Attention all delusional whites browsing the echo chamber that is Sup Forums
East Asian IQ = 105
White IQ = 100
How does it feel that we think of you in the same way that you think of niggers?
>white supremacist
>pick one
Attention all delusional whites browsing the echo chamber that is Sup Forums
East Asian IQ = 105
White IQ = 100
How does it feel that we think of you in the same way that you think of niggers?
>white supremacist
>pick one
you're only winning by 5 points?
you should be ashamed of yourself.
What's up Eurasian writer?
Then why are asian countries so shit?
It's like saying "pol BTFO" when a nigger gets job.
I like Asian's for the most part so I don't have a problem with you guys. And I love fucking your women.
I don't really care what you think of me or whites in general because I'm not insecure about our accomplishments, they speak for themselves.
The IQ tests that I have taken aren't very reliable in my opinion. The tests I have taken consisted of picking a pattern (8 figures and try to guess the 9th), I got in the upper 120s because I study Building Engineering and I am good with geometric patterns and that stuff. Probably east Asians are smarter but my two cents is that if you had equal upbringing conditions and education the gap would be smaller.
>tfw cheating on your girlfriend with asian hookers when you're on holiday with the lads isn't really considered cheating cause they're not really people
asian countries are conformist and heavily group dependent. The IQ curve also reflects this, with less variance between IQs.
>conformist and group dependent
Whew, good thing we don't have any people like that in our parts of the world! Things could've gone really bad!
and they're not really girls!
The average white American doesn't study, doesn't read, doesn't care and still does well on IQ tests.
While Chinese study from dawn to dusk and the best they can do is 5 points over on the lazy fatty who could care less.
You chinks are OK
you still are nordbro, you just follow the opposite goals now :(
Asians are smart and are good at doing what they're told. We should keep them for workers.
IQ is a measurement of your capacity to work within society. Asians have a stronger sense of communalism and working for the common good.
what goals might that be?
You know, EQ and empathy are also a thing, right?
That's where asians fail superbly.
tolerance and inclusion
They are similar to niggers in that aspect, lol
Niggers have a much larger IQ drop from whites than Whites do from Asians
Fags and trannies have statistically higher IQs than the normal population. Do you see people going around saying, hey, why don't we genetically engineer a race of Han tranny super-humans. Well... maybe.
We've a lot less of that up here than you got down there my man. (sweden not included)
The internet iq test I took had me around 115 so I'm not too upset
Whites and Asians both have some Neanderthal heritage, while blacks have none.
thinking of it, Norway was really based about the immigration recently. Respect for that.
Bruh i'm 106
IQ doesn't measure you're creative or innovative ability. It also doesn't measure your ability, desire or inclination to take on responsibilities independently as part of a social team. This lack of creativity and selflessness is why chinks are great at making shit copies of other people's tech. Your understanding of everything is superficial, which is why China will remain shit forever.
It also doesn't account for your inherent laziness when you aren't being paid to do something.
I watched that Empire of Dust: China in Africa documentary that everyone here loves. In that final scene where Chang is rinsing Eddy on how shit black people are, he says: you don't take care of or maintain the things that your ancestors left you.
Well chinks are just as bad, they must be ordered by an authority figure before they ever do anything to help maintain their community, and they'll deliberately do it badly if they aren't paid. Great YouTube channel with westerners biking around China and talking about the people and places, must see RedPills.
Drones can have high IQs. Chinks are drones, insects with high IQs and no independent drive to discover, learn or self-improve. Also inherently lazy so happy with superficial success, development and achievement.
Too bad white men get ugly asians most of the time
Nice quads. I'm tainted with jew blood and in the 140s. Asians are my playthings.
that's because there are no beautiful asians.
Protestant BTFO
They aren't even winning.
20% of IQ is nurture as opposed to nature.
Asians work like dogs, expending many times more effort to get only a few more IQ pointy.
I'm actually shocked that Asian people are less civilized than whites, in general, given the IQ disparity.
You guys need to sort your shit out, start using that superior intelligence more efficiently.
You gonna start scheming now my brohtzva
>You guys need to sort your shit out, start using that superior intelligence more efficiently
Too much practical efficiency is their problem. They have no appreciation of quality because they have no humanity or sentimentality. They have no pride in the quality of anything they do, only in the quantity.
they are overpragmatic most of the time. Not risk takers.
Poor fella. It's probably pretty tough finding an asian girlfriend as an asian guy in a white country.