What is his endgame?
Thundercuck calls out the UNHINGED potus
oh lordy he is WITHOUT HINGES whatever shall we do
good lord even their insults are shoddy
There are no hinges on this wall.
Makes me sick how (((they))) have somehow convinced otherwise rational and sceptical people to actually shill - in their own time - FOR FREE.
Many such cases!
He could bring fucking world peace and these people would still give him shit for it.
What is it about nuclear war that people find so attractive? What type of literally UNHINGED person would vote for shillary?
>He could bring fucking world peace
He couldn't, that's the problem
Wrong. I'll tell you how he can get 90%+ approval ratings overnight. The only reason Trump is a controversial figure is because he WANTS to be controversial. Establishment figures always protect the left-right paradigm.
The proper way to evaluate someone is in terms of what they can do, not so much what they are doing. Context matters in other words.
We don't get as upset at someone for messing up with Down's syndrome as we do a 'normal' adult.
OK, so where is this analogy going. When you want to evaluate a politician, you need to think of what they are doing in the context of what can be done rather than the context of what their "opponent" is doing. It is the difference between the left-right paradigm (fake CIA shit) and the full spectrum.
We have today, and have had for decades, the ability to build a space elevator.
It cost less than $500B to build and it is easy to see how it is worth hundreds of trillions of dollars. Solar power delivering base load capacity at less than $0.01/kwh, asteroid mineral wealth, semiconductor manufacturing or protein synthesis in space. Tens of trillions of dollars in new efficiencies, tens trillions of dollars in new industries, tens of trillions of dollars in new material wealth.
It becomes immediately obvious that the national debt, taxes, how to pay for health care, etc. is just a big hoax. We can afford to cut taxes to 0% across the board, pay for everyone's health care, and get rid of the national debt all at once.
So anytime you see a politician, you can tell immediately if they are fake based on simple criteria like are my taxes cut to 0% yet? Is the national debt gone? Have the debates ended over how to pay for basic survival necessities? Are our energy problems a thing of the past?
If not, you are being lead by a wolf, not a fellow human being of good will.
You're right.
Whoever he would be trying to broker a deal with in this hypothetical situation would almost certainly rather be at war and be 'right' than be at peace and be wrong.
My proof is that the shills and libtards actually openly want his administration to fail. Shouldn't they want it to prosper? Wouldn't that be a better solution for all?
Well what we're dealing with here are people who voted for a senile, geriatric, warmongering fossil simply because she is apparently a woman. It does not surprise me that they have thrown their toys out of the pram and now want to watch him burn at all costs.
VERY un-American.
T H I C C neck fishing for views. You're boring mate, go argue with Anita saarkesian again faggot.
Fuck you, I wanted to get the Sup Forums death squad onto his video so we could show him what an utter cock-juggling faggot he is.
Look at the fucking comments user. It will make you weep.
>make you weep
HAHAHAHA we won.
These people will never change their mind anyways, especially not with "gas the kikes, race war now" comments.
He probably already knows what a cock-juggling faggot he is already. He's an irrelevance with a following of a few fedora tippers now.
You do speak the truth here, leaf.
It's just a shame because I used to enjoy his videos until they became all about social issues. The feminist ones were okay but they are a very easy target, and then the brexit shit where he exposed himself as a politically illiterate manchild came along. Now this.
He should seriously change his name to thundercuck.
lol, there are comments of people saying
"well I don't need to know the sources of how they know russians hacked the election because it's clearly true. The CIA don't just give away their sources. I trust the CIA" etc.
Fucking. WEW
f00tinmouth should stick to science.
>openly want his administration to fail. Shouldn't they want it to prosper? Wouldn't that be a better solution for all?
Why would someone root for the success of an administration that has policies they disagree with?
Why prioritize the administration over the country itself, or even make it seem like those two things are one in the same?
Trump admin winning doesn't necessarily equate to the people winning. "Success" is largely PR/optics and doesn't mean the outcome was actually good. You can do the right thing and come out looking bad, and vice versa.
Maybe some people think that the Trump admin failing is how the country at large succeeds?
His science videos are pretty cool. The thermal imaging I find pretty boring but his stuff on alkaline metals you wont find much place else. Still confuse as fuck as to why the metal just turns transparent midway.
His politics videos are garbage.
>trusting the CIA
Yeah, fucking insane. Plus pretty sure that to this day the CIA haven't directly endorsed the claims, but I could be wrong.
Where do fedorables lie on the grand spectrum?
I know they hate feminists but they are the #1 culprits for putting women on a pedistal.
They claim to love science.
They have a traditionalist attitude towards sex and marriage.
They love classical memes
By all logic, fedorables should be in favour of God emperor Trump.
Instead we see them jumping on the anti-trump bandwagon, whilst ignoring ALL the facts.
I'm a bit ranty but I'm fucking tired and this libtard shit is pissing me off. I think I'm down to about 7 people that I actually like. Everybody else just acts like a lobotomised drone. The redpill has made me miserable, user.
>whilst ignoring ALL the facts
Are you really going there? This is hyperbolic satire, right?
>Why would someone root for the success of an administration that has policies they disagree with?
Well I don't know if you realise this or not, but he is the president of everybody in the US; not just the people who support him.
