the attack on pewdiepie was the best thing we could have hoped for. it was a massive fuck up that the media cant recover from. on top of that, they are dragging themselves through the dirt even harder trying to force it to work. then this fucking potato showed up. he needs more hate.
We all hate these faggots, but this is important
forgot link
Has there ever been anyone with dyed hair that wasn't a faggot?
it just doesn't work that way
Damn, dun wanna give it click revenue, any tl;dw synopsis?
pewdiepie and this guy are e-friends. he sees shit, says jew jokes are bad, disney was right, pewdiepie deserved to lose millions of dollars.
He apologized about this and said he was wrong. Basically he's getting redpilled over it too. I don't like this paddy but that's a good thing.
i wanna punch that cunts face
Wow, shitting on the guy that gave him a boost? What a fuck stick.
Who is this nubile peni gobbler?
It's lovely how people paint their hair. Makes it easy to see among them is a faggot/cunt.
Yep they fucked up. His audience is 15 year olds and the wall St journal did a hatchet job on him. Unfortunately for the wsj 15 year olds don't read newspapers and now his tens of millions of followers think that the MSM are lying sacks of shit.
We've reached a level of pathetic to where PewDiePie is considered edgy. Remember when you had to be a musician who pisses on groupies and punched journalists to be edgy? Now all you have to do is make a few bland jokes.
Man that's a real shame. i liked Jack. In fact i specifically stopped watching him because he became exactly like Markiplier and the rest after PewDiePie boosted his subs.
And now he's sucking corporate cock to be PC. Sad!
My hair hair is dyed platinum blonde (natural colour is that weird dark blonde/light brown that can also be red in certain lighting) and I'm not a faggot
Green potato apologized on his twitter tho
He's a disgrace to his ancestors for sure. At least his buttbuddy is man enough to stand by his niggas and seems ready to throw down if the whole media mafia shows up.
A swede, two chinks, a gnome, a jew, and FUPA-prince are willing to let their careers go belly up for this clusterfuck going down thanks to WSJ.
Should've removed the video or at least upload a new one with apology. Twitter barely anyone of his followers read, doesn't count.
he's not edgy for us,he's edgy for normies.. and a gateway you emucuck
I really dislike that cunt. And the fact that his catchphrase is "Top of the mornin' to ye" makes him even more of a cunt.
Fuck him.
Literally nobody cares about pewdiepie
>end of the Wild West
>Golden Age of Influencers
What the fuck is wrong with these people? Why do they hate the internet so much?
It isn't the fact anyone gives a shit about pewdiepie, it is these faggots getting a tighter grip on media, especially the interwebs.
their career will be fine. the old media is just trying to do a retarded power play as they start to fade out.
ginger cunt
this nigga had 2000 subscribers the day pewdiepie gave him a shout out.
What a fuck.
I don't get it, why did he stab Felix in the back?
is pewds playing 7d water polo?
Not since like [current year]-9
he's sitting in judgement of pewdiepies offense, its a fag move. Imagine if you got caught being on Sup Forums and your normie friends were grandstanding. It's happened to me. In fact, I get shamed daily for being a suspected trump supporter and not believing fake news from CNN.
Has Slam Hyde of MDE fame talked about this yet?
The two should team up like in the movies to destroy the media establishment.
I thought markiplier didn't bring the news and pc nonsense into his videos
I mean I could guess his politics but he never brings them in there.
he wants the disney money
Take pride in what you do, if it's out then it's out and you can only get on living with the fact that others know you browse Sup Forums. If your friends cannot accept that, they are not your friends.
never trust a potato nigger. they'll stab you in the back to keep the shekels flowing
He retracted what he said in that video. Check his twitter.
No one gives a shit about your unfunny gay boyfriend
Holy fucking shit the voice!! Jesus fucking christ!
Do you honestly expect me to watch 12 minutes of this? Fuck no.
There's also one of the faggot journalists who wrote the hit piece getting caught tweeting jew jokes himself. He's been quiet since he was called out on it
My "friend" is a muzzie from bosnia and a commie. He says that whites (even tho he too is white) deserve what's happening to them and all the stuff that I'm watching and reading is nazi propaganda.
because internet made them lost audience so money.
Internet see the rise of e-celeb the same way televion celebrities has risen than during the appearance of television and traditionnal media doesn't adapt well.
Worst of all the internet allow to watch what but also when the user when it unlike television.
goddamn, sounds like a good subgen. links?
>Take pride in what you do, if it's out then it's out and you can only get on living with the fact that others know you browse Sup Forums. If your friends cannot accept that, they are not your friends.
Thats the point Jacksepticeye is showing his true colour and how much of a friend he truly is by jumping on the bandwagon on the opposite side of pewdiepie.
I think he meant hat Jack became a Markiplier clone, not that Markiplier sucks SJW dick.
too bad he's not as much of a degenerate as those cunts you fap over
After Jack made that video he got a shit ton of comments giving him shit for not being more supportive of Pewds. He has since admitted that he was naive and that all the feedback he has gotten has really opened his eyes to the situation, and he regrets making that video.
