He seems extremely based on the important subjects, such as man made climate change!
Why does pol hate this man?
Other urls found in this thread:
low energy bait, just, just way too bad, Sup Forums has better bait than this and we've seen the state of that board. sad!
Because its the current year.
He's unfunny and normies constantly slob his cock. I agree with him on most things and I can't fucking stand him.
But do owls really exist? Have you ever actually seen an owl?
Everyone knows owls are just a conspiracy to cover the strange naked men running around at night saying "who"
Long-haul trucker here, can confirm.
He comes from a long line of Brits that couldn't hack it in their own country and had to come here and act like they're intelligent because they have an accent.
He and Colbert are competing for the SJW shill market
It's LITERALLY 2017, why is this FUCKING WHITE MALE trying to MANSPLAIN to xirs and xe's?
to climate change deniers: what makes you think climate change is a hoax?
>You don't need people's opinions on a fact.
Well I'm glad he just discredited most of the left's arguments, then.
>I agree with him on most things
Kill yourself
lel so random
They keep changing their goalposts on what the climate will do and none of their projections have ever fit the actual data we have to indicate humans have a substantial impact on the climate.
In image:
>climate change
Your twist:
>man made climate change
Really made me think
not funny
how can facts exist without empirical verification
checkmate, realists
Every single scientist agrees that this guy is a huge fag lol
So you are agreeing with holocaust denial then?
Stop replying to bait threads.
This comment does not constitute an increase in viewability to the original post
>Skeptics Guide to the Universe
>Accepting something no questions asked
Why the fuck do all these atheist and or so called "Skeptics" treat science as an undeniable source of knowledge.
The whole point of science and being a skeptic is to always question everything, even the things that seem to be proven, and to keep making sure the things you think are true are in fact true and to find out if new things you think might cause something or be the cause of something is true?
what about fossil fuels? Its obvious that using a lot of that can hurt the environment, you can even try it, go to your garage and leave the car on and the doors shut, it will cause the garage to get much hotter and can replace the oxygen in that room. Plus, we're running out of fossil fuels and we need an alternative, like solar power or making engines run on vegetable oil or something.
I can't fucking stand this obnoxious numale. His face only is enough for me to want to kick his face in but the way he acts is amazingly annoying.
>wrong on everything
>obvious propagandists
>pushes AGW all day
What does this tell you user?
shame how people are so easily swayed by expert opinion, what merit does "x out of y scientists agree on" has? i remember my science teacher always had us do experiments to demonstrate what we learn because the textbook could be lying to us.
well, science typically has evidence backing it up, if a "science" has no evidence backing it up then it would called pseudoscience.
anthropogenic climate change isn't a fact
I am in a game right now user but its about percentages and how much is naturally in the atmosphere. It is also about did WE do it or does the earth change in ways that we are not directly affecting. If I finish soon I would love to help show you some stuff but if you want I am sure you can find it on your own
>le edgy contrarian
You kill yourself gipsy scum
He's right here desu
I once sucked a truckers dick.
>textbook could be lying to us
was it written by one of (((you))))?
I'm not sure I understand people who are climate change deniers. As someone who has spend years going back and forth to Shanghai and other polluted SEA hellholes I don't fathom how someone can see/feel/touch the air quality there and not understand how humans can affect the environment and thus the climate.
It's just science ya Nazis.
Gas the jews
>fossil fuels
>car runs on decomposed dinosaurs
Oil is a deep earth process user. There is so much of it it's unthinkable and it will never not be there. The current scares are attempts to artificially limit the supply (RACKETEERING) in order to keep prices up.
Old dry wells are filling back up all over.
No one thinks this. It's a purposeful misrepresentation of the opinions of people that don't want to be raped by banks to save muh planet.
>He seems extremely biased on the important subjects,
It's a fallacy argument.
>Dude if you don't believe what I believe, inanimate objects don't exist.
Retarded logic for retarded people. That's not a way to sway public opinion if you aren't presenting facts but suggest in a manner that other things don't exist because your theory is being questioned.
>be skeptic
>shove "facts" down the throat of your debate
>opponent caves in because they're frustrated with your constant refutes
>dick grows a couple centimeters every time
did you just call owls inanimate object you fucking shitlord
>posts infographic created by a bank
sorry but if some of you don't believe that the climate on Earth can change because of human activity then your IQ is obviously not above 50.
he's a shill who's probably one of the most adept shills i've seen at manipulating normies and lefties. he's incredibly dangerous.
All that says is the percents of man made carbon dioxide and then talks about the climate changing. It does not say if the two are correlated in a significant way Even the US government website for climate change says human impact is negligible if I am remembering correctly
>"It's a FACT idiot republicans"
Ok the fix it without us
>"But we need you to gib tax money"
1 toast by this shill_D
Do you want there are not climate change deniers? There are dude. Latest big Jesus Christ moment was when Sanders was interrogating that guy trump wanted to Hire, embarrassing
the technology can actually cause more heat and can influence the climate on Earth, you can even do the research yourself.
Why do Americans like to be patronised by an talent-less Englishman, this cunt essentially fled here because he was insufferable
Coz he s a dirty anglo.
Oliver is shit
Milo said we have to and also because its edgy to hate things. You act like anybody here forms their own opinions.
Molymeme does some good videos
Where's your proof?
>posts pretty infographic with basic science, proving nothing
>already revealed as someone that will basically post anything no matter how shit it is
Americans love Britain. So anything British has to be good.
Show a prediction about "man made climate change" that has come true.
The eco scammer LOVE To make predictions, which they will then hype up into full blown news stores about what WILL happen.
Only it never does.
But they don't care, they are off with a whole slew of NEW predictions for the Whore Media to consume and regurgitate.