If the president does a good job, and let's say for argument's sake, he does everything 100% right (hypothetical situation remember).
If he did everything totally right, then logically everybody would be happy, right?
The marxists that have erupted from inside the US want the entire country to crash and burn just so their vision of the boogyman Trump is correct.
I hated our last government here in the UK, and I thought David Cameron was a huge cunt, but I still wanted him to do the right things for the citizens. He seldom did, but I would have welcomed any good changes he brought up.
Redpill on fedoras: they give the outward appearance of being redpilled because they may argue feminism is stupid but they won't follow the path from where it all came from to its logical conclusion and why society is so fucked right now because of a widescale cultural and geopolitical agenda. They lack the courage to take the lonely path of the red pilled warrior *sheathes katana*. They also bitch about Christianity 24/7 when it has little to no affect on their daily lives.
Can someone explain to me if thunderfag actually has some kind of defficiency?
I don't understand the way he talks or why he always repeats the same clips, and sometimes even comments about the same clip twice in different ways
I'm referring to the fact that Trump never said anything racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, ______ophobic, etc. That is the fact that everybody likes to conveniently ignore.
Ever asked a liberal why they hate Trump so much? It's hilarious. It's like winning an argument before it's even started.
I have never watched this exact video before but I already know what is going to be on it.
"Why don't you like Trump?"
>h-he's racist...!
"Okay, how is he racist?"
>....h-...he just...is!"
EVERY fucking time.
This guy's opinion is redpilled compard to TF, and he's a flaming leftist fag.
Remember when Trump said, "These faggots are going to call me unhinged later in the media. I'm having an awesome fucking time. Don't listen to those insufferable assholes. Calmer than you are."
I don't remember that but that's BASED AF.
Well I remember the same general sentiment from the vid in my original post, but with less profanity. It was still good, but I like your version better.
>bleeding from her wherever
>this my black!
>they're sending their rapists, some of whom, I'm sure are good people
>why can't we call it what it is? Radical Islamic Terrorism.
Sure, there's a lot of spin and context, but the words and implications are as plain as his speech.
Crash the United States with no survivors
>"Okay, how is he racist?"
Nowadays many SJW bring a matter of refugee and mexians as an argument, which can be easily countered and debunked by informing them of socio-economic strain and dangers of refugee acceptance as shown by France, Sweden and Germany (have statistics ready) and remind them that it's not mexicans that are banned but illegal immigrants which leech money from the legal immigrants and from the citizens due to selfish opportunism.
>criticizing something is now racist in burgerkistan
wew lad
There needs to be a name for this phenomenon.
Also I'm over pretending to care about refugees and whatnot. Seriously...Who ACTUALLY cares about illiterate brown sand rapists? I fucking don't.
He's a fucking autistic retard who is good at math and a few other scientific fields, but besides that and feminism he is a complete socialist retard who wants gibs
Thundercunt can go fuck himself.
I've been subscribed to him for like 9 years, I don't even watch his non-science videos.
He's a complete faggot on everything that's not science related.
TOP post, but who is that in your pic?
Yeah, sorry I didn't watch the video. I can't watch leftists videos or even read their Twitter feeds without become incensed with violent rage. It's becoming an issue. I'm not even that ideological. My ideology is tell the fucking truth. This is what it's come to, I guess.
>incensed with violent rage.
You may want to seek therapy. Strong emotional reactions are supposedly the purview of leftists.
I'm RIGHT there with you user. I watched a hillary cringe compilation earlier and I had to keep pausing it just to have breathers every now and again. I even went back and took up smoking a few weeks ago when I got into a 1vs10 'debate' against libshits and had to accelerate my death a little bit.
The redpill has made me feel so fucking isolated. I feel like I'm genuinely losing my mind.
That is true, but I don't actually become physically violent. I just want to see them run over by semi trucks or something. You can only take some much of someone lying and lying and lying and standing on the bodies of terrorist victims claiming the moral high ground until it's time for the ROPE, m8.
Kiking the jews. Gas war now.
>open computer
>go to system 32
>delete /w bat file
>create mustard gas
>send to international kikes
but does he actually have like a disease?
I can't even watch Fox anymore. I'll see a 20 second clip of Jewmer in Congress, whining, screeching basically, reading a speech from an alternate reality off off a newspaper with a half-done crossword on the other side and bitter coffee in his alternate hand like a Woody Allen parody of an old Jew, and I want to put a bullet into my fucking skull.
pls i must know
>If he did everything totally right, then logically everybody would be happy, right?
Most people would.
>The marxists that have erupted from inside the US want the entire country to crash and burn just so their vision of the boogyman Trump is correct.
Realistically the marxists would prefer for Trump to be impeached and replaced with someone they don't perceive as both uninformed and mentally ill.
Gaining vindication through the country actually crashing and burning is secondary to the desire of it never getting to that point to begin with.
>the country actually crashing and burning is secondary
Explain this, Americucks
what's wrong with that?
>Doors need hinges, not walls.
>fuck off, we're full
That's how he talks. If you watch the clip it probably sounds fine.
>Arab countries are buying uranium to build nuclear weapons
Is probably what he was saying, he has his on way of going about things... uh uh uh... okie dokie?
Deal with your pedophiles asshole. Deal with your pedophiles. You British scum.
was this you?