Don't forget, Jack is the kind of person who HATES drama. He's always trying to be a nice and loveable dude. Him making this video was akin to dropping his spaghetti hardcore.
I'm getting in on this
Don't know how he'll explain himself out of this one. Retard should've deleted them before calling someone else an anti Semite for jokes
Wew lad, also checked.
jesus christ.
Death to all jews :D
How great would it be if he got fired for this? People really need to make an uproar over it
Why are you shilling this massive faggot? Saged & reported.
thanks for the bump faggot
>jack septicjap'seye
This fucking traitor RRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Write to wall street journal and any other news stations/parasites and tell them how offended you are
Can't we just fucking not be upset about this video.
it goes like this.
>hey uhh. I know shit kinda went south a little there with pewds
>I don't the nazi memes I don't think there appropriate light leftist rhetoric follows
>I know pewds made some of those jokes and went into that kinda humor, but now your actively on an endless witch hunt that only seems to be calmed by blood shed.
>but pewds is my friend and I can't really watch him just get rubbed into the dirt that want to make him into a literal Nazi. So if you could stop doing that would be really nice.
Why am I supposed to be mad about this? There's not much to hate here. I wish my asshole backstabbing friends did that.
He did it for quick clicks, don't even pretend it was anything else. If he "Opened his eyes" he would have privatized or removed the video from his library. Shit, I don't even think he even tried to demonitize the video even.
Him and Neistat are going to love Vidcon, if they even fucking go this year after this career suicide.
he's a more manly faggot though
Stop making jokes I don't like.
Stop fucking defending that fag.
He got meme'd by Sup Forums and went extra edgy and when some other fag called him on his shit he fucking cried hahaha what a fucking pussy.
Only the most autistic shitbag in here goes full "Death to all jews" irl and he fell for it haha.
I'm fucking crying.
the problem is this is a coordinated attack on new media, pewdiepie was just a symbol. they picked the biggest e celebrity as a way to show they can fuck with anyone. jack was a similarly large celebrity and he bucked like a cuck. also, "these jokes are despicable, you should lose millions of dollars and so should anyone else" no man, that i not in fact, excusable to preach, especially from his position.
He stated in the video that it wasn't being monetized.
He's a naive guy who hasn't been culturally enriched, yet.
He's virtue signalling through his neon green hair but he's not openly pushing for progressive ideas.
He's one of those guys that force positivity in his videos.
He's not aware of the terrible shit that's happening because of leftist ideologies.
All in all, he's not redpilled, yet.
Felix on the other hand, is a Swede.
He's smart enough to know the shit happening in his motherland.
All this media attention is calculated.
Felix browses Sup Forums for fuck's sake.
He knows that the Swede is the eternal cuck.
I'd say he's privately right but publicly center.
>hating pewdiepie in 2017
im not even going to read your thread swine
haha lol you can say DEATH TO ALL CRACKERS because it's funny lmao exdee but if you say something about DA JEWZ!! OY VEY MUH 6 TRILLION ANOTHA SHOAH
haha ;^)
the media are afraid of youtubers independence.
Is that a cabbage on his head?
This is just a scheme by the kikes, they want to tear down all the big YouTubers like Pewds and Jacksepticeye and replace them with their shitskin girl Lilly Singh
srebrenica him tbqh
What a fucking cuck. What kind of friend publicly does that?
If he didn't like what he did he could have just not addressed it rather than being a pussy who cares too much about what others think about him.
Did you just assume xir's gender?
>et tu, Potate?
look at his fucking hair and tell me you didn't expect this pussy to be a whiny bitch
Legions of 10 year old just got redpilled
Gen Z will have quite a few allies in the coming years against liberal insanity.
They want people to go back to watching TV.
Ironically people only tune into CNN to watch them fail and laugh at them these days.
I don't see them stopping it, the more they push against it the more firmly people plant themselves in their ideology. The people listening to alternative media are being shown that they're right. We need trump to utilize the fabric of space time to wring them out of existence!
I think he might identify as a leaf.
Fucking kill him before he suicide bombs a place of business.
Share an ethnicity with this disgrace. Needs to be killed.
He's an irish Uncle Tom, He's an Uncle Tomas.
His catch phrase is "Top o the morning" no joke. He'd prostitute himself in any way for money.
Hahahaha unrelated
That's amazing
Why are people with green hair allowed to live in your societies ? This shit should be illegal.
the same reason you let the adults who are scared of the toilet witch to live in yours
stop memeing
I'll need sauce on that. This video was the last straw for me to stop watching his stuff. Since he dyed his hair green, he's been plummeting into political correctness and spending more time apologizing and virtue signaling than doing anything funny.
The worst being he did it only to appeal his autistic fanbase
Donald Trump?