Hint: Computer models ARE NOT SCIENCE.
the Republicans deny science by saying that climate change isn't real and the Democrats deny science by saying that there are more than 2 genders, sometimes I don't know which one is more stupider.
It's true. We don't. You saying that convinced me we don't.
Top tier bantz
>Sup Forums is one person
nigga pls
feels like I'm arguing with a young-earth creationist.
earth is young. carbon dating says living penguins are thousands of years old, you believed lies and carbon dating is a lie. god is real. deal with it.
You aren't arguing. You are posting shit infographics like a fucking faggot.
You basically showed yourself to be a total fuck by posting banker propaganda right off the jump.
Do you remember back in the day it used to be global cooling instead of global warming? They don't know what they are talking about
Fuck, I vaguely remember either a .png of a long reply or some user explaining this guy in a long post.
He had something to do with psychology, but worked in marketing or something, I don't recall.
>15 second segment mocking X (Trump?)
>5 second immediate laughter
>15 second segment mocking Y
>5 second immediate laughter
>15 segment mocking Z
>5 second immediate laughter
>Repeat for 20 minutes
He argued that it was mass brainwashing by not giving enough time to let the information sink in and be examined, rather force you to associate it with ridicule. If someone remembers, post the pasta.
>Earth is young
prove it, because scientists have found out that its about 4.54 billion years old, one of the oldest trees on earth is about 9,550 years old.
>god is real
don't know about that, I'm an agnostic/deist.
>greedy corporations should not be liable towads social costs such as pollution
Spotted the greedy profit jew
carbon dating is bullshit; thinks living penguins are thousands of years old.
I would encourage everyone to do the actual math to see just how non-viable solar power is on a large scale. It might be fine as a supplemental source for a single family dwelling, but that's where it's practical usefulness ends.
If you honestly want to know the other side I would give these a listen
>thinks living penguins are thousands of years old.
the hell are you on about? Nevermind, you're an aussie, shitposting is pretty common amongst you and the leafs.
the natural climate change is natural like the ice age that happened millions of years ago. However, the Earth is said to be getting hotter because of the UNNATURAL climate change like the smoke coming out of cars and all the smoke that comes out of those factories that pollute the atmosphere, we breath that in and it can cause health problems and fuck up your lungs.
>foremost pusher of the climate change narrative in the media
>drives an 8 cylinder, 16mpg luxury sedan
In the real world, he doesn't seem to actually be concerned about climate change at all. It's almost like he's simply pushing someone's agenda.
I know the theory but the data does not back it up.
The earth goes through cycles of heating/cooling.
look at China, they have all those factories that let out a bunch of smoke into the atmosphere and China is said to have a lot of smog because of it and in China, there are times that they have to wear a mask because all the pollution goes into their lungs and gets them sick.
He's literally wrong about this though. I can sit down and see an owl and mathematics are all man made, so there's no arguing against it. Climate change still has no solid evidence. Yes, the opinion of the people don't matter when we are discussing things like the existence of owls, but opinion definitely falls into subjects like climate change. Most of the studies I see supporting it use sloppy measurements or weeks later are entirely debunked as flat out lies. People need to stop believing mindless articles that start with "Genius Climate Scientists say, ..."
Smog is a real phenomenon that is empirically able to be recorded. Global warming due significantly to human cause is not
Useless wagecuck shitting out sucky forced memes.
No empirical data and evidence. Only exists as computer models.
Yes, but that doesn't prove CO2 is going to cause runaway warming. Yes everyone understands smog is bad. Co2 is not as clear because it encourages plant growth and the claimed "runaway warming effect" has not happened dispite Co2 levels having gone up dramatically the last decade.
His show is in such a format that it is literally made to indoctrinate the audience.
He's one of the most Jewish, alledged goym, I've ever seen.
Fuck off you stupid normie
Doesn't matter how 'real' man made climate change may be, the solutions proposed today are far worse than the potential effects of climate change.
The same parties in Europe that virtue signal about climate change also wish to flood our nations with niggers and pave over our countrysides. Do you call this logical, rational and moral?
Moreover, I deal with people who are working with environmental science on a daily basis. They are for the most part spineless pencil pushers dependent on a government wage. They will not approach methods that deal with the free market; price, competition, sales and advertisements mean little to them.
He's a secret jew
those smokes are very hot and they go into the atmosphere, the Earth heating is natural but it shouldn't be heating SO much, there's a limit to how much the Earth should heat up or cool down, not only that, the oils could also interfere with the plants that grow on Earth. Also, cutting down so many trees like the trees in the Amazon forest will be bad for the Earth as well, mammals and other animals breath in oxygen and breath out carbon dioxide, the plants breath in carbon dioxide and breath out oxygen. If those trees in the Amazon forest get cut down then you're basically killing the heart of the Earth.
>Fuck off you stupid normie
calling me a stupid normie doesn't automatically make you right, buddy.
>The same parties in Europe that virtue signal about climate change also wish to flood our nations with niggers and pave over our countrysides. Do you call this logical, rational and moral?
they're promoting a wipe out of a race, an unnatural extinction being caused by globalists.
Him and most liberal (((comedians ))) are just professional propagandists and when called out just claim it was a joke, while at the same time, wanting to be taken seriously while talking politics
>Climate isn't static
Tell me something I don't know
>human cause climate to change
No shit Sherlock, next you'll tell me we have been engineering our environment to suit us better
one of the biggest red pills you'll ever take on Climate science. Just be glad you don't have to take it anally, lads.
Digits confirm
that map was probably when Earth had that ice age a few million years ago, then, the Earth started to heat up naturally but now, carbon dioxide has increased so much.