBO with Bill Maher but you completely lost your composure. You shouldn't have attacked the IQ of those two black guys as an argument, you should have just hit more of your talking points about trannies.
He's not /ourguy/. He's a nigger loving faggot Jew. Stop fighting over e-celebs who are expendable
>Thoughts on Milo?
wrong. more libelous buzzfeed type bullshit
>I have outed other pedophiles
>This means I'm not a pedophile
Why is he velhelmatly defending himself? I thought he was above that attitude? Also...
>dude murders someone
>see it on tape
well what does the murder have to say about it?
>i didn't murder anyone
welp. looks innocent to me bois.
Literally your logic here.
begs the question on how he knew
Dangerous faggot. I love him unironically.
rly makes u thnk
you are presuming he is guilty without any proof of so. i know you're being paid, but your shilling is weak
ANd yet, you are still unable to provide anything more substantial that "Well I THINK he is one so that's all that matters".
Provide some fucking proof.
He fucks kids. Or approves of those who do.
He's a faggot, but a cool faggot like Freddie Mercury.
He is defending them. The point is he has the fucking talking points of NAMBLA
Mylo has been a useful tool...but I never liked his faggotry..
What he should do now..seeing as him and the prominent faggot Peter thatchell both support underage admit gay marriage is simply a means to legitimise gay pedophiles adopting kids for abuse.
Then it will be a win for us.
Mylo can now discredit faggots..
defending someone does not make them guilty of the same crime.
present your proof of your claim or fuck off
As if anyone on Sup Forums is that good looking. This faggot said "if it weren't for my priest, I probably wouldn't give such good head"
Faggot likes kids, faggot must die.
>muh hypocrisy
listen bitches, the left doesn't give a fuck about hypocrisy, so if these fruitcake wants to act all gay and shit, I don't give a fuck. He's a stepping stone to further right politics and he's a harmless normie fag.
And yet... you're not actually providing any evidence. Still. One more chance and you'll have discredited yourself enough to stop your beloved (you)s.
Just another Jew trying to normalize homosexuality
Mylo has used being gay as a way to attack feminazi SJW cunts who can't shit on him because "he's gay"
He can play the gay minority card and the Jew card against any SJW libtard and shut them down
Now he can also attack faggots because he is a faggot..nobody else can discredit gays or they will be shut down.
Hopefully Mylow throws "marriage equality" zAKA gay adoption..under the bus now by linking pedophelia to homos.
a faggot has beated your asses, you must be proud as liberals
He doesn't, but keep going your fake news is love to #trump2020
and that's $500bn in 1982 terns, it'd cost a lot more today
Supporting Milo is a mistake.
Why do we hate faggots, because they parade around like queens, talk about how much they like to suck niggerdick, spread aids, and encourage pedophilia.
Milo does at least three of those things, and I wouldn't be surprised to learn it was all four. If we allow Milo to speak for us we might as well be Liberals
why is anyone surprised hes a bit of a paedo? he is openly gay
A queer Jew with a big mouth has been uself to
Discredit feminism
Now he can discredit faggots by representing exactly what they really stand for
They already are linking it now to homosexuality. Because of him. Thanks, Milow.
>He doesn't, but keep going your fake news is love to #trump2020
Right okay sure thing
>pol is threatened by a gay jew
Slander != Hurt feelings
Exactly this is an epic win
This is what gay marriage is really about
So much this!
I agree. It shows for a FACT that liberals = kid fuckers
Queer here.
This is an old fucking tactic.
"White nationalist" didn't stick, so they drum up pedo shit.
>Think of the children.
Be Mylo
>admit being abused as a child
>admit it may be the reason it turned you gay
>admit you want the legal age dropped to 13..the age you were abused
Link all that shit to "marriage equality" and gay adoption.
He has just discredited gay marriage for what it is..spam the normie sphere with memes
Mylo can sacrifice himself on societies behalf
Fine by me..nobody else can discredit faggots except for a queer Jew.
This is a win if you guys capitalise on it NOW
ephebophilia is not pedofilia
Look at the Cpac twitter
Libtards really don't have a grip on reality
The Milo is a pedo thing is a smear move, somehow this = trump himself is a pedo
What's your religious background?
Milo is the same as all faggots. He advocates for pedophilia and is one. Pedophilia is reproduction for gays, it's how they breed new generations of fags.
He's a liar, a fraud, a bigot, and a pedophile.
Pic related is a real journalist, something Megodown Yiannotworthafuck will never be.
He was fucked by his priest
That's pedophilia
l2english, Paco